Browse Questions

What are the sources of ethical dilemmas for nurse leaders? How should nurse leaders handle those issues? Explain the 4As Framework

What are the sources of ethical dilemmas for nurse leaders? How should nurse leaders handle those issues? Explain the 4As Framework  In this article review, you will explore ethical issues and discuss their implications. Step 1 Read the article, Moral Courage and the Nurse LeaderDownload Moral Courage and the Nurse Leader by Cole Edmonson. Step … Read more

You recently attended the Healthcare Information and Management System’s Society (HIMSS) yearly conference in Orlando with several other

You recently attended the Healthcare Information and Management System’s Society (HIMSS) yearly conference in Orlando with several other Topic: Executive Summary of a Key Trend in HIT Details: You recently attended the Healthcare Information and Management System’s Society (HIMSS) yearly conference in Orlando with several other leaders in your organization. The CIO has requested you … Read more

For this assignment, students will investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study from the Gorenstein and Comer

For this assignment, students will investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study from the Gorenstein and Comer Details: For this assignment, students will investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study from the Gorenstein and Comer (2015) textbook Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, chosen in the Week One … Read more

Compare and contrast public and private sector approaches to salary management. (2) In light of increased interest in transparency in

Compare and contrast public and private sector approaches to salary management. (2) In light of increased interest in transparency in (1) Compare and contrast public and private sector approaches to salary management. (2) In light of increased interest in transparency in government, what (if any) employee information should be considered private information (i.e., not subject … Read more

Explain what “moral decay” is and how it relates to the workplace and government. (2) Identify and explain in detail any trends you see that

Explain what “moral decay” is and how it relates to the workplace and government. (2) Identify and explain in detail any trends you see that Explain what “moral decay” is and how it relates to the workplace and government. (2) Identify and explain in detail any trends you see that are contributing to moral decay … Read more

This critical thinking assignments requires you to watch the videos posted. Upon reflection, write about what you learned about brain anatomy

This critical thinking assignments requires you to watch the videos posted. Upon reflection, write about what you learned about brain anatomy Details: This critical thinking assignments requires you to watch the videos posted. Upon reflection, write about what you learned about brain anatomy and brain functioning in early childhood, adolescence and during a medical trauma … Read more

Expand your case scenario describing how the individual may experience transitions across the healthcare continuum as a result of the

Expand your case scenario describing how the individual may experience transitions across the healthcare continuum as a result of the Collaboration Café: Improving Individual Health Outcomes Across the Care Continuum Details: Collaboration Café: Improving Individual Health Outcomes Across the Care ContinuumRevisit the scenario that you created for the Week Five Collaboration Café and respond to … Read more

Students are required to write a paper on the topic of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. The content of the paper should include a section

Students are required to write a paper on the topic of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. The content of the paper should include a section Topic: Paper-Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) Paper Description Details: Students are required to write a paper on the topic of MyofascialPain Syndrome. The content of the paper should include asection describing the potential … Read more

By now you probably realize that we have barely scratched the surface of what it means to be vulnerable in the United States, or anywhere

By now you probably realize that we have barely scratched the surface of what it means to be vulnerable in the United States, or anywhere Overview and required readingHUS 3570: Vulnerable Populations: Health and Healthcare IssuesPlease Remember** Sources and information used in references. Professors here like itwhen you use information and resources close to home.(Remember I … Read more

What is the plan of care for Dorothy? What education does Dorothy need regarding her medication and lifestyle? Discuss normal levels for Hgb,

What is the plan of care for Dorothy? What education does Dorothy need regarding her medication and lifestyle? Discuss normal levels for Hgb, Topic: case study Details: A 68-year-old woman presents to the clinic with several months of fatigue, decreased exercisetolerance, and increased episodes of angina. She volunteers an observation that she is craving icechips. … Read more

Write a problem-solution paragraph on a topic related to your field of study ‘Advanced Academic Study and Writing’

Write a problem-solution paragraph on a topic related to your field of study ‘Advanced Academic Study and Writing’ Write a problem-solution paragraph on a topic related to your field of study ‘Advanced Academic Study and Writing‘ Reading: Unit 3, pages 101-114 Tasks: 1(#s 2-7), 3, 4 TASK 1 Answers may vary.See table below.Sections Points being … Read more

Describe the “Byte Products, Inc” industry (competitivity, rivals, growth, stakeholders…). Draw the SWOT matrix for “Byte Products, Inc”.

