Browse Questions

Reflection: Current Issues in Nursing

Reflection: Current Issues in Nursing Reflection: Current Issues in Nursing This individual assignment helps you reflect on your Learning Team activity. Use the same topic and position to complete this assignment. Summarize the decision-making model you employed and the process used to arrive at your position. Review the following resources from the Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings if you … Read more

Think about your and schooling experiences and your assumptions about your supervisees

Think about your and schooling experiences and your assumptions about your supervisees Think about your and schooling experiences and your assumptions about your supervisees.Describe how these factors ,may influence your supervision. Solution preview for the order on think about your and schooling experiences and your assumptions about your supervisees APA 714 words

Create specifications for the new or improved system to better meet the needs of the organization.

Create specifications for the new or improved system to better meet the needs of the organization. IBM creating new specification for improved system to better meet the needs of the organization Create specifications for the new or improved system to better meet the needs of the organization. Describe that new or proposed system and show … Read more

What marketing problems would this best practice help solve

What marketing problems would this best practice help solve Marketing Strategy Describe the one “best practice” (i.e., lesson) from the text that resonated with you as most useful, most surprising, and/or most interesting. Why did you choose this “best practice?” What marketing problems would this “best practice” help solve? How could the concept or tool … Read more

Provide an example of sport activation (minimum 300 words)

Provide an example of sport activation (minimum 300 words) Sport marketing QUESTIONS: Provide an example of sport activation (minimum 300 words) Provide an example of ambush marketing (minimum 300 words) Solution preview for the order on provide an example of sport activation (minimum 300 words) APA 937 words  

Given the U.S social context of systemic racial oppression how do you think we should interpret scripture

Given the U.S social context of systemic racial oppression how do you think we should interpret scripture Theology paper systemic racial oppression Given the U.S social context of systemic racial oppression how do you think we should interpret scripture when the goal is to create a theology that will disrupt this system, instead of a … Read more

How compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices.

How compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices. Instructions In this essay, you will discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices. Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least your textbook as a source. Be sure that your essay includes … Read more

discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices

discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices Instructions In this essay, you will discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices. Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least your textbook as a source. Be sure that your … Read more

Explain the influence of Governance and Ethics.

Explain the influence of Governance and Ethics. Strategy Implementation, Evaluation and Control Purpose of Assignment Weeks 3, 4 and 5 Individual Assignments are integrated to generate a Strategic Management Plan. This is part three of the three part Strategic Management Plan addressing strategy implementation, evaluation and control. The purpose of the Week 5 individual assignment … Read more

Discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices

Discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices instructions In this essay, you will discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices. Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least your textbook as a source. Be sure that your … Read more

A critical review of the film Munich

A critical review of the film Munich A critical review of the film “Munich”. The essay includes both a thesis and themes. The paper should focus on a theme or series of themes from the film that connect to the content. The papers should posse a clear argument and be written with a coherent structure. The essay … Read more

In what ways to the early years of the Cold War (1945-1971) differ from the later years (1972-1991)

In what ways to the early years of the Cold War (1945-1971) differ from the later years (1972-1991) In what ways to the early years of the Cold War (1945-1971) differ from the later years (1972-1991)? write about 150 words to discuss the question. Solution preview for the order on in what ways to the … Read more

Discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices

Discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices Instructions In this essay, you will discuss how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices. Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least your textbook as a source. Be sure that your essay … Read more

Article Critique: write a critique that addresses and offers your opinion in the following areas:

Article Critique: write a critique that addresses and offers your opinion in the following areas: Instructions Read the article “Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR” located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below: Moschetto, M. (2013). Key trends in workforce management and … Read more

Explain Why you should be selected to receive a Shawn Carter Foundation Scholarship

Explain Why you should be selected to receive a Shawn Carter Foundation Scholarship A maximum of 250 words, explain Why you should be selected to receive a Shawn Carter Foundation Scholarship? Personal circumstances: Use this opportunity to share any personal circumstances that your would like us to consider when reviewing your application. A little about … Read more

What are the key findings regarding compliance with laws and regulations as a component of workforce management

What are the key findings regarding compliance with laws and regulations as a component of workforce management Instructions Read the article “Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR” located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below: Moschetto, M. (2013). Key trends in workforce … Read more

Motivation and Performance Management

Motivation and Performance Management Instructions will be uploaded later. 689 Words APA

Choose one word that summarizes your professional brand. Justify your selection in terms of your values

Choose one word that summarizes your professional brand. Justify your selection in terms of your values Discussion Board Options: Choose one word that summarizes your professional brand. Justify your selection in terms of your values, your philosophy of education, and your personal / professional interests. How will you communicate your brand to school and district … Read more

Choose 1-2 Photographs from the Harlem Renaissance and compare them with 1-2 photographs from the Civil Rights Era

Choose 1-2 Photographs from the Harlem Renaissance and compare them with 1-2 photographs from the Civil Rights Era – You will be analyzing how one form of media (Photographs) can be used to understand and compare two different time periods. Choose 1-2 Photographs from the Harlem Renaissance and compare them with 1-2 photographs from the … Read more

Answer 5 short essay questions – References provided

 Answer 5 short essay questions – References provided Respond to the following short essay questions based on the course materials presented for weeks 5-8. Requirements: Use proper APA for citations and format, which includes using Times New Roman (Font 12). State each topic question followed by your response in paragraph form. Your response to the … Read more

Essay Question: You are Vice President of Supply Chain Management in a major organization.

