Browse Questions

Case Vignette

Case Vignette You will select one of the three case vignettes to use for your final course project. The project will be a mock forensic assessment report incorporating the major topics from each module. For this assignment, analyze the information provided in any of the provided case vignettes and begin to formulate hypotheses based on … Read more

Access Blue Cross/ Blue Shield website and write a paper

Access Blue Cross/ Blue Shield website and write a paper Access Blue Cross/ Blue Shield website and write a paper addressing the following: Describe member services and incentives and discuss new/current/upcoming technology. Examine provider network and outreach. Explain the insurance company’s commitment to excellence and quality. List its accreditation and/or certification. Generate two recommendations for … Read more

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography This assignment involves drafting an annotated bibliography in proper bibliographic format, discussing at least three (3) academic sources.  My topic is Post- Graduation Employment I already search three article for this writing, here’s the links 20181031205716article_1 20181031205721article_2 20181031205727article_3 20181031205257assignment___1tr3_annotated_bibliography__fall_2018__v.1.0__4_ (1) 1001 Words APA

Discuss how college education can enhance a student’s long-term employment outcomes.

Discuss how college education can enhance a student’s long-term employment outcomes. Discuss how college education can enhance a student’s long-term employment outcomes. In what ways does financial aid contribute to or detract from student success? Is it possible for career outcomes to differ for students of various backgrounds? What are some biblical principles related to … Read more

Case Study

Case Study Option 3: The Ritz-Carlton (pp. 424–425) Using segmentation strategies, what are the target market(s) for The Ritz-Carlton? How does this relate to their brand management strategies? Who are the top three competitors of The Ritz-Carlton, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their competitive product/service strategies. How does The Ritz-Carlton match up … Read more

Homework Questions

Homework Questions Discussion Questions: For your forum post, distinguish the way the media was utilized by terrorist organizations in the past to advance their objectives to that being employed today. Specifically address both the pre-9/11 style terrorist means of communication and influence and contrast them with the current day terrorist internet/social media based methods. Instructions: … Read more

EN 300 L: Essay #4 : Discipline Debate Summary

EN 300 L: Essay #4 : Discipline Debate Summary EN 300 L: Essay #4 (75 points): Discipline Debate Summary Due Date : Tuesday, October 30 Assignment : In 750+ words, summarize a current debate in your major, discipline, or primary academic area of interest—this should be a subject that reasonable and informed people within your … Read more

Persuasive paper 1st draft

Persuasive paper 1st draft Because good writing is always a process, our persuasive essay will be written in two parts: a first draft due this week and a final draft due in week 6. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length. As you prepare, here are a few reminders for this week’s draft: In … Read more

Essay Writing

Essay Writing Please write at least one page single spaced in five paragraph format on your tacit knowledge. Analyze what you have learned combining your education and experience. Evaluate your learning. Is it worth making explicit? Why or why not. Use at least three quotes to support your ideas. One quote should be included in … Read more

Case Study

Case Study Adhere to requirements regarding nature of content, length and format. * Specific to this activity: written assignments will normally use either Time New Roman or Ariel Size 12 font. Assignments should be double spaced, and should include a proper introduction and summary or conclusion. * Consistent with APA/ academic writing style. (Cite any … Read more

Crisis Communications – Define Stakeholders and “Publics”

Crisis Communications – Define Stakeholders and “Publics” Three to five page paper, not including your properly formatted Tile Page and References Page, in APA format, addressing the following: 1. Define “Publics”, which you may consider synonymous with “Stakeholders”. 2. Develop a list of key publics (stakeholders) and describe why they are important in the context of risk … Read more

Using your employer/organization’s resources, appropriate websites

Using your employer/organization’s resources, appropriate websites, and the GCU Library as your informational foundations, research these Using your employer/organization’s resources, appropriate websites, and the GCU Library as your informational foundations, research these trends and others you may find relevant, and write a 1,250-1,500 word essay in which you examine the following: Which of the currently … Read more

Assignment 1: Business Models

Assignment 1: Business Models Due Week 3 and worth 100 points What is the best business model for the small business or startup you have chosen? In one page, outline at least three different business models and then select the best model for your business. Then, give a short statement explaining why this is the … Read more

Personal Bio

Personal Bio Please write a personal bio for me based off of the background info I will list bellow. I grew up Glendale, California I am a senior at Cal State University of Northrigde with a marketing major. I started my own online jewelry shop 3 years ago. I accomplished a great marketing platform through … Read more

Case Study

Case Study Required Textbook and Reading Material Strategic Market Management Aaker and Moorman 11th Edition, 2018 Wiley Answer the questions thoroughly. Use information from the text to bolster your arguments and justification. Your response should be approximately 1-2 pages double-spaced. Proper cites and references must be used; plagiarism will result in a zero. 423 Words … Read more