Describe the “Byte Products, Inc” industry (competitivity, rivals, growth, stakeholders…). Draw the SWOT matrix for “Byte Products, Inc”. Learning Outcomes: CLO1. Recognize the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management. CLO2.Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations CLO.5. Demonstrate how executive leadership is an important … Read more

Analyze and report survey data collected – with the specialty team. They are keeping up with the times and exercising the vision of service

Analyze and report survey data collected – with the specialty team. They are keeping up with the times and exercising the vision of service DHA 801C Week 7 Case Write UpDiscussant Note: Aetna and the Transformation of Health CareProblem Issues: Fact is that the current system pays healthcare providers for service rather than quality.    … Read more

Write a 1 to 2 page essay exploring how personal habits, stress, and health interact; discuss the difference in the medical model’s view

Write a 1 to 2 page essay exploring how personal habits, stress, and health interact; discuss the difference in the medical model’s view Topic: Habits, Stress and Health Details: Write a 1 to 2 page essay exploring how personal habits, stress, and health interact; discuss the difference in the medical model’s view of health and … Read more

Define each of the following terms: Interest tax shields; value of tax shield, Adjusted present value (APV) model, Compressed adjusted

Define each of the following terms: Interest tax shields; value of tax shield, Adjusted present value (APV) model, Compressed adjusted Topic: Week 8 Questions Details: Complete the following textbook questions: Chapter 21: Questions 21-1 and 21-2 on page 868 Chapter 21: Mini-case on page 871 (complete parts A through E) Business School Assignment Instructions The … Read more

For this assignment i have chosen this topic: Virtual Field Trip. You only need to do 8 examples. APA Formatting style

For this assignment i have chosen this topic: Virtual Field Trip. You only need to do 8 examples. APA Formatting style For this assignment i have chosen this topic: Virtual Field Trip. You only need to do 8 examples. APA Formatting style Answer preview for For this assignment i have chosen this topic: Virtual Field … Read more

Look for sight words (heart words). Are they specifically targeted? If yes, which words and how many are taught? How are they taught?

Look for sight words (heart words). Are they specifically targeted? If yes, which words and how many are taught? How are they taught? Observation # 3— Sight Words Look for sight words (heart words). Are they specifically targeted? If yes, which words and how many are taught? How are they taught? (ie. instructional techniques) Is … Read more

Read and write your article on, Boldly Go: Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare. Déjà vu? This is an assignment that focuses

Read and write your article on, Boldly Go: Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare. Déjà vu? This is an assignment that focuses Read and write your article on, Boldly Go: Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare. Déjà vu? Yes, this is the same case study assigned for Dr. Gupta’s class. You must be able to … Read more

The Case of the Ballot Battle: Choose a stakeholder or stakeholder group to receive the explanation of your decision? If you believe the

The Case of the Ballot Battle: Choose a stakeholder or stakeholder group to receive the explanation of your decision? If you believe the The Case of the Ballot Battle – Page 20 of 44 Step 5: Being ReflectivePart 1—Communicate Your Decision As you come to the end of the process, you’ve made the following decision:Accept … Read more

Begin by researching Design Thinking and identify an article that you think provides insights on the process and how it creates value

Begin by researching Design Thinking and identify an article that you think provides insights on the process and how it creates value ARTICLE REVIEW DISCUSSIONPost your Article Discussion by Friday and engage with 2 of your peers by MondayTo build our collective understanding of the process and value of Design Thinking, this week is an … Read more

What do you know about the validity and reliability in quantitative research? with example. APA formatting style

What do you know about the validity and reliability in quantitative research? with example. APA formatting style What do you know about the validity and reliability in quantitative research? with example. APA formatting style Answer preview for What do you know about the validity and reliability in quantitative research? with example. APA formatting style APA … Read more

Find an example of fake news. Once you find that example, upload it on your post along with your explanation of how you determined

Find an example of fake news. Once you find that example, upload it on your post along with your explanation of how you determined to an external site. Find an example of fake news. Once you find that example, upload it on your post along with your explanation of how you determined this was fake … Read more

Which is the role of a DNP-prepared nurse facing chaos, complexity, and changes in the work area? Develop an essay of a minimum

Which is the role of a DNP-prepared nurse facing chaos, complexity, and changes in the work area? Develop an essay of a minimum Which is the role of a DNP-prepared nurse facing chaos, complexity, and changes in the work area? Develop an essay of a minimum of three pages explaining it; you can illustrate it … Read more

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gambling: What are people saying about your topic? What “sides” or approaches

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gambling: What are people saying about your topic? What “sides” or approaches When writing your essay, build your argument according to the strategies discussed in Chapter 6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Gambling In using sources, be sure to adequately introduce and describe the discourse you’re entering: What are people saying about … Read more

How does the bureaucracy affect your life, and thus, your freedom as an ordinary citizen? In what ways does it hinder or help your life?

