Browse Questions

The most important OSAA rules and policies that a football coach in Oregon should know.

The most important OSAA rules and policies that a football coach in Oregon should know. Post Journal: Keep the Coaches Up To Date For your journal assignment this week, create a one-pager that briefly summarizes the most important OSAA rules and policies that a football coach in Oregon should know. Please be sure to keep … Read more

What were some of the ways you learned about the political establishment through family members and friends

What were some of the ways you learned about the political establishment through family members and friends Think about conversations around politics when you were in primary school (around age 10). What were some of the ways you learned about the political establishment through family members and friends? How were you politically socialized as a … Read more

Analyze an environmental issue surrounding globalization.

Analyze an environmental issue surrounding globalization. QUESTION 7 Analyze an environmental issue surrounding globalization. Describe an environmental issue facing our globe. Provide at least two probable solutions to this environmental issue. Are either of your solutions considered “sustainable?” Why is sustainability important in addressing global environmental issues? Your response should be at least 200 words … Read more

Would you seek to acquire a company within the European Union or outside of it

Would you seek to acquire a company within the European Union or outside of it Global Financial Management(FIN630-1902C-02) Skip Class Navigation Unit 5 – Individual Project Collapse Top Panels0 ?’col-md-4′:’col-md-6′” class=”col-md-6″ style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0.4em; width: 917.688px;” rel=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0.4em; width: 917.688px;”>Assignment Overview TYPE:Individual Project UNIT: Evaluating Performance GRADING TYPE:Numeric POINTS POSSIBLE: 220 POINTS … Read more

Describe at least 3 types of cloud computing service categories

Describe at least 3 types of cloud computing service categories When we look at cloud usage the categories can include some of but is not limited to following: · SaaS: Software as a Service · PaaS: Platform as a Service · IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service · MaaS: Monitoring as a Service Research cloud computing. Complete a 2-3-page paper … Read more

How regulation and compliance can affect a business and its importance.

How regulation and compliance can affect a business and its importance. 500 words. This assignment has to be variable including references. The purpose of this paper is to act as a business owner and mention how regulation and compliance can affect the business. Focus more on the abstract is possible.  How regulation and compliance can … Read more

How nurses can identify their patients who may be a victims of human trafficking

How nurses can identify their patients who may be a victims of human trafficking Ethics Reflection I need an introduction to my paper about Human Trafficking and Nursing. It should talk briefly about what is known about the issue, statistics, ethical principle that nurse should use, and their dilemma, how nurses can identify their patients … Read more

Mr. P is a 76-year-old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms.

Mr. P is a 76-year-old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms. Mr. P is a 76-year-old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms. He has difficulty maintaining diet restrictions and managing his polypharmacy. He has 4+ … Read more

Imagine that you are an HR Manager on a global HRM planning committee.

Imagine that you are an HR Manager on a global HRM planning committee. For this final assignment, imagine that you are an HR Manager on a global HRM planning committee. You are required to present to upper management six (6) main concerns related to global human resources matters. You have compiled data about four (4) … Read more

Conduct an analysis of the DHS headquarters directorate and operating agencies.

Conduct an analysis of the DHS headquarters directorate and operating agencies. Table or Matrix minimum 400 words and please include references in APA format 6th ed Conduct an analysis of the DHS headquarters directorate and operating agencies. Select 2 of these agencies or directorates. Identify potential areas of cross jurisdiction or mission area overlap. In … Read more

Share everything you learned in your research about the technology.  

Share everything you learned in your research about the technology. Your research paper should be 4-6 pages long. You should use at least 3 academic resources, i.e. journals. You can use sources that are popular media if you have met the academic resource requirement. Basically, share everything you learned in your research about the technology. … Read more

Explain some components of an ideal citizen, consequences of voter apathy and ways the state controls the citizen.

Explain some components of an ideal citizen, consequences of voter apathy and ways the state controls the citizen. Instructions Aristotle defined tyranny as an illegitimate form of government by one individual that tightly controlled every part of life and government. Adolf Hitler is the most notorious tyrant. Using a totalitarian society from the past or … Read more

What are your research interests in the area of Information Technology 

What are your research interests in the area of Information Technology Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words or 125 words per question/prompt. Applicants must answer each of the four prompts for their program. PhD IT What are your research interests in the area of Information Technology? Why are you inspired to research in … Read more

Describe your organization’s customer service/patient experience model.

