Browse Questions

When should parents let teens make their own decisions?

When should parents let teens make their own decisions? Paper instructions: I will need to provide various of citation. 1449 Words MLA  

Choose one of the 5 public health emergencies listed below and write a 3000 word paper

Choose one of the 5 public health emergencies listed below and write a 3000 word paper Read the CDC document entitled Public Health Preparedness: Mobilizing State to State. There are nine preparedness goals in the background section. Choose one of the 5 public health emergencies listed below and write a 3000 word paper (plus or minus 10%) that … Read more

Accounting for Decision Making

Accounting for Decision Making Please follow this requirement and write 2 full pages, double space paper. 656 Words APA

Creative Writing

Creative Writing Please answer the following question in a minimum of 200 words: (directly below the question Question #1: Earlier in class today, we discussed storytelling being the “heart” of good sports reporting. During our discussion, we compared early 1920’s sports reporting to the shift that came in the 1950’s thanks to Dick Young of … Read more

Establishing a Strategic Leadership Team Memo

Establishing a Strategic Leadership Team Memo Establishing a Strategic Leadership Team Scenario: You have been functioning in your COO role for several months and have a relatively solid understanding of the leadership styles present in the healthcare organization. The CEO has requested that you develop a strategic leadership team to design the new 5-year strategic … Read more

Executive Overview Paper

Executive Overview Paper For this paper, you need to pick an executive that you know or work with in the healthcare industry. In this situation, please describe the leadership styles of this person.  Your paper will be a profile of this person and answer the following questions:  which leadership styles are successful and which are … Read more

Human Resource Management (HR)

Human Resource Management (HR) Paper instructions: Visit the Association for Talent Development, the Society for Human Resource Management, and the International Personnel Management Association-HR websites.  What training topics are being discussed?  Are there similar topics or different ones?  Which topics are the most interesting to you and why? 319  Words APA  


Coursework Paper instructions: See article and with attached instructions Week 4 Discussion 3(1) Week 4 Discussion 3-Remote Hire 1186 Words APA  

What are the impact(s) of police body cameras on police officer behavior

What are the impact(s) of police body cameras on police officer behavior Evaluating Evidence Based Law Enforcement Policy The topic is Police Body Cameras What is/are the impact(s) of police body cameras on police officer behavior? not the others, just the police body cameras Scenario: You have been hired by the National Institute of Justice … Read more


Coursework Paper instructions: Customer Service Manager is the job selection. see attachment for more instructions 153108289 persuasion in Democracy Order 153106447 869 Words APA  

Imagine you have been assigned to develop product package label for a new product.

Imagine you have been assigned to develop product package label for a new product. Product Packaging and Visual Design Imagine you have been assigned to develop product package label for a new product. This product is a common household product (you are at liberty to decide what it is). It might be a cleaner, a … Read more

Persuasion and Democracy

Persuasion and Democracy Why is persuasion important to democracy? 302 Words APA

Your team has been tasked with creating the framework for an ideal school.

Your team has been tasked with creating the framework for an ideal school. Scenario: Your team has been tasked with creating the framework for an ideal school. Select a setting for your ideal school with your instructor’s approval. Some examples include the following: Public school Prepare an 3-4 slide presentation of your framework that includes the following: Instructional … Read more

What mobile technologies do you use to communicate either at work or in your life

What mobile technologies do you use to communicate either at work or in your life What mobile technologies do you use to communicate either at work or in your life? How has mobile technology changed business communication? Add some examples of how businesses use mobile technology to connect with customers. We can share some business … Read more

Critique of the play “Ring Round the Moon”. has to be very detailed and written with great sentences.

Critique of the play “Ring Round the Moon”. has to be very detailed and written with great sentences. Critique of the play “Ring Round the Moon”. has to be very detailed and written with great sentences. Keep it simple, clear, and very easy to read. Solution preview for the order on critique of the play “Ring Round … Read more

Describe yourself including any relevant information about your own social identity and culture.

Describe yourself including any relevant information about your own social identity and culture. Your response to this Assessment should: Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric. Adhere to the required assignment length. Use the APA course paper template available here. Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will … Read more

Imagine that you are designing a web site for a company that sells its product in the U.S., India and South Africa

Imagine that you are designing a web site for a company that sells its product in the U.S., India and South Africa Crafting Content Imagine that you are designing a website for a company that sells its product in the U.S., India, and South Africa. The company doesn’t want to have to maintain three sites; … Read more

What performance measures would you recommend they use so that they can monitor progress and performance

What performance measures would you recommend they use so that they can monitor progress and performance Please review Chapter 29 and answer the following questions. You have been asked to advise the Akawini management team how they should promote and monitor the transformation of risk management in their business. What performance measures would you recommend … Read more

How can reading about the illness that others experience help us make sense of the tragedy and injustice in the world

How can reading about the illness that others experience help us make sense of the tragedy and injustice in the world Illness in Literature Final Paper 216-01 In The Language of Kindness, Watson’s mentor Sue recommends that Watson keep a reflective journal, to help her in “making sense of real events.” Sometimes the real events that … Read more

Discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack

Discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation’s financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 120 million cards … Read more

Describe the issues related to using medication as treatment in the criminal justice system.