Module 3 written Assignment-Character in the Workplace: Building the Perfect Employee

Module 3 written Assignment-Character in the Workplace: Building the Perfect Employee For this week’s written assignment you are a manager at, Ad It Up, a mid-size marketing firm. Over the last five years you notice that issues relating to unethical practices seem to be on the rise. From minor issues, such as employees calling in … Read more

Create a Collaborative Team

Create a Collaborative Team Create a collaborative committee by identifying three to five colleagues with different levels and kinds of curricular experience to join you as you develop a plan to improve your school’s culture. This needs to be a new team you create, not one that already been established on your campus to address … Read more

Business In A Changing World

Business In A Changing World Each response should be 300 words and researched using the course materials I provided as an attachment. Please include page numbers and in-text citations and references following APA formatting. Case 5: Sonic is a successful franchise that offers an old-fashioned drive-in experience. 1.What is Sonic’s competitive advantage over other fast-food … Read more

Agile Project Management – Adaptation is the core value of Agile development

Agile Project Management – Adaptation is the core value of Agile development ‘Change Adaptation” In five hundred words or more and using a minimum of two (2) reliable resources discuss the following: 1. Imagine you work as an IT professional for a midsized company. Describe a change (i.e., a change of process, system, technique) pertaining … Read more

Case Study

Case Study This unit addresses the role of the technology professional in an organization and how information technology (IT) systems influence organizational strategies. This case study analyzes two retailers’ business models and strategies. Then, it looks at the role that technology and IT personnel play in the assigned business case, and, finally, makes the connection … Read more

Discussion 1: “Developing Successful Stage I and Stage II Organizations.” Please respond to the following:

Discussion 1: “Developing Successful Stage I and Stage II Organizations.” Please respond to the following: Discussion 1: “Developing Successful Stage I and Stage II Organizations.” Please respond to the following: Describe the key problems and challenges involved in building a successful new venture in Stage I. Discuss the challenges of developing a successful Stage II … Read more

The Ford Pinto case is a well-known case that is often discussed in the context of business ethics

The Ford Pinto case is a well-known case that is often discussed in the context of business ethics. To summarize, Ford’s design of the Pinto’s fuel tank was defective, The Ford Pinto case is a well-known case that is often discussed in the context of business ethics. To summarize, Ford’s design of the Pinto’s fuel … Read more

Read the attached articles about Steve Jobs and answer the questions in attached file

Read the attached articles about Steve Jobs and answer the questions in attached file Read the attached articles about Steve Jobs and answer the four questions. The answer of each question should be very specific, not general. Your paper should be up to 3.5  pages long according to the APA writing style. APA format, Use … Read more

History Article Report

History Article Report Choose an article from Then selected an article that cover one of the island regions such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Bahamas, or one of the northern South American nations, like Colombia and Venezuela. Then write a review about the article you chose Corresponds to the Caribbean region of … Read more

Critical Infrastructure and National Planning Paper

Critical Infrastructure and National Planning Paper Select a recent annual plenary meeting report of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC). Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper based on the selected CIPAC annual plenary meeting report. Include the following in your paper: Describe one of the national planning approaches covered in the annual report. … Read more

Health Care Regulation Implications

Health Care Regulation Implications The focus of this Benchmark Assignment is to consider how consumer demographics and health care marketing plays a role in consumer behaviors of selecting health care resources. Select 1 of the following in your community or surrounding area: One walk-in clinic, such as an urgent care facility One retail clinic in your … Read more

Religion Charts


Unit 5 Worksheet Bio

Unit 5 Worksheet Bio To complete the ecology questions, click here to download the Word document data sheet with the instructions, and type your answers in the fields provided. Save the document using your last name and student ID. Once complete, upload your assignment, and submit your File Response. Resources The following resource(s) may help you with … Read more

Extortionate Tactics

Extortionate Tactics For this Discussion Board, download and read the “Extortionate_Tactics.pdf”. The article describes how “two lawyers sanctioned by a federal judge for “abusive” copyright litigation against porn downloaders have been indicted for allegedly using sham clients to disguise that they owned the companies seeking damages for copyright infringement.”Hi this is the link… Let me … Read more

Childcare class

Childcare class SEPARATE EACH INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS In this assignment, you will write a 2 and half page paper comparing and contrasting the indoor environments for a one year old and a four year old child. These environments can be in a home or child care program. In your paper include the points and questions below. … Read more

Created Environment

Created Environment This Essay focuses on Created Environment. Definitions of “Environment” are necessary to better understand the concept we are dealing with in this essay. defines the noun “Environment” as: the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. Ecology. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a … Read more

Plan Resolution-

Plan Resolution- Using the template provided, write a one page summary of how the plan impacted the students and their instruction. Also list what you could have done differently to make the plan more effective and/or could do differently to address the problem in the future. Use the week 4 plan implementation paper. I’ll attach … Read more

May you select one of the given topics and write a 500-word essay?