Describe your organization’s customer service/patient experience model. Leadership nursing I work for licking memorial hospital in Newark Ohio, Describe your organization’s customer service/patient experience model. Include standards, measures, staff training, reward and recognition programs. Discuss how well the customer service model works. Provide 2 examples illustrating the effectiveness of the model. Provide rationale for your … Read more

Review the above website that is about HIV and drug therapy.

Review the above website that is about HIV and drug therapy.… Review the above website that is about HIV and drug therapy. summarize the article into 300 words with a reference in APA format. does not need a title page or header. Solution preview for the order on review the above website that is … Read more

Write a precis over characterization

Write a precis over characterization Write a precis over characterization The story is ( to build a fire ) by Jack London 1 page Solution preview for the order on write a precis over characterization APA 338 words

Write a 700- to 1,050-word article about the spectrum of health care facilities.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word article about the spectrum of health care facilities. For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write a 700- to 1,050-word article about the spectrum of health care facilities. In your article: Analyze the spectrum of health care facilities that exist in the United States. Analyze the purpose and … Read more

Evaluate the psychological and behavioral dynamics of terrorists

Evaluate the psychological and behavioral dynamics of terrorists Evaluate the psychological and behavioral dynamics of terrorists both as individuals and members of groups using sophisticated analysis Description: Research and construct a 1400-2000 word APA-formatted paper discussing the following: In standard models of decision making, participation in violent political action is understood as the product of … Read more

Explain what the Special Master found about Pulte’s behavior in the case.

Explain what the Special Master found about Pulte’s behavior in the case. CASE QUESTIONS 1. Explain what the Special Master found about Pulte’s behavior in the case. 2. What are the consequences when one side attempts to withhold or destroy evidence? 3. What management lessons should be learned and applied from this case? Using information … Read more

Read the article by Trevino, Hartman and Brown titled Moral Person and Moral Manager

Read the article by Trevino, Hartman and Brown titled Moral Person and Moral Manager Class discussion Questions Be sure to read the article by Trevino, Hartman, and Brown titled “Moral Person and Moral Manager” in the required reading section before responding to the following question. Plato asked, which extreme would you rather be: “an unethical … Read more

Choose two countries to compare and contrast in terms of cultural dimensions.

Choose two countries to compare and contrast in terms of cultural dimensions. After reviewing section 2.4 of the text titled International and Intercultural Interpersonal Communication, visit The Hofstede Centre (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ( and continue to explore national cultural dimensions. You will choose two countries to compare and contrast in terms of … Read more

Annotated Bibliography for EDM(Enterprise Risk Management)

Annotated Bibliography for EDM(Enterprise Risk Management) Annotated Bibliography for EDM(Enterprise Risk Management) Annotated Bibliography for at least 7 references : ]Published within the last 3-4 years and peer-reviewed. Need : Summarize, Assess,Reflect,Relevance Domain for references, get all papers on single domain like manufacturing, healthcare, software etc. • Summarize: Some annotations merely summarize the source. What … Read more

Identify and research a company with a successful global supply chain management strategy

Identify and research a company with a successful global supply chain management strategy There are a number of companies that utilize a global supply chain management strategy. Identify and research a company with a successful global supply chain management strategy and provide basic background information. Discuss the strategies this company utilizes to get their product(s) … Read more

Research the web and identify a case study with an appropriate situation related to penetration testing or hacking for or against a business

Research the web and identify a case study with an appropriate situation related to penetration testing or hacking for or against a business Research the web and find an appropriate incident related to either a successful or failed penetration testing effort, or a successful or unsuccessful hacking attempt against an organization, business or government facility. … Read more

Because good writing is always a process, our persuasive

Because good writing is always a process, our persuasive Because good writing is always a process, our persuasive essay will be written in two parts: a first draft due this week and a final draft due in week 6. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length. As you prepare, here are a few reminders … Read more

Defining some physics properties.