Essay Question: You are Vice President of Supply Chain Management in a major organization. What processes and procedures would you implement to Essay response to the following question: Essay Question: You are Vice President of Supply Chain Management in a major organization. What processes and procedures would you implement to maximize the efficiency and minimize … Read more

Explicate the main efforts that would be included in the incident response efforts

Explicate the main efforts that would be included in the incident response efforts Incident Response (IR) Revamp Imagine you have just taken over the manager position for your organization’s incident response team, after coming from another division in the company. Your first realization is that proper procedures, best practices, and sound technologies are not being … Read more

Final Paper

Final Paper This paper will be an application of the leadership practice concepts learned throughout your degree program to a real-world situation. In an eight- to ten-page paper, discuss one significant organizational challenge within your organization or an organization you have researched. How did the leadership of the organization address the challenge? Could it have … Read more

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750-1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following: Summarize the four messages … Read more

It is a report essay. You have to write about “Are new generations smarter due to Internet changes?”

It is a report essay. You have to write about “Are new generations smarter due to Internet changes?” English 1301 Report Essay Outline Introduce the topic of the essay. (Are new generations smarter due to internet changes?) Background according to history and topicality (recent relevance) should be established. (-VI?)Carefully analyze subtopics from each perspective in … Read more

Intro assignment /Bureaucracy (Chapter 15 of American Government)

Intro assignment /Bureaucracy (Chapter 15 of American Government) Intro assignment /Bureaucracy (Chapter 15 of American Government) Question 1 A bureaucracy is an administrative group of ______ officials charged with carrying out functions connected to a series of policies and programs. international senior nonelected elected Question 2 ____ are the individuals who work in the bureaucracy. Dignitaries … Read more

Write a four page paper analyzing a work of your choosing that qualifies as nature literature

Write a four page paper analyzing a work of your choosing that qualifies as nature literature Creative Nature Writing Paper “Write a four page paper analyzing a work of your choosing that qualifies as “nature literature.” 150 points. It can be a fiction, poetry, or nonfiction. You may choose a work you read previously or … Read more

Write a 3-5 page, double spaced sociological review of the movie based on the guidelines listed below.

Write a 3-5 page, double spaced sociological review of the movie based on the guidelines listed below. Select and watch a movie of your choosing. Write a 3-5 page, double spaced (and don’t get crazy with the margins) sociological review of the movie based on the guidelines listed below. This is an academic paper and … Read more

Childhood Obesity; Consider the assumptions and consequences related to various sides of the ethical issue

Childhood Obesity; Consider the assumptions and consequences related to various sides of the ethical issue Childhood Obesity Essay 3 requires that you Examine a debatable, controversial, ethical issue Consider the assumptions and consequences related to various sides of the ethical issue Choose the position you believe is the strongest. Write a persuasive essay that demonstrates … Read more

Describe the role of money in campaigns and explain campaign donations and spendings

Describe the role of money in campaigns and explain campaign donations and spendings IN 500 WORDS, answer the following question. Describe the role of money in campaigns. Among other things, explain how campaign donations and spending are (and are not) regulated in the United States and how the Supreme Court has interpreted the First Amendment in recent … Read more

Module 04 Written Assignment – Improving Patient Care Worksheet

Module 04 Written Assignment – Improving Patient Care Worksheet Module 04 Written Assignment – Improving Patient Care Worksheet Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following: An example of an evidence-based practice (EBP) project How EBP projects can improve patient care You should be using complete sentences to answer the … Read more

Autism essay 5 paragraph

Autism essay 5 paragraph Autism essay 5 paragraph Autism essay Font/ size. Times new Roman Size 12 5 paragraph structure Underline topic sentence for each paragraph Use article- cite using apa format Must be double space Must have cover page Structure of paragraph 2-3 sentences introduction 5 sentences body 2-3 conclusion Solution preview for the … Read more

Describe and investigate about the following organizations

Describe and investigate about the following organizations Describe and investigate about the following organizations. Carrfour Supportive Housing (Miami, FL) Catholic Charities USA (Miami, FL) Center for Family and Child Enrichment, Inc. (CFCE) (Miami, FL) Citrus Health Network (Miami, FL) Community Aids Resource, Inc Investigation should include, Address of organization, when was founded, why and who founded it. … Read more

Determine the direct impact of marketing for the health care provider you selected.

Determine the direct impact of marketing for the health care provider you selected. Marketing and the Health Care System: Write a four to six (4-6) page paper Select a health care provided with which you are familiar and write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Determine the direct impact of marketing for … Read more

Identify what tools you would use to evaluate Requirement 6 of the PCI DSS.

