Internal Theft: Instituting Package Control Procedures to Protect Organization Assets
Internal Theft: Instituting Package Control Procedures to Protect Organization Assets Internal Theft: Instituting Package Control Procedures to Protect Organization Assets Instructions No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations. Project 2: Legal Challenges Confronting Private Security Operations: Administrative Searches … Read more
Module 2 Assignment- Issues & Trends in Professional Nursing
Module 2 Assignment- Issues & Trends in Professional Nursing Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append. Start by reading and following these instructions: Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and … Read more
Discussion paper 2
Discussion paper 2 Paper instructions: student please use the same direction as used for the first discussion paper. Students please read the attached article and answer the questions below. You may submit your response by attaching a word document. The response should be no more than 1-2 pages in length double spaced. The paper is … Read more
Article review
Article review Paper instructions: provide a reflection with an APA cited peer reviewed nursing journal article utilizing the topic patient education 320 Words APA
Research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies.
Research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies. Paper instructions: Using your favorite search engine, research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies. Then, you will write an essay in which you compare and contrast the mission statements of two companies and the vision statements of two companies. You … Read more
Term paper
Term paper Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing workforce development, and how they continue to … Read more
How are the rules that govern world trade rigged in favor of the rich when considering the case of Jamaica
How are the rules that govern world trade rigged in favor of the rich when considering the case of Jamaica Paper instructions: Film: “Life and Debt” (2001), Tuff Gong Pictures Production, Film by Stephanie Black IDS 110 Life and Debt Film Worksheet February 5, 2020 Name___________________________________________ Instructions: Fill out during and after watching the film … Read more
Coursework Paper instructions: See article and attached instructions. Week 7 Discussion 5 Week 7 Disucssion 5- Interview Feedback(1) 701 Words APA
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking As a new supervisor, you are tasked with developing your department’s progressive disciplinary policy for employees. In a two-page policy, include the policy’s purpose, roles or responsibilities of stakeholders and the progressive steps for discipline. Under each progressive step, outline the definition and specific steps of the process. Include a final paragraph that … Read more
Memo Write a 1,000-word memo that seeks to help a person of your choice who aspires to a position of political influence and leadership but has not yet attained the post. The memo should offer this would-be leader advice and strategies – you can focus on politics, policy, and/or personal issues. Specify a roadmap that … Read more
Coursework Paper instructions: See article with attached instructions. Week 5 Discussion 4 Week 5 Discussion 4 – Challenges(1) 1234 Words APA
Module 3 – Discussion (Lesson 8)
Module 3 – Discussion (Lesson 8) Please visit the Time to Change website. ( Summarize in a minimum of at least three (3) paragraphs what you learned about Mental Health. Discuss any ideas you may have to support Mental Health awareness and how to improve its outcome. Include and cite references to support your answer. … Read more
360-degree Feedback Systems
360-degree Feedback Systems Paper instructions: Can employees in all occupations be evaluated by 360-degree feedback systems? What are some advantages and disadvantages of these systems? 314 Words APA
Module 2 – SLP
Module 2 – SLP ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN DIFFICULT SITUATIONS Ethical Decisions in the Workplace After reading your background readings, please review the following scenario and address the questions at the end. Jerry Stevens heads up an excavation crew for the municipal utilities district in a city in Nebraska. A sewer line needs to be … Read more
Hawthorne’s “the birthmark” Essay
Hawthorne’s “the birthmark” Essay Description 1. Your understanding of the story/central idea or conflict, with a selected passage 2. Questions, based on passages 3. Look up all words you do not know 4. Why you liked or disliked 5. What did the work help you to understand 6. Write out your favorite passage and explain … Read more
Your organization is going to be expanding globally.Select two (2) countries of your choice.
Your organization is going to be expanding globally.Select two (2) countries of your choice. Title: Country Comparison Paper instructions: Your organization is going to be expanding globally.Select two (2) countries of your choice.You will conduct research in which you 1) identify and discuss, for each country, the customary benefits organizations provide their employees in those … Read more
Is Bruce Barton’s 1925 book The Man Nobody Knows a “modern” interpretation of Jesus
Is Bruce Barton’s 1925 book The Man Nobody Knows a “modern” interpretation of Jesus Paper format: Other: As for your reference style, just use a parenthesis format (Bellamy, 125) or (Foner, 353). Paper instructions: Is Bruce Barton’s 1925 book The Man Nobody Knows a “modern” interpretation of Jesus? Or is it another example of getting … Read more
Discuss the role of state or local law enforcement to terrorism.
Discuss the role of state or local law enforcement to terrorism. Title: Role of Law Enforcement in Terrorism Paper instructions: Discuss the role of state and/or local law enforcement to terrorism. Solution preview for the order on discuss the role of state or local law enforcement to terrorism. APA 1786 words
Understanding how these seemingly independent areas impact the operation and profitability of organizations.
