Browse Questions

Define physical anthropology.  Discuss some of the general

Define physical anthropology.  Discuss some of the 1) Define evolution using the course materials. 2) Define physical anthropology.  Discuss some of the general ways physical anthropologists investigate evolution. 3)Find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which physical anthropologists are studying evolution (e.g. the Human Genome Project).  Describe the … Read more

Insanity as a Defense Mechanism in Criminology

Insanity as a Defense Mechanism in Criminology Topic- insanity as a defense mechanism in criminology- apa and in cite quotes, reference page see attachments At this point you have completed your initial research outline and completed your literature review. The next step is to write your first draft. Now that you have reviewed the pertinent … Read more

Research writing, at the college-level, involves active, critical and respectful participation

Research writing, at the college-level, involves active, critical and respectful participation in a discourse community.  A “discourse community” In an essay of one to two paragraphs, respond to the following prompt: Research writing, at the college-level, involves active, critical and respectful participation in a discourse community.  A “discourse community” is a group of people involved … Read more

Discuss the extent to which the international businesses can play an influential role in addressing the ecological Crisis

Discuss the extent to which the international businesses can play an influential role in addressing the ecological Crisis Description Discuss the extent to which the international businesses can play an influential role in addressing the ecological Crisis 693 Words APA


Sexuality Paper instructions: Please read the doc and then write the essay. Thank you. 1028-S 284 Words MLA  

Being Precise: Avoiding Ambiguity and Vagueness

Being Precise: Avoiding Ambiguity and Vagueness We learned that definitions can be used to avoid ambiguity and vagueness, and in general to make information more precise and clear. For this discussion, locate and explain at least three examples in which someone tried to make a task easier by using a particular type of definition. Potential … Read more

Evidence-based Argumentative Essay

Evidence-based Argumentative Essay In approximately 500-600 words, write an evidence-based argumentative essay that is AGAINST the death penalty. Back the argument with quality research. Construct propositions for the specific argument against the death penalty. Belief in the issue is not a prerequisite; The quality of the argument is what matters most. First person and opinion … Read more

The difference between traditional and digital marketing tools and techniques

The difference between traditional and digital marketing tools and techniques The difference between traditional and digital marketing tools and techniques (Eg: you could use the marketing mix as a structure for this section). Its about 300 words, also compare the traditional and digital marketing and use examples for instance Amazon. Is better to use this … Read more

Graded Discussion: Reflection on Close Reading.

Graded Discussion: Reflection on Close Reading. Reflect one NEW thing you learned or noticed after completing your says and does exercise. The only person that can understand this assignment is the same person who help with this assignment 152636299 Says and Does Sentences(1) 274 Words APA

Says! and Does! Activity

Says! and Does! Activity What to do: Choose one of the sources in this module. Create a document that outlines the meaning (says) and function (does) of each paragraph and submit to turnitin below. Your task is to write a says sentence and a few does sentences for each paragraph or section of the essay … Read more

Critical analysis

Critical analysis Choose on of those readings: -Ong, W. J. (1982) Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word, London: Methuen, 78-115 (Chapter 4, ‘Writing Restructures Consciousness’). (Available on Moodle). -Wolf, Maryanne. (2010) Proust and the Squid. The Story and Science of the Reading Brain, Cambridge, Icon Books. Chapter 3, “The Birth of the Alphabet … Read more

Please begin by presenting the social change you have selected to analyze in its historical context

Please begin by presenting the social change you have selected to analyze in its historical context, i.e., discuss its historical origins and future Please begin by presenting the social change you have selected to analyze in its historical context, i.e., discuss its historical origins and future trajectory. Did it emerge at or about the same … Read more

Business and Management

Business and Management Paper instructions: Read about the PowerPoint. Using the acknowledge to write about four pages of Hilton Company’s Leadership. 152385417 HILTON Wk. 10 – Leadership(2) 1190 Words MLA  

Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing

Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing Paper instructions: provide a reflection with an APA cited  peer reviewed nursing journal article utilizing the topic teamwork and collaboration Article Review 318 Words APA  

Leadership and management in Nursing 

Leadership and management in Nursing Paper instructions: provide a reflection with an APA cited  peer reviewed nursing journal article utilizing Leadership and management Article review 334 Words APA  

Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional

Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and … Read more

Nursing Philosophy Essay

Nursing Philosophy Essay Nursing Philosophy Essay Nursing+Philosophy+Assignment_Rubric(1) 888 Words APA

Writing a 3.5  word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice.

Writing a 3.5  word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. In this assignment, you will be writing a 3.5  word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an issue from the following … Read more

Modern Business Intelligence is growing more and more dependent on Big Data systems

Modern Business Intelligence is growing more and more dependent on Big Data systems Modern Business Intelligence is growing more and more dependent on Big Data systems and Artificial Intelligence. What do you feel are the benefits and drawbacks of this situations assignment_ Solution preview for the order on Modern Business Intelligence is growing more and … Read more

Briefly summarize the positive and negative aspects of utilizing social media.