How does the bureaucracy affect your life, and thus, your freedom as an ordinary citizen? In what ways does it hinder or help your life? How does the bureaucracy affect your life, and thus, your freedom as an ordinary citizen? In what ways does it hinder or help your life? Do you see the bureaucracy … Read more

Listen to the lecture and then summarize key concepts from the week 4 lecture in a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 300 words,

Listen to the lecture and then summarize key concepts from the week 4 lecture in a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 300 words, Listen to the lecture and then summarize key concepts from the week 4 lecture in a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 300 words, typing up the … Read more

Discuss the relationship between the social responsibility of a corporation and its competitive advantage. Enrich your answer by examples

Discuss the relationship between the social responsibility of a corporation and its competitive advantage. Enrich your answer by examples Discuss the relationship between the social responsibility of a corporation and its competitive advantage. Enrich your answer by examples. (Max 700 words). (Your answers should include outside references (other than the slides and textbook) using a proper … Read more

Using close readings of textual passages, defend an interpretation of Plato’s implied position about love and show how that interpretation

Using close readings of textual passages, defend an interpretation of Plato’s implied position about love and show how that interpretation One of the background themes of Plato’s Alcibiades is love. What does the text imply about the nature of love? Using close readings of textual passages, defend an interpretation of Plato’s implied position about love … Read more

Dunkin’ will be conducting a marketing research project and they are asking you(a) What are the steps of a typical marketing research project

Dunkin’ will be conducting a marketing research project and they are asking you(a) What are the steps of a typical marketing research project Question #1: Dunkin’ will be conducting a marketing research project (15 pts) and they areasking you(a) What are the steps of a typical marketing research project ? (customize the steps for theDunkin’ … Read more

Write a one-page paper on the contributions of Egyptian civilization. Utilize APA formatting style. Use correct grammar

Write a one-page paper on the contributions of Egyptian civilization. Utilize APA formatting style. Use correct grammar Write a one-page paper on the contributions of Egyptian civilization. Utilize APA formatting style. Use correct grammar Answer preview for Write a one-page paper on the contributions of Egyptian civilization. Utilize APA formatting style. Use correct grammar APA … Read more

How does racial segregation in urban/suburban schools affect student outcomes? What evidence do you find convincing?

How does racial segregation in urban/suburban schools affect student outcomes? What evidence do you find convincing? How does racial segregation in urban/suburban schools affect student outcomes? What evidence do you find convincing? This assignment is to write critical overview of a topic related inequality (race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.). The goal of the assignment is … Read more

For this Discussion, review the Megan Meier case and current legislation on cyber-bullying outlined in “Guarding Against a Radical

For this Discussion, review the Megan Meier case and current legislation on cyber-bullying outlined in “Guarding Against a Radical Cyber-Bullying Social networking sites provide a virtual space where individuals can communicate with friends and meet new people. While intended for these purposes, these sites also can be harmful by making individuals vulnerable to cyber-bullying. In … Read more

In this assignment you will be guided in creating a complete argument regarding whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept

In this assignment you will be guided in creating a complete argument regarding whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept This week we learned about the presidency, the powers of the presidency, and the unique way our president is elected via the Electoral College. In this assignment you will be guided … Read more

Select a special population within the criminal justice system included in this course that is of interest to you. Reflect on the information

Select a special population within the criminal justice system included in this course that is of interest to you. Reflect on the information This course includes a thorough analysis of special populations in the American criminal justice system: women, juveniles, racial and ethnic minorities, and mentally ill individuals. You explore these populations with regard to … Read more

Why do you think grant writing is an essential skill for criminal justice and related agencies? Explain. Why do you think that this skill is

Why do you think grant writing is an essential skill for criminal justice and related agencies? Explain. Why do you think that this skill is Grant writing in criminal justice and related agencies is an acquired skill that is greatly underutilized today. Indeed, it is common for agencies to hire an outside consultant to write … Read more

Write a memo to tell the person whose report you have read that the company/community/etc. WILL NOT be implementing the recommended solution

Write a memo to tell the person whose report you have read that the company/community/etc. WILL NOT be implementing the recommended solution For this discussion, please refer to “Writing a Bad News Message,” which was one of the reading materials for week 7. You should also review the link from Purdue University on “Examples of … Read more

Identify each of the 9 military social work competencies. Summarize the specialized practice description as well as the competency behaviors

Identify each of the 9 military social work competencies. Summarize the specialized practice description as well as the competency behaviors Now that you are familiar with the MSW Direct Practice Competencies/Behaviors which you have been working on applying over the past two terms in the field, I would like for you to also become familiar … Read more

The United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2020 initiative has broad goals for both disease prevention

The United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2020 initiative has broad goals for both disease prevention Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Expectations Healthy People 2020 Objectives The United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2020 … Read more

College life is a journey of self-discovery. The process will give you more direction in your future life. Use motivational theory in Deci