Understanding how these seemingly independent areas impact the operation and profitability of organizations. Paper instructions: The current event is a 3-5 page paper The real value in understanding operations management is in understanding how these seemingly independent areas impact the operation and profitability of organizations.Students have focused on very diverse areas.For example, one student described … Read more
Find an entry level position in international business/marketing by utilizing the internet via search engines.
Find an entry level position in international business/marketing by utilizing the internet via search engines. Assignment #1 – Career Search List Job title: Find an entry level position in international business/marketing by utilizing the internet via search engines. List: Company Name, Location, Contact person, Title, e-mail, phone, and fax number. Company’s business: What business are … Read more
Find an investigation case or court case for each component
Find an investigation case or court case for each component Intro to Criminal Justice Critical Analysis Assignment 1 Ms. Kristen Bowen Three major components of the criminal justice system: Police, Courts, & Corrections. * Find an investigation case or court case for each component. * Must be relevant in the last six months * One … Read more
Google Fires 4 Workers Active in Labor Organizing
Google Fires 4 Workers Active in Labor Organizing Title: Common Article/Ethical Case Analysis Choice 4 Google Fires 4 Workers Active in Labor Organizing _Ethical_Case_Analysis_Grading_Criteria Solution preview for the order on Google Fires 4 Workers Active in Labor Organizing MLA 379 words
Woman in The USA
Woman in The USA One way to characterize Kate Chopin would be extreme. She does not see any hope of changing social systems through moderate measures. Your assignment for this unit will be to compare Chopin’s writing to a contemporary feminist concern. Below, I’ve listed three prompts to help give you some direction, if you … Read more
Discussion Post
Discussion Post Our Consciences are Becoming Tender”: Reform in the Progressive Era M2D2: “Our Consciences are Becoming Tender”: Reform in the Progressive Era Riis, J. (1900). Homeless People in New York. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest.Module 2 This discussion addresses the following outcomes: Examine a reform effort in the Progressive era and draw conclusions about the major … Read more
Coursework Paper instructions: Expanding on your Class Discussion; your paper should include a detailed explanation of the ethical dilemmas that the protagonist in the movie Serpico (1973). What changes in Law Enforcement were made as a result of the actions portrayed in this movie? 165 287 Words APA
Reading Responses
Reading Responses Paper instructions: Write reading responses for two articles. The readings are attached, and there are also student examples. Order 153900639 614 Words APA
Coursework Paper instructions: Please read the doc and then finish the question. Thank you 11-11(1) 376 Words MLA
Description of your population (Bodybuilders). It would be appropriate to
Description of your population (Bodybuilders). ● Description of your population (Bodybuilders). It would be appropriate to include epidemiological information, demographics information, and general background data here. ● Nutritional considerations for your population (Bodybuilders). This will be the bulk of your paper. It will most likely be broken up into sections based on specific nutrients or … Read more
Sexual Assault and Depression
Sexual Assault and Depression article analysis, one example of applying the concept from diagnosis from finding in the research articles in the metal health setting, summary of main points and implications for mental health nursing practice are logical, relevant , and clear SEXUAL ASSUALT AND DEPRESSION ARTICE 1 386 Words APA
Plato’s concept of justice in The Republic
Plato’s concept of justice in The Republic Must be able to answer the question ‘so what?’ to the thesis statement. Cannot use the words: I think, I feel, I believe.. DO NOT use first person. 1st paragraph – thesis statement 2nd paragraph – synopsis of the think’s main points 3rd paragraph – argument for or … Read more
Are government quotas and subsidies justified? Discuss the US sugar policy
Are government quotas and subsidies justified? Discuss the US sugar policy Are government quotas and subsidies justified? Discuss the US sugar policy 6- MIGE Fall 2019 Lesson 8 Next Assignment(2) 361 Words MLA
Should NAFTA – USMCA be expanded into a currency union?
Should NAFTA – USMCA be expanded into a currency union? Paper instructions: Should NAFTA – USMCA be expanded into a currency union? Please give 2 arguments for and 2 against 5- MIGE Fall 2019 Lesson 9 Next Assignment _2_(1) 336 Words MLA
Industry Case Study 5
Industry Case Study 5 My industry is The Global Fashion Industry 6 – MIGE Fall 2019 Lesson 9 IA 5 _1_(2) 622 Words MLA
Describe the public health problem in terms of magnitude, person, time and place.
Describe the public health problem in terms of magnitude, person, time and place. Paper instructions: Table 7–5 in Chapter 7 of your text lists examples of several major cohort studies. Choose one of the studies (excluding the Framingham Heart Study and Nurses’ Health Study) from the list. Using the data from that study, describe the … Read more
Write a short history on the development and impact of that technology.
