Question to Debate: Is Incarceration Worth the Cost
Question to Debate: Is Incarceration Worth the Cost Title: Question to Debate: Is Incarceration Worth the Cost? Paper instructions: The questions to consider are whether the changes in laws resulting in an increase in the number of inmates, construction of new prisons, renovation of existing facilities, and spending tens of billions of dollars to house … Read more
The Influence of Family on Body Image
The Influence of Family on Body Image (M10) R/R: The Influence of Family on Body Image According to your textbook, body image can be defined as “what you believe or emotionally feel about your body’s shape, weight, and general appearance”. Much of what we feel about ourselves may have come from our upbringing. Select two … Read more
Discuss the focus and direction of the strategic plan providing three ups
Discuss the focus and direction of the strategic plan providing three ups Paper instructions: After reading the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2020-2024: Discuss the focus and direction of the strategic plan providing three ups (good things about it) and three downs (three things that could be improved) in the plan. … Read more
Write an essay about William Henry Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft
Write an essay about William Henry Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft Paper instructions: Write an essay about William Henry Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft with answering the following question: 1. What was about the leader that interest you? 2. Why is the leader significant? 3. Describe the traits and the personality of the leader 4. … Read more
Speech about why Stanislas Marie Adélaïde, Count of Clermont-Tonnerre favour for King’s Veto
Speech about why Stanislas Marie Adélaïde, Count of Clermont-Tonnerre favour for King’s Veto Paper instructions: Learning about French Revolution and this paper is just a speech about why Stanislas Marie Adélaïde, Count of Clermont-Tonnerre favour for King’s Veto Solution preview for the order on speech about why Stanislas Marie Adélaïde, Count of Clermont-Tonnerre favour … Read more
How can the current board help with fundraising, tapping into its existing financial resources or network
How can the current board help with fundraising, tapping into its existing financial resources or network Rainbow Street (NGO active in Middle East and North Africa, based in San Francisco, (Links to an external site.))grow its organization in terms of impact + number of cases managed, and resources (funding and employees). The dilemma the organization … Read more
Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review in the United States
Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review in the United States Paper instructions: Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review in the United States, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws, statutes, and executive actions that violate the U.S. Constitution. Please explain the history behind the case. … Read more
The organization that has been chosen is
The organization that has been chosen is Paper instructions: 1- please read the instructions carefully and follow the details. 2- the organization that has been chosen is: (General Electric). 3- do only the written part ( report) 4- Writing Guidelines: Paper size: A4, Line Spacing:1.5, Margins:Normal all sides, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 … Read more
Case study
Case study Paper instructions: Read the case to answer the questions. Please write in outline format, and use bullet points No outside source is needed. Thanks! 346755313_RR_The_Influence_of_Family_on_Body_Image_2810767964023199 885 Words MLA
Research Report on Issues in Corporate Law
Research Report on Issues in Corporate Law Paper instructions: 1, Please follow the the guideline to write this paper. 2, The report shall be a minimum of 2000 words and maximum of 3500 words. Please use a 11⁄2 line spacing. So just write more than 2000 words. _Report_Assignment__ _3250_outline_ 2249 Words MLA
Critical Reflection
Critical Reflection See paper instructions 346564297_Chapter_11_1038974060245151 346564297_Chapter_12_7145295076909764 609 Words APA
Contemporary Supply Chain Management
Contemporary Supply Chain Management Paper instructions: This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes: 1. Apply modern supply chain management principles and practice, including the evolution of modern operations management theory, to real business cases. 2. Critically analyse the process of supply chain management decision making. 3. Apply and analyse appropriate management frameworks which can … Read more
Apple as an international firm in the UAE
Apple as an international firm in the UAE Paper instructions: • No. of words: 2000 – 3000 words. • Be specific and use examples to support your argument The project : Talk about Apple as an internaational firm in the UAE and discuss the following issues: 1- Briefly describe the key products and/or services of … Read more
Please write a deep essay that investigates and analyzes Hermès
Please write a deep essay that investigates and analyzes Hermès Paper instructions: Please write a deep essay that investigates and analyzes Hermès’ marketing strategy of “Hunger marketing” and how is it successful. Please read all the attached file carefully. 2662 Words MLA
Religion Paper
Religion Paper Paper instructions: 1 page for part 1 and 1 page for part 2 616 Words APA
This paper is meant to help students demonstrate professional
This paper is meant to help students demonstrate professional APA format paper, using RCTs, 3-5 pages not to include title and bibliography. Purpose This paper is meant to help students demonstrate professional accountability in clinical practice. Students will discuss common medication errors, impact, and prevention. Develop a 3-5 page paper (not including the title or … Read more
Coursework See instructions and example on attached Word Document. Also, attached are chapters from the book that are part of the assignment. Read chapters 22,23,24, 25 in text Level Three Leadership – Fifth Edition Book – Chapters 22-25 Instructions and Example(1) 293 Words APA
