Browse Questions

What is the motive for expanding into foreign markets and more specifically why the chosen county.

What is the motive for expanding into foreign markets and more specifically why the chosen county. COMPANY ANALYSIS / COUNTRY ANALYSIS / MARKET RESEARCH PROJECT: Teams consisting of 3-5 students will be randomly formed by me at the beginning of the semester. The teams will be asked to identify a company that is ready or … Read more

Identify and describe an organization that has gone through a change process and the impact on the organization.

Identify and describe an organization that has gone through a change process and the impact on the organization. Paper instructions: Identify and describe an organization that has gone through a change process and the impact on the organization. Include in this paper strategies that the organization implemented during this change process. Additionally, identify one challenge … Read more

Should corporations have free speech rights like people do

Should corporations have free speech rights like people do MGMT 0422 Watch the above video. What are some take away from it? Should corporations have free speech rights like people do? Should corporations be allowed to spend freely in elections?  Why or why not? Solution preview for the order on should corporations have free … Read more

What challenges continue to exist in the workplace for women

What challenges continue to exist in the workplace for women Generally the initial reply is worth 12 points and the subsequent replies a total of 8 points. Madame C.E.O. Please read the above and respond to the following: What challenges continue to exist in the workplace for women? How do you think that organizational cultures … Read more

How do the two countries differ in financing and organizing their healthcare system

How do the two countries differ in financing and organizing their healthcare system Title: U.S. Health Care System Signature Assignment Part 4 – Individual Written Report Paper instructions: How do the two countries differ in financing and organizing their healthcare system? What are the philosophy and social ethics behind such differences? What are the major … Read more

Essay on a recent ethical dilemma plaguing law enforcement in the U.S.

Essay on a recent ethical dilemma plaguing law enforcement in the U.S. Dilemma in Law Enforcement Paper instructions: Essay on a recent ethical dilemma plaguing law enforcement in the U.S. Solution preview for the order on essay on a recent ethical dilemma plaguing law enforcement in the U.S. APA 609 words

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the advertising strategies of the three companies.

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the advertising strategies of the three companies. Title: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the advertising strategies of the three companies. Paper instructions: Facebook, Twitter, and Google all generate most of their revenue from selling advertising offerings. (1) Describe in some detail Google’s advertising business model as well as … Read more

Consider why and how the news is important and the Extent to which we take its presence for granted.

Consider why and how the news is important and the Extent to which we take its presence for granted. Instructions Guideline: 48-Hour News Blackout Article “ The End of Solitude” Link: You should do a thorough-going read of the article “The End of Solitude.” In it, Deresiewicz traces how solitude has changed through the … Read more

Groupthink.How would you define this term and is it a good thing or a bad thing

Groupthink.How would you define this term and is it a good thing or a bad thing Paper instructions: This chapter introduces the term “groupthink.”How would you define this term and is it a good thing or a bad thing? Solution preview for the order on groupthink.How would you define this term and is it a … Read more

Outline John Rawls’ theory of justice. How would you critique it

Outline John Rawls’ theory of justice. How would you critique it PHL 212- Intro to Ethics Paper 1- Chapters 1-8 PAPER 1- Pick from ONE of the questions below and answer in essay form. TO GET PROPER CREDIT YOU MUST: Name your file: Paper One Last Name, i.e.   Paper One Jones Put your name on … Read more

What is Atman? What is Brahman? What is the argument for the idea that they are completely identical

What is Atman? What is Brahman? What is the argument for the idea that they are completely identical Paper instructions: What is Atman? What is Brahman? What is the argument for the idea that they are completely identical? If everything is fundamentally one, but appears to be many, what can we do to overcome this? … Read more

As the moderator, while conducting the focus group sessions, what are the important aspects that you need to take care of

As the moderator, while conducting the focus group sessions, what are the important aspects that you need to take care of Paper instructions: P & G wants to introduce a new scent of air freshener that is primarily aimed to appeal to undergraduate college students. You have been asked to conduct focus group research among … Read more

Describe how reserves are calculated for your projects.

Describe how reserves are calculated for your projects. Paper instructions: Describe how reserves are calculated for your projects. If you have not or do not work in a project environment, then find a relevant article or example to answer the question below (be sure to cite any outside sources). In your response, consider answering the … Read more

Compare two songs Louis Armstrong – You’ll Never Walk Alone and Louis Armstrong – Georgia on My Mind.

