Browse Questions

What are some of the scenarios where the cost of protecting an asset may not be justified by its value to an organization?

What are some of the scenarios where the cost of protecting an asset may not be justified by its value to an organization? What are some of the scenarios where the cost of protecting an asset may not be justified by its value to an organization? Need 700 words All work should be cited in … Read more

Discussion board: Business Environment

Discussion board: Business Environment During this course you have learned that the business environment is in a state of constant change and new circumstances will require new strategies and new approaches to implementing those strategies. Apply what you have learned as you discuss the following questions. What will the key developments be in the global … Read more

People of Irish Heritage. People of Italian Heritage. People of Puerto Rican Heritage.

People of Irish Heritage. People of Italian Heritage. People of Puerto Rican Heritage. People of Irish Heritage. People of Italian Heritage. People of Puerto Rican Heritage. Read chapter 23, 33 and 34 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Read content chapter 33 and 34 in Davis Plus Online Website. Once done … Read more

A Comparative Analysis of Immigration Reform under the Obama and the Trump Administration and the Effect this Reform has on the Poultry Industry in Mississippi.

A Comparative Analysis of Immigration Reform under the Obama and the Trump Administration and the Effect this Reform has on the Poultry Industry in Mississippi. I need assistance revising my paper in order to prevent me from coming off as basis. According to my instructor I sound pro Trump, which I most definitely am not. … Read more

Please write a nicely detailed argumentation-persuasion essay on your choice of ONE of the following topics.

Please write a nicely detailed argumentation-persuasion essay on your choice of ONE of the following topics. The assignment: Please write a nicely detailed argumentation-persuasion essay on your choice of ONE of the following topics. Your essay should make some reference to our novel Fridaybut the vast majority of your information should come from your own research, … Read more

Group Counseling Assignment 3

Group Counseling Assignment 3 You are working in a community mental health department. The supervisor wants you to start a group for clients with drug addiction. You need to perform the following tasks: Create a flyer that will serve the following function: advertise the group to the clients in a creative way appear client-friendly to … Read more

What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation or crossing?

 What signs might alert you to a potential 1. What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation or crossing? 2. Contrast the terms terminal sedation , rational suicide, and physician-assisted suicide. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post. … Read more

Compare and contrast leadership style

Compare and contrast leadership style Please see below five questions and answer them Compare and contrast leadership styles; Explain the value of communication and information management in the work environment; Identify the important building blocks for successful team building and conflict management; Explain the role of management in developing and maintaining control systems Describe the … Read more

The Job Description paper

The Job Description paper Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length A job description is a useful tool that describes all the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a position. The primary function of this assignment is to increase understanding of the critical elements in a job description and its alignment to the HRM … Read more

Evolution assignment

Evolution assignment Only two pages please. Natural selection and evolution play a large role in behaviors of animals, including humans. The Owens et al. study assigned for reading this week introduces a strain of mice that have been selected (scientifically, rather than naturally) for behavioral sensitivity to alcohol. These selected strains of mice are an … Read more

A research about emerging technology

A research about emerging technology ENGR 1010AB – Intro to Engineering Engineering Design Assignment – Fall 2019 Read an article that describes and discusses an emerging technology, product, device, or system. Relate the area to your chosen engineering major. Prepare a written report that analyzes and explains, in detail, each stage of the design process … Read more

Cultural Competence in Ethical Decision Making 1

Cultural Competence in Ethical Decision Making 1 3 full pages (cover or reference page not included) APA norms It will be verified by Turnitin References not older than 5 years Each question must be identified by a number. For example 1. Accordingt to Morris (2022) …. 2. Morris and Holmes (2014) ….. Include the ramifications … Read more

People of Indian Heritage. People of Turkish Heritage. People of Vietnamese Heritage