Defining some physics properties. It should be referenced, and should not be plagiarised. less or more than 500 words combined. 509 Words APA

Disaster Recovery (DR) Team

Disaster Recovery (DR) Team Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Detail the DR team roles, responsibilities, and sub teams that would be implemented, and construct an organizational chart for the team through the use of graphical tools in Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically … Read more

A journal article titled “Networking the Classroom” by Christopher

A journal article titled “Networking the Classroom” by Christopher In this exercise, you explore the APA format of writing. Deliverables Answers to exercise questions Step 1 Prepare References entries. Prepare References entries from the following information. Use the APA style unless your instructor specifies a different style. For titles, use italics. Arrange the finished entries in … Read more

Assignment 4.1: Research Paper

Assignment 4.1: Research Paper Assignment Research Paper Objectives Apply the steps for writing a research paper Assignment Overview In this writing assignment, you assess your knowledge of the steps to writing a research paper. Deliverables A two- to three-page (500- to 750-word) essay – Steps 1-6 you do on your own to prepare your research … Read more

Research the oil industry

Research the oil industry Focus on what is referred to as the major oil companies. Give an assessment of the general environment facing these firms. Is it favorable? How is it changing? How should a major firm such as British Petroleum respond to the political changes and new environmental demands on its main business? Submit … Read more

Amelia, Wage Slavery and Frederick Douglass

Amelia, Wage Slavery and Frederick Douglass INSTRUCTIONS Amelia, a worker in mid 19th century Lowell, Massachusetts, claimed that factory workers were caught in a system of “wage slavery.” How did she justify this claim? Using what you know of factory work in mid 19th century, explain how such paid work might compare to slavery as described by … Read more

Exporting Situation Analysis

Exporting Situation Analysis This assignment is similar to a project that would be assigned to a marketer in an exporting firm. The objective is to plan for the exporting of a local firm’s product to an emerging country. For this assignment, choose any business-to-consumer product marketed by a local or regional company to export into … Read more

Diagnosis Probability

Diagnosis Probability Consider when you are listening to a new patient who says they have had a fever for 3 days. You would use your knowledge and experience with probability to come to a diagnosis. What changes those probabilities? Is it age, is it other symptoms, is it new study results? What is the source … Read more

What are the legal issues in this case and which two will you address first – why? How do all the issues relate to one another? Why are these things happening? What is the liability for the clinic and/or the employees (Be specific)?

What are the legal issues in this case and which two will you address first – why? How do all the issues relate to one another? Why are these things happening? APA format for Ethical and Legal Issues of Health Services 1″ margins, 12 font, APA title page and reference page,APA style throughout, 3-4 content … Read more

The Importance of Innovation Architecture

The Importance of Innovation Architecture The Importance of Innovation Architecture 5.5 pages Innovation assignment.APA style and no first person. In Innovation as Usual: How to Help Your People Bring Great Ideas to Life (2013), Miller and Wedell-Wedellsborg discuss the importance of establishing systems within organizations that promote not only the creativity that results in innovation, … Read more

Write a situational analysis that provides a snapshot of the company’s environmental analysis

Write a situational analysis that provides a snapshot of the company’s environmental analysis Review the first part of your marketing plan from last week. To be as precise as possible, understanding the company’s competition is essential. The marketing plan also includes a situational analysis. This week, write your competitive analysis to add to the plan. Remember … Read more

To what extent is primary care accessible to all populations in this country?

To what extent is primary care accessible to all populations in this country? To what extent is primary care accessible to all populations in this country? Answer the following in your discussion: What are the main barriers to accessing primary care? What is being done to solve this problem? What else can be done? How … Read more

Anticipatory Guidance for Neonates to Adolescents Table

Anticipatory Guidance for Neonates to Adolescents Table Anticipatory Guidance for Neonates to Adolescents Table Anticipatory guidance helps family, caregivers, and others know what to expect according to the child’s growth and development. The guidance is done through collaboration between the healthcare provider and the caregiver. It is sometimes thought of as a type of counseling. … Read more

