Browse Questions

Reflect on the characteristics of a critical thinker.

Reflect on the characteristics of a critical thinker. Elements of Critical Thinking Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, in preparation for discussing the importance of critical thinking skills, Read the articles Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking Combating Fake News in the Digital Age 6 Critical Thinking Skills You Need to Master Now (Links to … Read more

Analyze how you might limit your liability exposure as an owner.

Analyze how you might limit your liability exposure as an owner. Legal Underpinnings of Business Law Tinker’s Home Security Service (sole proprietorship) Tinker & Tailor’s Home Security Service (general partnership) Tinker & Tailor’s Home Security Service (LP) Tinker & Tailor’s Home Security Service, Inc. (corporation) Tinker & Tailor’s Home Security Service, LLC (LLC) The businesses … Read more

Crimes That Harm Business Versus Crimes Committed by Business

Crimes That Harm Business Versus Crimes Committed by Business BUS670 Ashford Week 2 And 3 The Legal Environment Ethics, Business, Organization Part 1 Crimes That Harm Business Versus Crimes Committed by Business Which do you believe presents the greatest threat to civil society: a corporation that commits crimes (e.g., murder, environmental crimes, or bribery), or … Read more

Review the Constitution in Appendix A and choose one of the following sections of the U.S. Constitution

Review the Constitution in Appendix A and choose one of the following sections of the U.S. Constitution Part 1 (Answer in 200-250 words) Review the Constitution in Appendix A and choose one of the following sections of the U.S. Constitution or a specified amendment to use as the basis for your initial response: Any of … Read more

Review the data presented in the ANA Fast Facts and describe some of the key attributes/characteristics of this sample

Review the data presented in the ANA Fast Facts and describe some of the key attributes/characteristics of this sample Samples and Data Collection Access the following information. You may read the PDF online or download it. American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. ANA. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) Review … Read more

The four key functions of the managerial process are planning, leading, organizing and controlling.

The four key functions of the managerial process are planning, leading, organizing and controlling. Leadership styles; previous management. 1. The four key functions of the managerial process are planning, leading, organizing, and controlling. Think about your current or former manager. Give a specific example of how your manager fulfills each role within your organization. In … Read more

Demonstrate understanding of quantitative and qualitative research

Demonstrate understanding of quantitative and qualitative research This assignment provides a learning activity for students to demonstrate understanding of quantitative and qualitative research, the purpose and importance of designs, and how research is critical for creating a credible evidence-based nursing practice. DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING THE SCHOLARLY PAPER: Read each of these instructions. Read the assignment … Read more

Post of a current and provocative business ethics issue/dilemma

Post of a current and provocative business ethics issue/dilemma Contemporary Business Ethics Issue/Dilemma Assignment Task: 1 x 20-point post of a current and provocative business ethics issue/dilemma and 2 x 5-point responses to two classmate’s posts for a total of 30 points. Due dates vary per the first letter of your last name. Objectives: to … Read more

Compose a research proposal and report on a topic related to an organisational IT research project

Compose a research proposal and report on a topic related to an organisational IT research project Compose a research proposal and report on a topic related to an organisational IT research project Each individual student or is required to submit a mini research report (2500-3000 words excluding the title, abstract, table of contents and references/bibliography). … Read more

Explain how improving quality can lead to reduced costs.

Explain how improving quality can lead to reduced costs. Explain how improving quality can lead to reduced costs. It was been suggested that “quality is free.” Why? How can that be? What roles do operation managers play in addressing the major aspects of service quality? Solution preview for the order on explain how improving quality … Read more

Research Project – Inter-modal Transportation and Hazmat Incidents

Research Project – Inter-modal Transportation and Hazmat Incidents Research Project – Inter-modal Transportation and Hazmat Incidents Research Project 20-15 pages. APA Formatting Title Page, table of contents, abstract, and reference page Graphics are encourage MUST BE ORIGINAL & CANNOT INCLUDE PREVIOUS COURSE WORK 1 – Abstract 2- Introduction to the topic 3 – Literature Review … Read more

Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research.

Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research. The global societal issue I choose is Government accountability and corruption #1 Write: For this discussion, you will address the following prompts: Identify the global societal issue you have chosen to research for your Final Paper, an argumentative essay, and explain why further research … Read more

What is nav canada, how does it differ to ATC in US

What is nav canada, how does it differ to ATC in US Writing an research paper or thesis paper on the following topics Table of content -NAV CANADA What is nav canada, how does it differ to ATC in US -space based ADS-B – Air traffic Control What is air traffic control , service provided … Read more

Create a 350- to 525-word paper or handout summarizing the process of addressing facility planning needs

Create a 350- to 525-word paper or handout summarizing the process of addressing facility planning needs After working in facility design for many years, you have become well-known in the industry. Your manager has asked you to create either a paper or short handout that new employees can refer to as they receive training through the … Read more

How did most people view the future of the American economy in the years leading

How did most people view the future of the American economy in the years leading Reading assignment How did most people view the future of the American economy in the years leading  mg_5457.jpg  img_5458.jpg  img_5459.jpg  img_5460.jpg  up to 1964, and how did that belief influence motivations for the Great Society? Provide a quote from the chapter … Read more

The results of your job search as a Procurement Specialist

The results of your job search as a Procurement Specialist Develop a well-written paper that includes the following: The results of your job search as a Procurement Specialist A summary of what you learned in building a resume An assessment of your experience in a practice interview, including what you learned that you can apply … Read more

Your task is to interview an individual of your choice involved in the criminal justice system

Your task is to interview an individual of your choice involved in the criminal justice system Write a narrative summary of a practitioner interview (Interview already complete) Practitioner Interview Your task is to interview an individual of your choice involved in the criminal justice system( Already Interviewed) : a police officer, attorney, judge, probation officer, … Read more

Offer an explanation regarding what continuity planning is and its primary benefits related to homeland security

Offer an explanation regarding what continuity planning is and its primary benefits related to homeland security Discussion Questions: Offer an explanation regarding what continuity planning is and its primary benefits related to homeland security and what such planning incorporates. Also, compare and contrast how these efforts are carried out by the public and private sectors. … Read more

Apply what you have learned as you discuss the following scenario identifying the steps of website design process.

Apply what you have learned as you discuss the following scenario identifying the steps of website design process. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the week’s reading then respond to both of the Topic Question(s) for Topics 1 and 2 Topic Responses should be at least 100 words First Topic Posting must be prior to 11:59 PM Eastern Time … Read more

Prepare an SRS (Software Requirements Specification) for the Case Study.

Prepare an SRS (Software Requirements Specification) for the Case Study. Purpose The purpose of this assignment is for you to prepare an SRS (Software Requirements Specification) for the Case Study. Directions 1. Use the attached SRS template to create a preliminary draft of a Software Requirements Specification for the Case Study proposed in your Week … Read more

Walking working surfaces fall protection 

Walking working surfaces fall protection Walking working surfaces fall protection 201909172355404980_walkwork_scaffold_fall_protection_assign_2 802 Words APA

Choose an issue within the topic of privacy policy (public law or corporate policy) that

Choose an issue within the topic of privacy policy (public law or corporate policy) that affects you at work, and/or fits within your PhDIT concentration Choose an issue within the topic of privacy policy (public law or corporate policy) that affects you at work, and/or fits within your PhDIT concentration or research area of interest. … Read more

Evangelism PM 2255

Evangelism PM 2255 3 page paper not including title and reference page. In turabian format with footnotes on the subject entitled Starting Right. This will discuss when a new minister takes over a church, how he or she should begin in order to be an effective evangelistic ministry. I have attached some pages from our … Read more

Distinguish between System Software and Application Software with examples.