Write a short history on the development and impact of that technology. Paper instructions: 1. Paper TOPIC: Choose your own technology: Following our reading of the Dot Eaters site, you need to select a single gaming-oriented technology and write a short history on the development and impact of that technology. 2. Response should be 1-2 … Read more
You will be looking at what risk factors are associated with liver cancer.
You will be looking at what risk factors are associated with liver cancer. Paper instructions: Read Chapter 12 in the textbook about estimating the potential for prevention of disease.Book: Gordis, L. (2014). Epidemiology (5th ed.). Canada: Saunders American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th.ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author. (I do not … Read more
Why have developmental theories been produced
Why have developmental theories been produced Title: Why have developmental theories been produced? Paper instructions: Discussion Board Initial Posts follow Chapter Summary Essays. There is one required discussion board question for each textbook chapter. Timely submission is expected in order to meet objectives of participation, allowing the course professor and peer students an opportunity to … Read more
The Pros and Cons of LinkedIn vs other Social/Business Networking sites
The Pros and Cons of LinkedIn vs other Social/Business Networking sites Paper instructions: In 250 words or so, share your opinions on the LinkedIn white paper you read.Comment on: How the information you read is important The Pros and Cons of LinkedIn vs other Social/Business Networking sites Where do you see this and other platforms … Read more
Book/movie review
Book/movie review I need study guide for midterm. My professor asked me these questions about the documentary film “Life and Debt”. Unfortunately, I don’t have link to access to watch that movie but I will attach the link of the summary of the movie. 1. How might Chang or Farmer each explain persistent poverty … Read more
Cognitive Dream Analysis
Cognitive Dream Analysis Paper instructions: assignment attached anth404cognitivedreamanalysis 818 Words Chicago
Please read attached material (chapter 21 and 22) before starting to write this paper.
Please read attached material (chapter 21 and 22) before starting to write this paper.“ Social justice in developed countries cannot be Please read attached material (chapter 21 and 22) before starting to write this paper. “Social justice in developed countries cannot be achieved until it is also achieved in developing countries.” Why? Discuss it with … Read more
Develop a research question to investigate HPV
Develop a research question to investigate HPV Paper instructions: For this discussion, you will develop a research question to investigate HPV. You will then determine whether you would use an observational or experimental design to investigate the research question, and you will support your rationale. CHECK RUBRICS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION group_discussion_ Solution preview for the … Read more
Similarities and Differences between Leadership and Management
Similarities and Differences between Leadership and Management Title: Similarities and Differences between Leadership and Management Section 1: Leadership In this section students should write a short overview and discussion of what they have learnt about leadership, management and team working. Their discussion should focus on three central questions: e@ What do ‘leadership’ and ‘management’ mean? … Read more
What is optimal aging? Define this term and provide at least one (1) example.
What is optimal aging? Define this term and provide at least one (1) example. What is optimal aging? Define this term and provide at least one (1) example. What is successful aging? Define this term and provide at least one (1) example. What is the meaningful difference between these two terms? Be specific. Lastly, discuss how … Read more
Evaluate Microsoft’s product and marketing evolution over the years
Evaluate Microsoft’s product and marketing evolution over the years Paper instructions: Case studies are an important learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in … Read more
Write a short report illustrating an example of a project undertaken by a company, municipality, or non-profit organization
Write a short report illustrating an example of a project undertaken by a company, municipality, or non-profit organization Paper instructions: Write a short report illustrating an example of a project undertaken by a company, municipality, or non-profit organization demonstrating how this project links to the organization’s mission, vision, and values. If possible, show the numerical … Read more
What theological reasons can you think of for why Christians should support the concept of religious freedom
What theological reasons can you think of for why Christians should support the concept of religious freedom Paper instructions: After reading the assignments from Voorst, answer the following question:What theological reasons can you think of for why Christians should support the concept of religious freedom, even in situations where individuals choose to follow religions other … Read more
Explain how the chosen MNC would be assisting their employees to develop skills for oral communication and presentation skills
Explain how the chosen MNC would be assisting their employees to develop skills for oral communication and presentation skills Assignment Briefs: Each group has to choose any multinational company and the assignment discussions should completely focus the following points; 1.Explain how the chosen MNC would be assisting their employees to develop skills for oral communication … Read more
Write a paper on what is Feasibility Analysis
Write a paper on what is Feasibility Analysis In this course, you will be working in a semester long project concerning with developing a new entrepreneurial business idea and conducting a thorough feasibility analysis to assess the feasibility of your idea. Write a paper on “What is Feasibility Analysis?”. Investing your time in researching about … Read more
If you were to implement a quota-based compensation system, how would you set salespeople’s quotas
If you were to implement a quota-based compensation system, how would you set salespeople’s quotas Paper instructions: Read this article, and answer those two questions. 1) If you were to implement a quota-based compensation system, how would you set salespeople’s quotas? Would the quota setting and updating look similar to that shown in Case Exhibit 9? If … Read more