Compare two songs Louis Armstrong – You’ll Never Walk Alone and Louis Armstrong – Georgia on My Mind. Paper instructions: Compare two songs Louis Armstrong – You’ll Never Walk Alone and Louis Armstrong – Georgia on My Mind. Listen many times and use your ears to describe what you hear. Consider melody, rhythm, harmony, lyrics, … Read more

Should the Qur’an be the source of Muslims or should it be their minds and the use of reason?

Should the Qur’an be the source of Muslims or should it be their minds and the use of reason? Paper instructions: Should the Qur’an be the source of Muslims or should it be their minds and the use of reason? (should people be Rationalist and reasonable) The paper is NOT a summary. It should be … Read more

How can project risk management help improve project performance

How can project risk management help improve project performance Paper instructions: Read pages 94 -106 of your textbook (Meredith et al., 2017), and discuss the following questions: How can project risk management help improve project performance? What do you think are the most important factors to keep in mind and manage when managing risk? Some examples … Read more

Reflect on epistemology and what you think about the reaction to it from Seyyed Hossein Nasr.

Reflect on epistemology and what you think about the reaction to it from Seyyed Hossein Nasr. In this assignment, you are asked to write a reflection paper on the following topic: Reflect on epistemology and what you think about the reaction to it from Seyyed Hossein Nasr. I attached the course reading about Seyyed Hossein … Read more

Explain the basic premises and concepts of the criminological theory

Explain the basic premises and concepts of the criminological theory Paper instructions: Topic – Street gangs, Theory- Social disorganization theory, sub cultural theories, differential association theory, and life-course theory Your paper should explain how you think the criminological theory and the research you are using suggest the crime-related issue should be addressed. Your paper must:•Explain … Read more

The relationship between flexible working hours with the productivity of employees

The relationship between flexible working hours with the productivity of employees Title: The relationship between flexible working hours with the productivity of employees Paper instructions: we have 2 variables which are 1- Flexible working hours 2- Productivity we need 20 academic articles , The period for the academic articles should be between 2015 and 2020 … Read more

Apply the principles of one of the three quality programs you have researched from your readings to your organization

Apply the principles of one of the three quality programs you have researched from your readings to your organization MLA Paper instructions: Module 7: Critical Thinking Case Study (100 points) Apply the principles of one of the three quality programs you have researched from your readings to your organization or a Saudi Arabian organization of … Read more

Discuss decisions that were made and policies that were created in response to the attack to discourage terrorism

Discuss decisions that were made and policies that were created in response to the attack to discourage terrorism Past Response and Alternatives: In this section, you will focus on how the government of the country in which the attack occurred responded to the event. You will also consider the impacts of the government’s response and … Read more

Examine the potential for the ostrich effect at Kodak in relation to the switch from paper to digital camera products

Examine the potential for the ostrich effect at Kodak in relation to the switch from paper to digital camera products Paper instructions: The podcast discussed how individuals have the tendency to avoid unpleasant information. Apply that concept to how organizations behave.In particular, examine the potential for the ostrich effect at Kodak in relation to the switch from … Read more

Utilize PESTEL or Porter’s Five Forces competitive advantage framework to identify the competitive position held by the firm.

Utilize PESTEL or Porter’s Five Forces competitive advantage framework to identify the competitive position held by the firm. Company name: Lien Furniture and Mattress LLC. (Small Business ) Address: 1877 nw 21 St, Miami, FL 33142 The Project MUST consist of the following: • SWOT Analysis that considers both current and potential conditions. This two-step … Read more

Reflect on an organizational problem that you experienced in the past.

Reflect on an organizational problem that you experienced in the past. Paper instructions: The ability to apply theories and concepts taught in the classroom to your everyday experiences is critical. The objective of this assignment is to give allow the student to practice looking at your experiences through the lens of organizational behavior.Reflect on an … Read more

What is the role of the press in counter-terrorism

What is the role of the press in counter-terrorism Choose one of the topics directly related to the study of intelligence analysis and write a 5-7 page research paper on that topic, making use of a minimum of 5 different sources. The paper must be written in APA format and adhere to the standards of … Read more

Explain what is marketing budget, why it is important for the new business .