People of Indian Heritage. People of Turkish Heritage. People of Vietnamese Heritage People of Indian Heritage. People of Turkish Heritage. People of Vietnamese Heritage. Read content chapter 25, 37 and 38 in Davis Plus Online Website and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done present a 900-wordessay without counting the first and last page discussing … Read more

Health Assessment

Health Assessment Discussion Question: In general, what findings in the physical assessment of a healthy older adult do you expect to be different than that of a healthy 35-year-old? Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Module Course Learning Objectives … Read more

BUS 621 Week 6 Discussion 1

BUS 621 Week 6 Discussion 1 Prior to beginning work on this discussion, you must locate and read two articles about the marketing battle between Anheuser-Busch and Budejovicky Budvar. One company is from the United States and the other is from Europe. Discuss the difficulties that both faced in operating in international markets. How might … Read more

Research paper on plastic waste and how it effects the environment

Research paper on plastic waste and how it effects the environment argument based research supported paper that focuses on plastic waste/pollution 6 full pages, not including worked cited page (which is an additional page) correct MLA fomat (which includes in-text references an works cited page) at least 6 sources need to be used. 6 will … Read more

Nursing Role and Scope 1

Nursing Role and Scope 1 1 full pages (cover or reference page not included) Each answer must have a minimum of 3 paragraphs APA norms  It will be verified by Turnitin References not older than 5 years Each question must be identified by a number. For example 1. Accordingt to Morris (2022) …. 2. Morris … Read more

Decision support systems (DSS) and business intelligence (BI)

Decision support systems (DSS) and business intelligence (BI) Submit a 600 word page paper focused on decision support systems (DSS) and business intelligence (BI). Provide an example of a DSS with a visually effective graphical user interface (GUI), and explain how the GUI features can be used to facilitate the decision making process in an … Read more

BUS 621 Week 6 Discussion 2

BUS 621 Week 6 Discussion 2 Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read A Dollar Store’s Rich Allure in India: A U.S. Franchise’s Success Shows How “Made in America” Sells; Lessons for Wal-Mart’s Entry?, Walmart: What happened in India? (Links to an external site.), and Walmart expands again in India—but still not able to open consumer stores to … Read more

Cultural Competence in Ethical Decision Making 1

Cultural Competence in Ethical Decision Making 1 3 full pages (cover or reference page not included) APA norms  It will be verified by Turnitin References not older than 5 years Each question must be identified by a number. For example 1. Accordingt to Morris (2022) …. 2. Morris and Holmes (2014) ….. Include the ramifications … Read more

We’ve now encountered a wealth of information about change barriers and resistances

We’ve now encountered a wealth of information about change barriers and resistances, how to overcome those challenges, and leading a successful We’ve now encountered a wealth of information about change barriers and resistances, how to overcome those challenges, and leading a successful change. Now it’s your turn. Provide an example of a successful change, and … Read more

Create a brief presentation about a challenge your chosen leader faced during a change implementation and how that person overcame that challenge.

Create a brief presentation about a challenge your chosen leader faced during a change implementation and how that person overcame that challenge. For this assignment, you will create a brief presentation about a challenge your chosen leader faced during a change implementation and how that person overcame that challenge. Examine at least one change challenge … Read more


Discussion Given what we have discussed this semester and this week’s reading, discuss your thoughts on the evolving causes of crises. How do you see the described changes impacting humanitarian aid? How would you prepare and respond to this changing landscape? This week is an opportunity to be reflective of the entire semester. When you … Read more


Discussion   This Discussion only has to be a paragraph long. I have attached the ready and guidelines for the discussion in this email. Ashley – 1 page_Johnny Wilson Discussion 348 Words APA

HLTH 100 This is Public Health Assignment

HLTH 100 This is Public Health Assignment For this assignment, you’ll do some “field investigation” to learn more about public health in action! Choose a public health issue that you feel particularly passionate or curious about, and then research a local, national, or global organization that is addressing this issue. Do as much behind the … Read more

Trump Congress Speech on Foreign Policy and NATO Support

Trump Congress Speech on Foreign Policy and NATO Support On  February 2017, President Trump  made a foreign policy remarks during the State of the Union speech.   Review his address to the nation on foreign policy(watch below video)  and discuss the points that you agree and disagree with his speech.   ( 200 – 250 words, no … Read more

Who is your ideal leader? What qualities would he/she have? Why is this your ideal?