Briefly summarize the positive and negative aspects of utilizing social media. Read the article:… Now find a different article that provides valid information sharing a different perspective on utilizing social media. As you evaluate the key points and information shared within both articles, write a 3-4 page, APA formatted essay addressing the following criteria: Briefly … Read more

Write a minimum of 5 survey questions that can be distributed to shoppers at any grocery store.

Write a minimum of 5 survey questions that can be distributed to shoppers at any grocery store. SUPER SLEUTH SUPERMARKET OBSERVATION STUDY Take all the information you have gather and summarize it in a brief written report format.  Address what assumptions can you make about this person from your observations. For example you might state: … Read more

Create a comprehensive plan for an individual that is struggling with anxiety and stress

Create a comprehensive plan for an individual that is struggling with anxiety and stress Here, we are looking at individuals who are struggling with anxiety, stress, and perhaps, self-esteem or self-worth issues. Initially, there is a personal component to this assignment where you are asked to complete a profile of mood state and a STAT … Read more

A description of a business situation that presents a legal and ethical issue.

A description of a business situation that presents a legal and ethical issue. Outline of Final Paper The paper must be one to two pages, excluding the title page and references page(s), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center Address all of the following parts of this assignment: The … Read more

Develop a current resume and create a formal cover letter for a position for which you would like to apply.

Develop a current resume and create a formal cover letter for a position for which you would like to apply. Resume and Cover Letter An applicant’s professional history and qualifications are outlined in a resume. A cover letter is a way for the applicant to make a professional introduction to the hiring manager and demonstrate … Read more

Discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity

Discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity Professionalism and Social Media Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for … Read more

What do you think makes the company you chose particularly vulnerable to social engineering

What do you think makes the company you chose particularly vulnerable to social engineering Question 1 “Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Protection” Please respond to the following: Based on your learning this week, pick a company you’ve heard of from the financial news today. Just go to finance or and take a look at a company. Even … Read more

Defining and Studying the Modern African Diaspora

Defining and Studying the Modern African Diaspora Read Professor Colin Palmer’s essay (at the hyperlink above), “Defining and Studying the Modern African Diaspora” and answer the following questions; What is Colin Palmer’s general thesis or main argument? 2. What is the most convincing part of the essay? Why do you say so? 3. What is … Read more

You are an information security manager for a large retail sporting goods store.

You are an information security manager for a large retail sporting goods store. Privacy, Laws, and Security Measures You are an information security manager for a large retail sporting goods store. The sporting goods store is involved in the following in which they: Maintain an internal network and an intranet protected by a firewall Maintain … Read more

How much $ the presenters asked for – What was the Implied total value of their company

How much $ the presenters asked for – What was the Implied total value of their company Watch Shark Tank TV Show: EPISODE S9 22 Season 1.5 pg A very brief description of the presentation you have chosen How much $ the presenters asked for – What was the Implied total value of their company. … Read more

Discuss the main pros and the main cons (2-3 downsides) of implementing an enculturation program

Discuss the main pros and the main cons (2-3 downsides) of implementing an enculturation program Discuss the main pros (i.e., the main 2-3 benefits) and the main cons (2-3 downsides) of implementing an enculturation program to transition help foreign trained nurses transition to the US. Overall, is an enculturation program a good idea? -What are the … Read more

Different social behaviors occur within society as well as social inequalities.

Different social behaviors occur within society as well as social inequalities. Social Behavior and Inequalities Summary Different social behaviors occur within society as well as social inequalities. How do these social behaviors and social inequalities develop? This assignment requires you to examine these concepts in more depth and explain what you have learned. Write a 350- … Read more

Write one page on how your country has engaged in trade.

Write one page on how your country has engaged in trade. Write one page (12 point times new roman, double spaced, one inch margins, citing sources within the text) on how your country has engaged in trade. What do they import and export? Is this a large or small amount relative to GDP? What are … Read more

Essay #2: Analyzing Heroes in Pop Culture

Essay #2: Analyzing Heroes in Pop Culture Essay #2: Analyzing Heroes in Pop Culture Context: We will now turn our attention to America’s highly influential entertainment complex: Hollywood, and its presentation of heroes in movies and on TV. Some of the most successful movies in recent history have included heroes and their journeys (Star Wars … Read more

Preparing for an incoming tornado at home and taking shelter from the disaster

Preparing for an incoming tornado at home and taking shelter from the disaster Preparing for an incoming tornado at home and taking shelter from the disaster For this paper you must cite and reference 2 sources. The paper should be 2–3 pages and written using current APA format. Your paper should address the following: a. … Read more

Will the offering need to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Act of 1933

Will the offering need to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Act of 1933 Discussions WEEK 4-5 Securities Law Part 1 Securities Law (Answer in 200- 250 words) Private University, a private nonprofit educational institution located in Califor­nia, decides to issue “Shares in Learning” certificates in a one-time offering to … Read more

Describe how Greek sculptors and painters explored naturalism and the depiction of movement and emotion.