Explain what is marketing budget, why it is important for the new business . Paper instructions: Writer for the marketing budget explain what is marketing budget, why it is important for the new business .Explain what is integrated marketing communication strategy and what is pricing strategy Solution preview for the order on explain what … Read more

Explain how Jackson uses the Mary’s Room thought experiment to argue that physicalism is false.

Explain how Jackson uses the Mary’s Room thought experiment to argue that physicalism is false. Prompt: What is physicalism? Explain how Jackson uses the Mary’s Room thought experiment to argue that physicalism is false. Your essays should: ¢ Be 1000 words in length. e Have an informative title. ¢ Be typed and double-spaced with one-inch … Read more

Does anyone have Consumer Animosity (CAn) towards products made in your country

Does anyone have Consumer Animosity (CAn) towards products made in your country Paper instructions: After reading the powerpoint slides you MUST answer these ((important)) questions: Foreign consumer predispositions: Consumer Animosity and Affinity. • . A:Does anyone have Consumer Animosity (CAn) towards products made in your country?Who and why? If so, how should marketers deal with … Read more

Is violence justified in fighting against racial or ethnic discrimination and exclusion

Is violence justified in fighting against racial or ethnic discrimination and exclusion During struggles against discrimination or political and economic exclusion based on race and ethnicity, some anti-racist, civil rights, and independence activists believed that nonviolence was the best way to end racism. Others argued that racist, unequal systems could only be defeated through violent … Read more

Describe the problems in the case study related just to nepotism in hiring to analyse them and make specific recommendations for possible solutions.

Describe the problems in the case study related just to nepotism in hiring to analyse them and make specific recommendations for possible solutions. The case study describes an organisation that is experiencing some problems. The topic chosen for report /nepotism in hiring / in a cross cultural management case study attached -describe the problems in … Read more

Summarize Robinson’s main points on transnational state apparatuses

Summarize Robinson’s main points on transnational state apparatuses Paper instructions: Summarize Robinson’s main points on transnational state apparatuses (structural power, struggle for hegemony, and class relations). (Ch. 2) William I. Robinson. Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity. Cambridge Univ. Press(2014). Solution preview for the order on summarize Robinson’s main points on transnational state apparatuses … Read more

Understand the population (Vietnamese immigrant in Santa Clara County) and the health issue (lung cancer).

Understand the population (Vietnamese immigrant in Santa Clara County) and the health issue (lung cancer). Paper instructions: Under are the files which help get the assignment done. You just need to read the PC3 and PC4 files to understand the population (Vietnamese immigrant in Santa Clara County) and the health issue (lung cancer). Then take … Read more

Imagine that you are the leader of a center-based child care center.

Imagine that you are the leader of a center-based child care center. Paper instructions: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Quality, Compensation, and Affordability (uploaded) and Chapter 3 from your textbook,(uploaded) examine the Sample Budget Form (Uploaded), and view the following scenarios in the presentation below involving managing a budget for a childcare … Read more

Provide a list of people you believe should be interviewed for this investigation and how they relate to the investigation.

Provide a list of people you believe should be interviewed for this investigation and how they relate to the investigation. Provide a list of people you believe should be interviewed for this investigation and how they relate to the investigation. What information could they possibly supply? Provide a narrative description of the interview setting and … Read more

What are the pros and cons of using competencies when reviewing performance

What are the pros and cons of using competencies when reviewing performance Paper instructions What are the pros and cons of using competencies when reviewing performance?   Solution preview for the order on what are the pros and cons of using competencies when reviewing performance APA 367 words

Evaluate and apply modern project management techniques to real projects in the business environment.

Evaluate and apply modern project management techniques to real projects in the business environment. Assessment Information This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes: 1. Evaluate and apply modern project management techniques to real projects in the business environment. 2. Critically analyse the different tools and techniques used in project management. This assignment is an … Read more

How does A League of Their Own fit into the sport film genre

How does A League of Their Own fit into the sport film genre Using A League of Their Own as a text, write an essay that addresses the following questions: How does A League of Their Own fit into the sport film genre? Explain how women’s participation in sports in the 20th century challenged traditional … Read more

Methodology (secondary data) Evaluating ERP as an important business for an organization.

Methodology (secondary data) Evaluating ERP as an important business for an organization. Highlight two points 1- Methodology (secondary data) Evaluating ERP as an important business for an organization. 2- Recommendation for ERP – hence the paper was using secondary data as a method of evaluating data which limits certain aspects that would be highlight the … Read more

Provide an example of a recent marketing campaign you observed that inspired you to pursue a career in marketing.