Who is your ideal leader? What qualities would he/she have? Why is this your ideal? 1) Who is your ideal leader? What qualities would he/she have? Why is this your ideal? Use the leadership theories in the text and lectures as the basis for your discussion. You can choose just one kind of leader (e.g. … Read more

Critical Analysis of any One of the Following Author’s

Critical Analysis of any One of the Following Author’s Question: Do a critical analysis of any one of the following author’s works with reference to era they belong: 1.Anne Bradstreet 2.Edgar Allan Poe 3.Emily Dickinson 4.Ralph Waldo Emerson *** Words count = 490 words. *** In-Text Citations and References using APA style 534 Words APA

What are the advantages and disadvantages of physiological measures, behavioral assessments, and self-report measures of pain?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of physiological measures, behavioral assessments, and self-report measures of pain? Need 500-600 words Must have intro/body/conclusion and cite references in the text (APA Style) Use attachments as content as well as citing within text with page numbers of attachments used Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health Linda … Read more

Discuss Some of the Building Innovations of the Romans

Discuss Some of the Building Innovations of the Romans Need 500-600 words Must have intro/body/conclusion and cite references in the text (APA Style) Art History Vol. 1 Marilyn Stokstad & Michael W. Cothren, 2018 Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-134-47927-9 632 Words APA

Disaster Management

Disaster Management 1.What are some advantages and disadvantages of providing humanitarian aid on a long-term basis? Conversely, how can technology have a negative influence on humanitarian aid organizations when responding to disasters? What is the role of the emergency manager during the recovery? What is the basic idea of humanitarian assistance? How can technology have a positive influence on … Read more

Write a Research Paper for Management

Write a Research Paper for Management I upload the instructions, and the research topic. Follow the instructions………if you have any questions, ask me please al-hammouri2020 902 Words APA

Week 1 Discussion: (1-2 references)- Domestic Terror Group

Week 1 Discussion: (1-2 references)- Domestic Terror Group Select a domestic terror group that has been active in recent years and describe it. If you have difficulty selecting an appropriate group, consider environmental groups, animal rights groups, ethnic hate groups, or anti-abortion groups. Your discussion of the selected group should cover the following: Provide a … Read more

Write a Research Paper

Write a Research Paper I upload the instructions, and the research topic. Follow the instructions………if you have any questions, ask me please [email protected] 649 Words APA

Compensating Employees

Compensating Employees OL-211-Milestone-Four-Guidelines-and-Rubric A.P.-Moller-Maersk-Group-Evaluating-Strategic-Talent-Management-Initiatives (1) 632 Words APA

300 WORDS ON THE JUDICIARY – Discussion post on video (provided)

300 WORDS ON THE JUDICIARY – Discussion post on video (provided) Watch Video : The Judiciary View and take notes on Professor Thomas Patterson’s lecture on the Federal Courts , then respond to the following two questions: Do you agree or disagree with Alexander Hamilton’s statement that the “Judiciary is the weakest branch of government.” Explain … Read more

Why Employees Stay

Why Employees Stay Please complete the discussion post and the two peer responses. Currently, I work as an Associate Governmental Program Analyst at a public service agency. 6-1-Discussion_-Why-Employees-Stay-OL-211-X2192-Human-Resource-Management-19EW2 retaining-talent-final 773 Words APA

2 Questions about Black Experience

2 Questions about Black Experience QUESTIONS: A: On the Contemporary African World: Identify and analyze four major roots of Africa’s economic problems. What are some of the major solutions proposed by African leaders and scholars to resolve such problems? B: The Reconstruction Era: What issues were important to African Americans during the Reconstruction Era? Choose … Read more