Distinguish between System Software and Application Software with examples. Part 1 Q1: Distinguish between System Software and Application Software with examples. Q2: You are the CIO of a company and are currently facing a steep budget cut. You need to make a choice between freeware, open-source and licensed/purchased software for a critical enterprise system. Explain … Read more

What is the Systems Analysis Phase? What is the end product of this phase? Describe Functional

What is the Systems Analysis Phase? What is the end product of this phase? Describe Functional Decomposition Diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams What is the Systems Analysis Phase? What is the end product of this phase? Describe Functional Decomposition Diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). How are they similar? How are they different? Describe in … Read more

Journal Article Critique

Journal Article Critique Please read the article in the PDF, and write a 2-pages critique. The requirement are in the word document. 20190911055121critique_requirement 20190911055023does_fun_pay 629 Words APA

Module 3: Expanded Research on the Book Reading

Module 3: Expanded Research on the Book Reading Based on Chapter 2 of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toolkit, find one area of interest to explore in greater depth. Try to pick something that would address a problem or issue you see with your client (for example, lack of innovation). Write a 600-word essay on this topic that … Read more

Write 4 page research about The women of Troy

Write 4 page research about The women of Troy Write 4 page research about The women of Troy QUESTIONS FOR ANALYSIS What picture emerges from this scene of the fate of •war captives in the Hellenic World? What does Andromache’s initial speech allow us to infer about the role and place of women in Euripides’ … Read more

Describe how nonverbal feedback conveys powerful message

Describe how nonverbal feedback conveys powerful message 1. Nonverbal Feedback Describe how nonverbal feedback conveys powerful messages. Provide an example where nonverbal feedback was used and describe the end result. 2. Virtual Organizations Describe the evolution of the virtual organization. What are the pros and cons associated with this design? Provide examples of three technological devices/concepts … Read more

In approximately 1.5 pages write up your findings and reflections on the interview.

In approximately 1.5 pages write up your findings and reflections on the interview. ELI 211 interview report In approximately 1.5 pages write up your findings and reflections on the interview. Approximately 1/3 of the write up should be summary– who (age, background, etc.) you asked and where you asked them. Approximately, 2/3 of the write-up … Read more

Describe and explain a clear distinction between globalism and globalization after viewing the video

Describe and explain a clear distinction between globalism and globalization after viewing the video Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the A Model of Global Citizenship: Antecedents and Outcomes article and watch the Globalization at a Crossroads (Links to an external site.) video. Go to the Ashford University Library and locate one additional source on global citizenship … Read more

What factors do you see in practice that influence quality, safe and patient-centered care

What factors do you see in practice that influence quality, safe and patient-centered care Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What factors do you see in practice that influence quality, safe and patient-centered care? Have those factors shifted or changed as your role as an RN has progressed or changed? Do … Read more

Choose an issue within the topic of globalization that interests you

Choose an issue within the topic of globalization that interests you Globalization – research paper Choose an issue within the topic of globalization that interests you and fits within your concentration or research area of interest. Please refer attachment. Please refer the slides added and choose an issue within the topic of globalization. Write a … Read more

What is the pertinent positive and negative findings in this patient assessment

What is the pertinent positive and negative findings in this patient assessment Case Study for Chronic Condition For this Assignment, you are answer the questions regarding this case study. Please make sure to support your answers using evidence based practice. (5 pages essay excluding title and reference page). 56 y/o Caucasian male presents to the … Read more

Discuss how management’s or a union’s bargaining power might be affected.

Discuss how management’s or a union’s bargaining power might be affected. Discussion #1 During an economic recession, discuss how management’s or a union’s bargaining power might be affected. Give an appropriate business example to illustrate what you mean, support it with at least one reference. Discussion #2 Locate and briefly summarize a case decision where … Read more

Research a non-union company on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list.

Research a non-union company on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list. Research a non-union company on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list. Describe at least three of the following items in a 15- to 20-slide presentation that includes speaker notes: Hiring and selection practices Training and Development Compensation and … Read more

To best understand Texas government we need to know more about the state of Texas.

To best understand Texas government we need to know more about the state of Texas. To best understand Texas government, we need to know more about the state of Texas. Texas, the Lone Star State, is the only state to have the flags of 6 different nations fly over it. They are: Spain, France, Mexico, Republic … Read more

Fill out the Alteration in Metabolism Exemplar Table with incite citation and APA reference

Fill out the Alteration in Metabolism Exemplar Table with incite citation and APA reference Fill out the Alteration in Metabolism Exemplar Table with incite citation and APA reference Fill out the Alteration in Metabolism Exemplar Table. When you click on the table it will open. Solution preview for the order on fill out the Alteration in … Read more

Write a 300- to 450-word paper analyzing Jeemp Farms and what data and information you will consider.