Describe how Greek sculptors and painters explored naturalism and the depiction of movement and emotion. Art history, journal, Greek art Journal (Greek Art) Journal Topic: Describe how Greek sculptors and painters explored naturalism and the depiction of movement and emotion. Instructions: Be sure to review the rubric below before working on your journal entry. This journal … Read more

Discuss the impact of other cultures on Etruscan artists.

Discuss the impact of other cultures on Etruscan artists. Art 203 history Assignment Topic: Discuss the impact of other cultures on Etruscan artists. Instructions: Be sure to review the rubric below before working on your assignment. This discussion aligns with Course Objective 2: Identify and discuss the purposes and functions of art. This discussion aligns with Chapter … Read more

Assignment: Write 2-3 paragraphs about the PROS of the gig economy/flexible workforce

Assignment: Write 2-3 paragraphs about the PROS of the gig economy/flexible workforce TOPIC: Flexible workforce/”Gig economy GROUP PROJECT Select a current and/or highly debated topic from the list below. You should investigate both the pros and cons (OR different sides, implications) of the particular issue. As a team, try to come to a consensus/recommendation on the issue (good idea, … Read more

Assume that an unfair labor practice charge was filed against your company by several employees and three prospective employees.

Assume that an unfair labor practice charge was filed against your company by several employees and three prospective employees. Instructions Assume that an unfair labor practice charge was filed against your company by several employees and three prospective employees. See the form linked below indicating the charge, which outlines the scenario below: FORM NLRB-501: Case … Read more

 Discuss the significance of nature to Minoan painters.

 Discuss the significance of nature to Minoan painters. 203 minoan painters Discussion Topic: Discuss the significance of nature to Minoan painters. Instructions: Be sure to review the discussion grading rubric below before working on your discussion posts. Solution preview for the order on  discuss the significance of nature to Minoan painters. APA 364 words

Identify one recent research article if a person with a higher education owns there home or is renting

Identify one recent research article if a person with a higher education owns there home or is renting Identify one recent research article if a person with a higher education owns there home or is renting (not older than five years). Review the research question/hypothesis and the kinds of data used to answer the research … Read more

Considering Egyptian architecture, discuss the various forms used by Egyptians for funerary purposes.

Considering Egyptian architecture, discuss the various forms used by Egyptians for funerary purposes. Journal Topic: Considering Egyptian architecture, discuss the various forms used by Egyptians for funerary purposes. Instructions: Be sure to review the rubric below before working on your journal entry. This journal topic aligns with Course Objective 1: Identify the nature of art and creativity. … Read more

Follow the link and complete the cancer treatment management table.

Follow the link and complete the cancer treatment management table. Follow the link and complete the cancer treatment management table. Cancer treatment is very aggressive in nature. The treatment can lead to symptoms that range from uncomfortable to life-threatening. Complete the Cancer Symptoms Management Table. Do not forget to include complementary alternative therapy that may help … Read more

What is the impact on google’s entry into San Jose on your business

What is the impact on google’s entry into San Jose on your business What is the impact on google’s entry into San Jose on your business? Make a choice: you are either an incumbent or an entrant business in the city of San Jose. Pick the industry that you want to be in (hotel, restaurant, … Read more

What Leaders Must Learn From This Culture Case Study

What Leaders Must Learn From This Culture Case Study Prompt: Use the following case study to do your organizational analysis: The GM Culture Crisis: What Leaders Must Learn From This Culture Case Study III. Evaluate Leadership Theory A. Describe a leadership style used in the case study and why there was a shift in leadership … Read more

You are required to engage with individuals who identify as being a part of the Disability Community

You are required to engage with individuals who identify as being a part of the Disability Community Assignment #2: Disability Culture Plunge (DCP) Code of Conduct & Planning Form You are required to engage with individuals who identify as being a part of the Disability Community. As part of this assignment, you are expected to … Read more

Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and … Read more

Analyze whether the manufacturer would be liable for negligence if the product had not been recalled and had caused harm to a consumer.

Analyze whether the manufacturer would be liable for negligence if the product had not been recalled and had caused harm to a consumer. Visit the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (Links to an external site.) website. Click on “Recalls.” Choose one product that has been recalled. Describe the product subject to recall, including the recall date, recall … Read more

How have prevalent societal and cultural norms about gender and sexuality affected your own life

How have prevalent societal and cultural norms about gender and sexuality affected your own life How have prevalent societal and cultural norms about gender and sexuality affected your own life? Think critically about how expectations about gender roles, sexual identity and/or orientation are manifested and navigated in the contexts most familiar to you. Are you … Read more

Explain how macroeconomic factors affect health care costs.

Explain how macroeconomic factors affect health care costs. Health care reform discussion 1 You are interested in learning more about the health care reform that is occurring in the United States. You want to determine how this relates to international health care. Using the library, Internet, and other resources, conduct research and address the following: … Read more