Identify what tools you would use to evaluate Requirement 6 of the PCI DSS. In order to complete assignment #7 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with … Read more

Why do you think action movies especially Wuxia films have enjoyed such international commercial success.

Why do you think action movies especially Wuxia films have enjoyed such international commercial success. Discussion Board 4: “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 1. Why do you think action movies, especially Wuxia films, have enjoyed such international commercial success. How does Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon differ from other action films you may have seen? 2. How … Read more

Writing research paper about difference between VAT and sale tax

Writing research paper about difference between VAT and sale tax Writing research paper about difference between VAT and sale tax 9.5 pg Compare 2 types of way to collect tax. What is VAT and Sale Tax. How do they work and implement? State the advantages and disadvantages of VAT and Sale Tax. Give examples countries that … Read more

Imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership.

Imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. Assignment 2: Complementary Partners Due Week 6 and worth 200 points Imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Within this assignment you will be creating a … Read more

Specify the unique value the company will offer in the selected markets.

Specify the unique value the company will offer in the selected markets. Purpose of Assignment The Week 4 individual assignment is the second part of a three part strategic management plan for the company selected by the student in Week 3. The purpose of the assignment is for students to establish long-term goals and objectives; … Read more

What are the three language families represented in Wisconsin’s indigenous languages

What are the three language families represented in Wisconsin’s indigenous languages Washinawatok, Karen & Monica Macaulay. 2013. The Native Languages of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Talk: Linguistic Diversity in the Badger State. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Reading Guide What are the three language families represented in Wisconsin’s indigenous languages? Give an example of one of the … Read more

Reading Guide for Children can’t speak or write properly any more

Reading Guide for Children can’t speak or write properly any more Reading Guide for Children can’t speak or write properly any more Milroy, J. 1998. Children can’t speak or write properly any more. Language Myths. L. Bauer & Trudgill (eds). London: Penguin. True or false? There is a widespread public opinion that youth aren’t learning … Read more

What was the Bilingual Education Act of 1968 and why is it important for this class

What was the Bilingual Education Act of 1968 and why is it important for this class Reading Guide for Language in education Fillmore, L. W. Language in education. Language in the USA: themes for the twenty-first century. E. Finnegan 7 J. Rickford (eds). New York: Cambridge. What was the Bilingual Education Act of 1968 and … Read more

Discuss the film’s visual style and its use of sound.

Discuss the film’s visual style and its use of sound. Discussion Board 3. “Run Lola Run” 1 page-single spaced 1) Run Lola Run is a textbook example of a postmodernist film. Based on the PowerPoint for this module and one of the provided readings, explain what makes this film a postmodernist narrative. (2) Discuss the film’s visual … Read more

Write an introductory cover letter of no more than 500 words in which you explain your professional objectives

Write an introductory cover letter of no more than 500 words in which you explain your professional objectives Write an introductory cover letter of no more than 500 words in which you explain your professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths as an applicant. Create a resume detailing your license(s), earned degree(s), certification(s), professional experiences, previous … Read more

How does terrorism affect Saudi Arabia and they fight against terrorism

How does terrorism affect Saudi Arabia and they fight against terrorism How does terrorism affect Saudi Arabia and they fight against terrorism Writing Assignment Choose an issue or topic related to terrorism. Develop the topic into a fairly narrowly focused “mini” research paper. For example, you could analyze the effects of alternative political environments on … Read more

How does terrorism affect Saudi Arabia and they fight against terrorism

How does terrorism affect Saudi Arabia and they fight against terrorism (How does terrorism affect Saudi Arabia, and they fight against terrorism). Writing Assignment Choose an issue or topic related to terrorism. Develop the topic into a fairly narrowly focused “mini” research paper. For example, you could analyze the effects of alternative political environments on … Read more

Analyze U.S. Open Door policy in one specific region of the world during the 20th century.

Analyze U.S. Open Door policy in one specific region of the world during the 20th century. Topic You will analyze U.S. Open Door policy in one specific region of the world (Latin America & the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, or the Middle East) during the 20th century. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the US … Read more

Using at least 8 of our readings build your own theory of the politics of gender and sexuality

Using at least 8 of our readings build your own theory of the politics of gender and sexuality Final Exam Questions – Politics of Gender and Sexuality All papers must be between 9-11 pages and double spaced (penalties apply for going under OR over). All papers must cite a minimum of 8 of our class … Read more

What is management and how does it differ from leadership

What is management and how does it differ from leadership Answer (3) of the four prompts listed below Each prompt should be answered in a two-page double-spaced response (approximately 700 words). After answering three prompts, your final paper will be six double-spaced pages of appropriately 2100 words (excluding the Title page and References). Guidelines: In … Read more

5 short answer questions about history specifically roman empire and punic wars

5 short answer questions about history specifically roman empire and punic wars 5 short answer questions about history specifically roman empire and punic wars Short answer topics: 1. Discuss Roman civilization before the creation of the Roman Empire (i.e., Rome before 27 B.C.). Who were the Etruscans? What contributions did the Etruscans make to the … Read more