Describe the issues related to using medication as treatment in the criminal justice system. Medication Compliance Public Service Announcement Create an educational brochure to be displayed at a correctional institution’s library to help educate inmates or offenders on the importance of medication compliance when used as treatment. Include the following: Describe the issues related to using … Read more

Explain how information technology (IT) contributes to high performance teams and learning organizations.

Explain how information technology (IT) contributes to high performance teams and learning organizations. Using the criminal justice organization you work for, or one with which you are familiar. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you do the following: Identify the organizational design and competencies of the organization. How behavior is affected by various organization design … Read more

What are the advantages and disadvantages of probation and parole officers carrying firearms on the job

What are the advantages and disadvantages of probation and parole officers carrying firearms on the job 300 word count discussion post What are the advantages and disadvantages of probation and parole officers carrying firearms on the job? Do you think they should carry firearms on the job? Solution preview for the order on what are … Read more

Write one page on how you would suggest your country reform their financial policies

Write one page on how you would suggest your country reform their financial policies About country of yemen Write one page (12 point times new roman, double spaced, one inch margins, citing sources within the text) on how you would suggest your country reform their financial policies (banking system, allow/do not allow certain types of … Read more

Define and explain what personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction mean

Define and explain what personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction mean WEEK 7 DISCUSSION – “Stare Decisis” and the “Judicial System” Please respond to the following: Define and explain what personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction mean and how these terms are relevant to one who does business in different states. What about a business that … Read more

Do you think federal government involvement in education is beneficial

Do you think federal government involvement in education is beneficial This week focuses on historical foundations of education in the United States. Do you think federal government involvement in education is beneficial? Why or why not? Explain and provide rationale to support your response. I only need to reply to my peers, below are the … Read more

Select a healthcare facility or service that accepts Medicaid.

Select a healthcare facility or service that accepts Medicaid. Select a healthcare facility or service that accepts Medicaid. Identify ways that Medicaid discounting can cause hardships on the type of facility that you selected. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that explores how Medicaid participation has affected organizational finances and what can be done to reduce any loss … Read more

Calculating Value at Risk for Portfolios Held by the Vane Mallory Investment Bank

Calculating Value at Risk for Portfolios Held by the Vane Mallory Investment Bank Chapter 24: The Role of VaR in Enterprise Risk Management: Calculating Value at Risk for Portfolios Held by the Vane Mallory Investment Bank Chapter 25: Uses of Efficient Frontier Analysis in Strategic Risk Management: A Technical Examination Locate and review … Read more

The decision to adopt or bypass a technology can give a company a tremendous competitive advantage

The decision to adopt or bypass a technology can give a company a tremendous competitive advantage The decision to adopt or bypass a technology can give a company a tremendous competitive advantage or remove a company from the market completely. Using the 3 paragraph structure described in the announcements, please research and explain In your own … Read more

Explain the importance of motherboard components, their purpose and properties.

Explain the importance of motherboard components, their purpose and properties. Motherboards, Processors and Memory In 200 words of more, Explain the importance of motherboard components, their purpose, and properties. Compare and contrast various RAM types and their features. Solution preview for the order on explain the importance of motherboard components, their purpose and properties. APA … Read more

Discuss how the types of threats discussed in the article could impact our economy

Discuss how the types of threats discussed in the article could impact our economy Attacks on our national infrastructure are already happening. And the expectation is that they will continue to increase at an accelerated rate. For this week’s discussion, we’ll cover threats to our nation’s pipelines. To get started, read this article: After … Read more

Topic: what is the largest dominating terrorism threat

Topic: what is the largest dominating terrorism threat Topic: what is the largest dominating terrorism threat? this can be a group, an ideology, or a person. 4 written pages content and a Abstract bibliography and a title page. The 4 pages don’t include title page and abstract bibliography. 5 sources in bibliography. Times new roman. … Read more

How does efficient frontier analysis (EFA) differ from other forms of complex risk assessment techniques

How does efficient frontier analysis (EFA) differ from other forms of complex risk assessment techniques How does efficient frontier analysis (EFA) differ from other forms of complex risk assessment techniques? APA Format 200-to-300 words Solution preview for the order on how does efficient frontier analysis (EFA) differ from other forms of complex risk assessment techniques … Read more

4 page paper detailing The War for Talent 

4 page paper detailing The War for Talent 4 page paper detailing The War for Talent  Read the article, The War for Talent Write a 4 page paper detailing the answers to the following questions: What is the war for talent? What are the steps provided in the article to develop the best talent? What are the … Read more

Find a healthy recipe online and write one double spaced page saying that you made the dish for your wife

Find a healthy recipe online and write one double spaced page saying that you made the dish for your wife Find a healthy recipe online and write one double spaced page saying that you made the dish for your wife and answer questions about your experience.   Solution preview for the order on find a … Read more

Write one page describing the crises or risks of crises over the last 30 years.