May you select one of the given topics and write a 500-word essay? In writing your essays, you must follow these instructions: Essays should be double-spaced, approximately 500 words in 12-point type. Please use a simple, clean font such as Times New Roman or Palatino. Use 1-inch margins on all sides. Please be sure to follow APA STYLE (Links to an … Read more

Assignment: Final Project: Part 1

Assignment: Final Project: Part 1 For Part 1 of your Final Project Assignment, you will examine human development in terms of nature/nurture influences of the influential person you chose ( Nelson Mandela). You also will explore the role that cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes played in the person’s life. For the Final Project, you will … Read more

The internet significantly influenced business and strategic planning.

The internet significantly influenced business and strategic planning. The internet significantly influenced business and strategic planning. In your opinion, according to Porter’s Five Forces Model, has competition increased or decreased overall as a result of the Internet and e-commerce? Justify and support your response with two examples from your text or external resources. 366 Words … Read more

Case Study

Case Study Evaluate the case of your choice, and respond to each of the questions below using both theory and practical managerial thinking as well as supporting research. Option 2: Cisco (pp. 58–59) How is building a brand in a business-to-business (B2B) context different than that of a business-to-consumer (B2C) market? How has Cisco managed … Read more

Resume and Letters

Resume and Letters Prepare a résumé for the job you discussed in your company report. Use a functional or chronological style that best fits your education and experience and includes a summary of skills rather than a career objective. A references page should be attached to the résumé. The bulk of the résumé should be … Read more

What are your approaches to motivation?

What are your approaches to motivation? Interview two managers at a local company (such as Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, etc.) on their approaches to motivation. Write an essay to summarize their responses and analyze them in the context of motivation theories. What suggestions can you provide for improving their practices? How would those suggestions impact their … Read more

Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following: Choose two qualitative

Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following: Choose two qualitative research Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following: Choose two qualitative research studies from this week’s resources and analyze the relationship between qualitative analysis and evidence-based practice. Consider how the qualitative study contributes to social work practice and how this type of knowledge would fit … Read more

1000 Words Writing Essay About Black Experience

1000 Words Writing Essay About Black Experience 1000 words writing essay about black experience 1176 Words APA  

Facility Location and Layout planning

Facility Location and Layout planning You must decide which of several sites will be best for the location of a third restaurant in the company’s chain in a suburb of a medium-sized city. Compose an email to you employee, Jim Watson, outlining the information you will need from him before you can analyze the location … Read more

Choose Your Own Ethical Adventure

Choose Your Own Ethical Adventure Have you ever made a split-second decision, but wondered after the fact, “what if I had chosen a different option?” Part of studying ethics is the ability to assess the short and long-term consequences of a decision and then choose the option that will have the more favorable outcomes. This … Read more

Module 02 Course Project – Part I

Module 02 Course Project – Part I For this first part of the project you will be creating a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sheet highlighting Utilitarianism and Ethical Egoism, which are two of the most well-known ethical theories. A FAQ sheet is a document that compiles a collection of information in the form of questions … Read more

Conduct A SWOT Analysis

Conduct A SWOT Analysis Select an organization and describe its history, products, and major competitors in a paragraph or two. Develop a SWOT analysis detailing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that may affect the organization. You must submit a three-to four-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) formatted according to APA style guidelines … Read more

Find Strategic Opportunities

Find Strategic Opportunities Find Strategic Opportunities 2 pg 639 Words APA

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Paper

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Paper View the Classical School of Thought in Criminology interactive learning module located in Criminology in the 21st Century. Imagine the following scenario: You are working in the bureau of the state’s department of corrections responsible for the facilities in the state prison system. A bill is working its way through the Criminal … Read more

Define Strategic Planning

Define Strategic Planning Define Strategic Planning 333 Words APA

Amazon marketing-based Analysis

Amazon marketing-based Analysis Amazon marketing-based Analysis 784 Words APA

Write a Paper About Specific Kind of Animal or Plant

Write a Paper About Specific Kind of Animal or Plant write a paper about specific kind of animal or plant 1006 Words MLA

Argument Essay

Argument Essay Should the United States legalize prostitution (600 words) The primary learning objective of this paper is to develop awareness of the importance of investigating and analyzing controversial issues. The second learning objective of this paper is to formulate opinion statements and explain positions on controversial issues. Requirements: This essay is to be 500-600 words … Read more