Selection of Countries for a Global Business and Strategies for Participation

Selection of Countries for a Global Business and Strategies for Participation 1. Selection of Countries for a Global Business and Strategies for Participation “Instead of selecting country-markets on the basis of stand-alone attractiveness, managers need to consider how participation in a particular country will contribute to globalization benefits and the global competitive position of the business.” … Read more

Compare and contrast informatics and clinical informatics

Compare and contrast informatics and clinical informatics Leadership in nursing Compare and contrast informatics and clinical informatics. Cite references. Provide 2 examples with rationale of clinical informatics in your organization (I Work at Licking Memorial Hospital in Newark Ohio), or that of a nursing colleague, that has facilitated or improved patient care. You may not use … Read more

Identify and reduce the likelihood of barriers interfering with the communication

Identify and reduce the likelihood of barriers interfering with the communication Each question requires 250-300 word responses to include citations from sources used. Discussion 1 In a 250-300 word response, identify what techniques you can implement to improve the likelihood that your communications will be received and understood as you intended. Identify and reduce the … Read more

How does the behavior of the attorneys at Bogle and Gates raise concerns about legal ethics in this case

How does the behavior of the attorneys at Bogle and Gates raise concerns about legal ethics in this case BLAW-3700 Business law Assignment One After reading Sleazy in Seattle, please comment here to each of the following questions: 1. How does the behavior of the attorneys at Bogle and Gates raise concerns about legal ethics in this case? Include … Read more

Exploring the role of effort and impulsivity in reversal learning

Exploring the role of effort and impulsivity in reversal learning ‘Exploring the role of effort and impulsivity in reversal learning’ Brief introduction One of the main characteristics of human behaviour is its flexibility. We must be able to detect regular patterns in our environment, and also be sensitive to disruptions to those regularities, so that … Read more

Provide examples of nurses’ opportunities to act as patient advocates in relation to this continuum

Provide examples of nurses’ opportunities to act as patient advocates in relation to this continuum Ethical reflection Healthcare professionals’ beliefs about the proper treatment of elders falls along a continuum from discounting elders’ personal quality-of-life judgments to believing only curing disease and being successful in eliminating physical suffering are worthwhile goals. Provide examples of nurses’ … Read more

Write a 4-5 page APA Style formatted paper on incivility within the healthcare metaparadigm.

Write a 4-5 page APA Style formatted paper on incivility within the healthcare metaparadigm. For this assignment, you will write a 4-5 page APA Style formatted paper on incivility within the healthcare metaparadigm. According to the American Nurses Association (ANA): Nurses are required to create an ethical environment and culture of civility and kindness, treating … Read more

Comparison of IPV4 and IPV6 network protocols in terms functionality

Comparison of IPV4 and IPV6 network protocols in terms functionality Comparison of IPV4 and IPV6 network protocols in terms functionality: 1-What is IPv6 and IPv4 2-How these protocols are operating 3-What are functional 4-Difference between them. 5-The Benefits of IPv6 6-Features of IPv4 and IPv6 6-IPv6 Packet format Solution preview for the order on comparison … Read more

You have been named the manager of a task force charged with conducting a critical but challenging change within your workplace.

You have been named the manager of a task force charged with conducting a critical but challenging change within your workplace. You have been named the manager of a task force charged with conducting a critical but challenging change within your workplace. This change is likely to be met with some opposition. You will manage … Read more

Write the paper on the most challenging threats (domestic or international) and why

Write the paper on the most challenging threats (domestic or international) and why National security Subject of the paper: Students will advise the US president on three topics for focus this year. Topics can be international and/or domestic in nature. Another approach is to write the paper on the most challenging threats (domestic or international) … Read more

Assignment: Age Appropriate Health Maintenance Screening and Associated Tools

Assignment: Age Appropriate Health Maintenance Screening and Associated Tools Assignment: Age Appropriate Health Maintenance Screening and Associated Tools This Assignment includes ten different pediatric cases that require further evaluation with a developmental testing tool. Selecting the correct tool is vitally important in getting accurate data that promotes early identification and intervention. A template is available … Read more

Develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management communication

Develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management communication The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper understanding and application of APA style as required in all Ashford courses. Using the Ashford Online Library, develop an annotated bibliography on one … Read more