Write one page describing the crises or risks of crises over the last 30 years. About the country of Yemen Write one page (12 point times new roman, double spaced, one inch margins, citing sources within the text) describing the crises or risks of crises over the last 30 years. What caused them? Were there … Read more

Give a brief outline of how the design and construction would be controlled for fire safety purposes for a new building

Give a brief outline of how the design and construction would be controlled for fire safety purposes for a new building The assignment is based on united kingdom regulations  Select a category of non-domestic building. Give a brief outline of how the design and construction would be controlled for fire safety purposes for a new … Read more

Does Blackfish present a fair and convincing argument

Does Blackfish present a fair and convincing argument 5 Pages Plus Annotated Bibliography MLA Format, Does Blackfish present a fair and convincing argument? Using the film and two outside sources, make an argument about the film’s portrayal of Sea World and the treatment of animals. Notice that “fair” and “convincing” are two separate qualities… I need a … Read more

During the years 1938-1957, according to McNickle, E Deloria, and Peterson, American Indians made significant progress

During the years 1938-1957, according to McNickle, E Deloria, and Peterson, American Indians made significant progress  doc_6.pdf  doc_5.pdf _doc_22.pdf  _doc_21.pdf _doc_7 doc_2 During the years 1938-1957 — Format: 2½–3 pages, 1” margins, double-spaced, 10-12 pt font. Please do not add a cover sheet. Simply include your name, course number (AIS 320), and Essay 1 at the top of … Read more

Identify three or four short-term goals that if learned will lead to the achievement of your long-term goal.

Identify three or four short-term goals that if learned will lead to the achievement of your long-term goal. FORUM 1: Define what a goal is and differentiate between the following goals: Subjective, General Objective, Specific Objective, Outcome, Performance and Process goals. Select a skill: Identify your long-term goal for the learner of that skill Identify … Read more

What is an area of IT you intend to or would like to study

What is an area of IT you intend to or would like to study IPV6 and IoT Security Issues Write 3 short paragraphs that address the following. Paste each bullet below into your response as a section heading: What is an area of IT you intend to or would like to study? What is your … Read more

How do electronic monitoring devices work to support house arrest

How do electronic monitoring devices work to support house arrest 300 word count discussion post How do electronic monitoring devices work to support house arrest? What social and ethical criticisms are associated with electronic monitoring? Solution preview for the order on how do electronic monitoring devices work to support house arrest APA 359 words

Write one page on what the trends in the balance of payments are

Write one page on what the trends in the balance of payments are Write one page (12 point times new roman, double spaced, one inch margins, citing sources within the text) on what the trends in the balance of payments are and how they have changed over the last 30 years. About country of yemen   … Read more

Examine the relationship between incarnation and atonement, focusing especially on Anselm’s idea of satisfaction

Examine the relationship between incarnation and atonement, focusing especially on Anselm’s idea of satisfaction Research Paper 1: Examine the relationship between incarnation and atonement, focusing especially on Anselm’s idea of satisfaction -This paper requires MLA formatting that includes: a. 12-point font b. double-spaced sentences c. title and personal identification d. a separate works cited page properly … Read more

Find a small business owner to interview. The interview may take around an hour

Find a small business owner to interview. The interview may take around an hour Find a small business owner to interview. The interview may take around an hour, so be prepared with several questions. The key topics of your interview should follow the student learning outcomes for the course. Here are those outcomes re-framed for … Read more

You have explored Emerson’s concept of heroism in this lesson.

You have explored Emerson’s concept of heroism in this lesson. How do his ideas align with the notes you took while reading Beowulf? You have explored Emerson’s concept of heroism in this lesson. How do his ideas align with the notes you took while reading Beowulf? Do you think Emerson would have called Beowulf a … Read more

Case Study Assignment

Case Study Assignment Our next case study assignment is Chipotle Required questions:  #4 and #6. Answer these in order before answering the bonus questions. Bonus questions: #3 and #5. Answer these in order after responding to the required questions. For Question #4 perform a complete SWOT analysis for Chipotle. Review the process for completing such … Read more

Presentation Evaluation: Jill Bolte-Taylor

Presentation Evaluation: Jill Bolte-Taylor Watch this presentation once for enjoyment. It’s a story well told. Then watch it a second time with the handout, seeing if you can identify various presentation techniques she used effectively. At Ted site: Higher resolution version: 20191022045656bolte_taylor_critique 167 Words APA

Chapter 1 provided a high-level overview of the need for a national framework

Chapter 1 provided a high-level overview of the need for a national framework for protecting critical infrastructure. For some additional reading Chapter 1 provided a high-level overview of the need for a national framework for protecting critical infrastructure. For some additional reading, take a look at the latest Presidential Order that relates to strengthening cybersecurity … Read more

Anti-Discrimination Laws Related to Employment

Anti-Discrimination Laws Related to Employment Your supervisor has placed you in charge of hiring a new, full-time administrative assistant for your department. Prepare an advertisement for that position that complies with federal law. This advertisement must be detailed. The minimum length of your job description must be 300 words (approximately three-fourths of a page). You … Read more