Write a 300- to 450-word paper analyzing Jeemp Farms and what data and information you will consider. Write a 300- to 450-word paper analyzing Jeemp Farms and what data and information you will consider. Describe any other qualitative or quantitative factors or changes to Mr. Beridon’s business that might be relevant to Jeemp Farms as they make … Read more

According to the University of Nevada, cyberloafing is responsible for upwards of $85 billion a year in business losses

According to the University of Nevada, cyberloafing is responsible for upwards of $85 billion a year in business losses INSTRUCTIONS: Throughout this course, many discussion opportunities come up where you need to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. Make sure you respond substantively to the 4 posts below using a minimum of 75 words … Read more

Analyze the impact of using tools like RCA, FMEA and PDSA on the quality and safety of patient care

Analyze the impact of using tools like RCA, FMEA and PDSA on the quality and safety of patient care Analyze the impact of using tools like RCA, FMEA, and PDSA on the quality and safety of patient care.Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed or evidence-based sources published within the last five years to support your summary … Read more

Explain why a root cause analysis was appropriate for this situation.

Explain why a root cause analysis was appropriate for this situation. Read the Multifactorial Medication Mishap case study and the commentary that follows. Complete the root cause analysis worksheet to analyze the case. Write a 525 word-summary in which you: Explain why a root cause analysis was appropriate for this situation. Case Objectives Understand the system-based causes of medication errors. Describe a … Read more

Identify at least three business problems that you would like to solve with your comprehensive view of customer data

Identify at least three business problems that you would like to solve with your comprehensive view of customer data Comprehensive Customer Analytics imagine you are the CIO of a large company (e.g., financial institution, national fast food franchise, mobile phone service provider, large Internet based company, etc.) that is experiencing a few industry changes (e.g., … Read more

Analyze the organizational behavior of your current or former employer.

Analyze the organizational behavior of your current or former employer. Organizational Behavior Analysis In this assignment you will analyze the organizational behavior of your current or former employer. Describe how the following areas influence the organizational behavior in a negative or positive manner: Type of culture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl) Modes of communication in … Read more

Develop a career plan for a disabled individual

Develop a career plan for a disabled individual Develop a career plan for a disabled individual. Respond with 500 words.attached are resources. Describe an individual with whom you work and develop a career plan for that individual. Look back at the suggestions in this unit and develop a written plan that you would share with the individual … Read more

Create a comprehensive recruiting plan for the recruitment of beginning students into the band program.

Create a comprehensive recruiting plan for the recruitment of beginning students into the band program. Create a comprehensive recruiting plan for the recruitment of beginning students into the band program. Ask each of the questions one by on list below. Solution preview for the order on create a comprehensive recruiting plan for the recruitment of … Read more

Explain the driving factors and benefits for expertise transfer system developed for the Defense Ammunition Center.

Explain the driving factors and benefits for expertise transfer system developed for the Defense Ammunition Center. Case Study 4: Expertise Transfer System to Train Future Army Personnel Read the Opening Vignette titled, “Expertise Transfer System to Train Future Army Personnel” located in Chapter 12 of the textbook. Write a four- to five-page paper in which … Read more

The essay contrasts Rowan’s self-driven effort against “the imbecility of the average man—the inability or unwillingness to concentrate  

The essay contrasts Rowan’s self-driven effort against “the imbecility of the average man—the inability or unwillingness to concentrate A Message to Garcia is a widely distributed essay written by Elbert Hubbard in 1899, expressing the value of individual initiative and conscientiousness in work. As its primary example, the essay uses a dramatized version of a daring escapade performed … Read more

Locate an article describing a collective bargaining situation that has arisen within this year (2019)

Locate an article describing a collective bargaining situation that has arisen within this year (2019) Written Assignment 1 (25 points) 3-4 pages, not including cover or References pages Locate an article describing a collective bargaining situation that has arisen within this year (2019). This article should be from a newspaper, an academic journal, or a credible online news … Read more

Describe with examples the five components of an information system.

Describe with examples the five components of an information system. Describe with examples the five components of an information system. The material suggests that one of them is more important than the others. Do you agree? Explain your opinion. 5 Components that interact to achieve some purpose: Hardware Software Data Procedure People Solution preview for … Read more