College life is a journey of self-discovery. The process will give you more direction in your future life. Use motivational theory in Deci Part 1: Share what life adversity you encountered before entering university (e.g. health, learning, interpersonal relationships, love and family, self-identity, or life meaning)? What was your reaction at that time? How did … Read more

Write a pitch desk assignment. Start with greeting the audience, introduce yourself & end with thanks 2. Show confidence in your work Have

Write a pitch desk assignment. Start with greeting the audience, introduce yourself & end with thanks 2. Show confidence in your work Have Write a pitch desk assignment. 1. Start with greeting the audience, introduce yourself & end with thanks 2. Show confidence in your work Have clear , consistent and controlled voice 3. Finish … Read more

In your post, refer to the decrease in sensory information that is available for processes, the decreases in brain functioning due to atrophy

In your post, refer to the decrease in sensory information that is available for processes, the decreases in brain functioning due to atrophy Consider the effect of loss of cognitive functioning on an aging individual’s social and emotional well-being.  In your post, refer to the decrease in sensory information that is available for processes (e.g., … Read more

Summarize this article: Emotional Stroop task: eVect of word arousal and subject anxiety on emotional interference. This summary requires

Summarize this article: Emotional Stroop task: eVect of word arousal and subject anxiety on emotional interference. This summary requires Summarize this article: Emotional Stroop task: eVect of word arousal and subject anxiety on emotional interference. This summary requires that you summarize the Results section of the paper. This summary should include the results of all … Read more

Corporate IT infrastructure – How does cloud computing affect IT infrastructure? How does it change how companies need to think about

Corporate IT infrastructure – How does cloud computing affect IT infrastructure? How does it change how companies need to think about Cloud computing has become one of the hottest tech buzzwords. Analyze theconcept of cloud computing in terms of its impact on:● Corporate IT infrastructure – How does cloud computing affect ITinfrastructure? How does it … Read more

Provide an analysis of the competitive landscape for Hilton Hotels using Porter’s Five Competitive Forces. Structure your answer around:

Provide an analysis of the competitive landscape for Hilton Hotels using Porter’s Five Competitive Forces. Structure your answer around: Q2 – Hilton Hotels ( is a worldwide leader in the hospitality industry. Inorder to thrive in this competitive environment Hilton must adjust to changes in theenvironment that impact competition.Provide an analysis of the competitive landscape … Read more

You are traveling on a plane to San Francisco for an industry conference. Given that it is a long flight, the person seated next to you

You are traveling on a plane to San Francisco for an industry conference. Given that it is a long flight, the person seated next to you You are traveling on a plane to San Francisco for an industry conference. Giventhat it is a long flight, the person seated next to you strikes up a conversation. … Read more

What is a black hole? How do black holes form? Why do astronomers think that black holes exist? “Reactions” should address the questions:

What is a black hole? How do black holes form? Why do astronomers think that black holes exist? “Reactions” should address the questions: Your essay should have two parts, “Facts” and “Reactions.” “Facts” should address the questions: What is a black hole? How do black holes form? Why do astronomers think that black holes exist? … Read more

actors’ names, you can write something like “The actor who played the girl from Atlanta” or “The actor who played the leader of the feminist

actors’ names, you can write something like “The actor who played the girl from Atlanta” or “The actor who played the leader of the feminist actors’ names, you can write something like “The actor who played the girl from Atlanta” or “The actor who played the leader of the feminist club,” etc. I listened to … Read more

Prompt A: Experience – Was attending this concert a new or repeated experience? Describe the concert environment, audience, performers

Prompt A: Experience – Was attending this concert a new or repeated experience? Describe the concert environment, audience, performers Concert reports are reflections that should follow the 5-paragraph essay structure detailed below. You are not expected to research beyond our course textbook, but are required to select 3 of the prompts below to help focus … Read more

Complete the following based on the industry selected: Locate 5–10 industry publications and or trade journals that are suitable for

Complete the following based on the industry selected: Locate 5–10 industry publications and or trade journals that are suitable for Download the BADM-700 and BADM-720 Blogs List(Word document). Complete the following based on the industry selected: Locate 5–10 industry publications and or trade journals that are suitable for use in your doctoral research. All the industry publications or trade journals should have the same industry focus (e.g., aviation, education, … Read more

I just need brief literature reviews of the following references :Brown SL, Nesse RM, House JS, Utz RL. Religion and Emotional Compensation:

I just need brief literature reviews of the following references :Brown SL, Nesse RM, House JS, Utz RL. Religion and Emotional Compensation: I just need brief literature reviews of the following references : Brown SL, Nesse RM, House JS, Utz RL. Religion and Emotional Compensation: Results from a Prospective Study of Widowhood. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2004;30(9):1165-1174. doi:10.1177/0146167204263752 Hays, J. … Read more

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