Provide an example of a recent marketing campaign you observed that inspired you to pursue a career in marketing. Paper instructions: Provide an example of a recent marketing campaign you observed that inspired you to pursue a career in marketing. Make sure your answer is detailed and includes all of the following. Please be as … Read more

How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture

How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture Paper instructions: You have read Ross King’s Brunelleschi’s Dome: How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture.Today you will watch, Great Cathedral Mystery: Master craftsmen explore how Florence’s monumental dome was built nearly 600 years ago. In this assignment, you will do two things in 4 pages, double spaced, 12 point … Read more

The conditions and terms under which Chinese migrated in the Age of Mass Migration left some with very little agency

The conditions and terms under which Chinese migrated in the Age of Mass Migration left some with very little agency Paper instructions: Prompt: The conditions and terms under which Chinese migrated in the Age of Mass Migration left some with very little agency. The worst of these terms fell under forms of paraslavery and even … Read more

How can transformational servant leadership bring up the effectiveness or productivity in organizations

How can transformational servant leadership bring up the effectiveness or productivity in organizations Paper instructions: My topic:How can transformational servant leadership bring up the effectiveness or productivity in organizations?. Assignment 2: 3 pages for the annotated bibliography(fill up the form of assignment 2) assignment_3_instruction assignment_2_annotated_bibli_   Solution preview for the order on how can … Read more

Synthesize your career assessment results and research three selected occupations.

Synthesize your career assessment results and research three selected occupations. CED 250 Paper 3: Career Exploration Paper In Paper 3, you will synthesize your career assessment results and research three selected occupations. To complete this assignment, you must first take the PGI assessment at Create a profile, choose to take the LONG version, and … Read more

Write a one to two page paper providing an overview of the test and explaining the four different scales of this personality inventory

Write a one to two page paper providing an overview of the test and explaining the four different scales of this personality inventory Review the article on Myers-Briggs Type indicator using the link below. Write a one to two page paper providing an overview of the test and explaining the four different scales of this … Read more

What do you make of Aristotle’s theory of soul and particularly of the problem found in De Anima5

What do you make of Aristotle’s theory of soul and particularly of the problem found in De Anima5 Paper instructions: Source to be used: Textbook:Student Edition ISBN: Theaetetus (Plato)0-87220-758-9 De Anima (Aristotle)9781624666193 Matter and Consciousness 3rd edition (Churchland) 978-0-262-51958-8 Prompt: Based on your reading and analysis of secondary literature, what do you make of Aristotle’s … Read more

Write a business memorandum to your supervisor evaluating the effectiveness of an advertisement

Write a business memorandum to your supervisor evaluating the effectiveness of an advertisement ENG 222 Writing Assignment #1: Memo Evaluating an Advertisement Goal: To learn the skill of writing an effective memo to a superior which provides specific requested information. To reinforce the selection and manipulation of templates; to add or change design elements of … Read more

How is the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) application in the field of health care

How is the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) application in the field of health care Paper instructions: Topic of the paper:How is the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) application in the field of health care could challenge the principle of ‘do no harm’ and the ethics around providing treatment following testing for and confirmation of … Read more

Describe one fundamental business assumption that is called into question by the shift from the upstream to the downstream.

Describe one fundamental business assumption that is called into question by the shift from the upstream to the downstream. Paper instructions: Describe one fundamental business assumption that is called into question by the shift from the upstream to the downstream. State what the assumption is, how it is called into question by Tilt, and what … Read more

Write an analysis report about the UK company Morrisons

Write an analysis report about the UK company Morrisons Write an analysis report about the UK company “Morrisons”, including each following details. The relationship between managers and stockholders 1. The Chief Executive Officer  Who is the CEO of the company? How long has he or she been CEO?   If it is a family … Read more

Using the Basic Problem Solving Process outlined in the chapter, describe an interaction with a client/patient/student or consumer.

Using the Basic Problem Solving Process outlined in the chapter, describe an interaction with a client/patient/student or consumer. Paper instructions: Using the Basic Problem Solving Process outlined in the chapter, describe an interaction with a client/patient/student or consumer.In this case, a “client” is someone that you interact with at your agency who is a client … Read more