Case Study

Case Study Read Raiding Customer Assets at MF Global and complete the questions at the end of the case study. Do make sure that you are using recent peer-reviewed scholarly academic journal article(s) (published within the past 3 years) for your discussion forum postings, journal analysis and case study assignments. Anyone using websites that illegally churn out … Read more

3 page Research Paper on any Feature-film Director of your Choice

3 page Research Paper on any Feature-film Director of your Choice Write a 3-page research paper on a feature-film director. (steven spielberg, martin scoresese, quentin tarentino) choose one!!! Choose a director and watch three of his/her films. Then, choose one of the following (Cinematography, Editing, Directing, Acting or Mise-en-Scene) and apply an analysis of that … Read more

If you have a topic, please let me know before you start writing

If you have a topic, please let me know before you start writing. thanks. Consider one of the major problems of our times. In three minutes, If you have a topic, please let me know before you start writing. thanks Consider one of the major problems of our times. In three minutes, you will explain … Read more

Web Based Research Paper Business Management

Web Based Research Paper Business Management Web-Based Research Paper: Each student will write a brief paper using web-based research on a company of your choice, i.e., any company (public, private, for/non-profit, etc.) with a website. The body of the paper should be one-page, single spaced with 12 point font (papers longer or shorter than one … Read more

You are the administrator of a local hospital. A trial court has made a finding against

You are the administrator of a local hospital. A trial court has made a finding against your hospital due to the death of a patient during surgery. You are the administrator of a local hospital. A trial court has made a finding against your hospital due to the death of a patient during surgery. However, … Read more

HUM2211 Humanistic Traditions/ World History Paper

HUM2211 Humanistic Traditions/ World History Paper Envision this scenario: You have been asked to present a lecture on one of the units from this course. Explain the material that you would find most important to include, the material that would be most likely to surprise the audience, and a misconception that the audience might hold … Read more

What differing conceptions and perceptions by homeless individual and groups are held as to the values.

What differing conceptions and perceptions by homeless individual and groups are held as to the values. What differing conceptions and perceptions by homeless individual and groups are held as to the values. Need 1 page single space writing for this paper. Need citation for references used. Type in NEW TIMES ROMAN -12 font. No need … Read more

5 Finger Formula

 5 Finger Formula lease respond to eva with 150 words One of the first things to do, according to Virtual Lab School is to be able to understand why the child, in this case Jon, is acting upset and being defiant to following the playground rules. Once I approach Jon I would ask him what … Read more

Discussion Question and also Reply 2 Two Peers

Discussion Question and also Reply 2 Two Peers Based on your reading in the webtext, respond to the following prompt in one to two paragraphs. Describe the impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination on the effort to expand civil rights for African Americans. How might the struggle for civil rights have evolved differently … Read more

Forum #11 – Exploring selective pressure and immune responses!

Forum #11 – Exploring selective pressure and immune responses! The genetic scripts written in DNA code constantly undergo changes, or mutations. At times, these mistakes in a gene’s message can be harmful; often, they have no significant effect. Occasionally, though, a mutation confers a survival advantage in the face of an environmental change. Most of … Read more

Short Answer Questions:Foundation of Wellness

Short Answer Questions:Foundation of Wellness Foundations online Please answer all 5 questions in a short paragraph form. Cite for lecture slides APA formate What do you see as a major contribution of positive psychology to a wellness model? Do you see any downsides to positive psychology? (Section 7 &8) Why does the research by Keyes … Read more

Journal Article Analysis Paper

Journal Article Analysis Paper Summary: Pick one of the following terms for your research: authority, competition, confrontation, dependency, empowerment, intergroup conflict, negotiation, organizational politics, power, or rational model.   DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement. SUMMARY: Summarize … Read more