To what extent do you believe a supply chain can be redesigned
To what extent do you believe a supply chain can be redesigned Paper instructions: To what extent do you believe a supply chain can be redesigned to compensate for poor product design or poor product quality? 293 Words APA
What is conscience? How does ” natutal law”
What is conscience? How does ” natutal law” Paper instructions: What is conscience? How does ” natutal law” work to inform our conscience? 605 Words APA
Describe a specific challenge in governmental
Describe a specific challenge in governmental paper instructions: -Describe a specific challenge in governmental or nonprofit service that interests you, including key contributing factors and explain why this issue is important. -Discuss ways that professionals in government or nonprofit organizations could respond to this issue and discuss the role you would like to play in … Read more
Summarize the biomedical and behavioral research principles in the Belmont Report
Summarize the biomedical and behavioral research principles in the Belmont Report Paper instructions: Summarize the biomedical and behavioral research principles in the Belmont Report _the-belmont-report-508c_FINAL Solution preview for the order on Summarize the biomedical and behavioral research principles in the Belmont Report APA 391 words
Title:Vulnerable Population in Emergency Management
Title:Vulnerable Population in Emergency Management Title:Vulnerable Population in Emergency Management Homework #8: Interpretation of Findings This is the eighth homework assignment for your Capstone project. For this assignment, you are required to consider what evidence would constitute support for your argument, theory and/or hypotheses. This is a chance to specify how you would evaluate evidence … Read more
Provide one fact or element from the web site exploration that applies to the topics from Healthy People 2020
Provide one fact or element from the web site exploration that applies to the topics from Healthy People 2020 Paper instructions: Develop a non-structured conversation about the web site exploration link below. Provide one fact or element from the web site exploration that applies to the topics from Healthy People 2020, epidemiology screening and prevention, … Read more
Hospitality And Understanding Consumer In Fifa World Cup 2022 In Qatar
Hospitality And Understanding Consumer In Fifa World Cup 2022 In Qatar Title: Hospitality And Understanding Consumer In Fifa World Cup 2022 In Qatar Paper instructions: The essay should be about fifa world cup in QATAR please follow the attached files for assessment guidance . Solution preview for the order on Hospitality And Understanding Consumer In … Read more
What you see as the primary differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists.
What you see as the primary differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Paper instructions: Paper topic: Drawing specific examples from the assigned reading, write a three (3) page paper explaining the historical context in which the ratification debates were conducted. Analyze the content the speeches. What were the major concerns expressed in these speeches? Conclude with … Read more
Discuss the Internet and how it can be used by terrorists to plan an attack.
Discuss the Internet and how it can be used by terrorists to plan an attack. Discuss the Internet and how it can be used by terrorists to plan an attack. Give a detailed example! Readings textbook: Homeland Security:by Larry k. Gaines & victor E. Kappeler Chapter 10 – cyber crime and terrorism Solution preview for … Read more
How has social media affect businesses globally
How has social media affect businesses globally Title: How has social media affect businesses globally ? Paper instructions: Demonstrate an understanding of the opportunities and challenges of operating in a global business environment, including an awareness of global issues, factors and/or forces relevant to business and/or the economy, and their impact on the business environment. … Read more
Politics: What type of political system did the civilization have
Politics: What type of political system did the civilization have Name: 1. Politics: What type of political system did the civilization have? 2. Economics: How was commerce regulated and goods/services exchanged? 3. Religion: What god(s)/religion affected the way the civilization viewed the world? 4. Technology: What technologies did the civilization use? 5. Environment/Geography: What type … Read more
Produce the policy regrading dental guideline for health authority in Abu Dhabi UAE
Produce the policy regrading dental guideline for health authority in Abu Dhabi UAE Produce the policy regrading dental guideline for health authority in Abu Dhabi UAE example of Dubai MOH and DHA for information to HPS_Rationale_for_Intervention _Dental_Services_Standards_ Dental_Clinic_regulation Solution preview for the order on produce the policy regrading dental guideline for health authority in … Read more
Neoliberalism, responsibilisation and shifting forms of crime prevention
Neoliberalism, responsibilisation and shifting forms of crime prevention ‘Neoliberalism, responsibilisation and shifting forms of crime prevention‘. You may present on any aspects related to this topic. You will be expected to construct a 500-word presentation in paragraph format, although no introduction or conclusion is required., and referenced appropriately (no introduction or conclusion is required). A … Read more
Have you ever experienced a situation where you concluded that you could no longer trust an individual that you worked with
Have you ever experienced a situation where you concluded that you could no longer trust an individual that you worked with Title: Healthcare Paper instructions: Have you ever experienced a situation where you concluded that you could no longer trust an individual that you worked with? How did it make you feel? How difficult was … Read more
Postpartum depression and its influence on filicide
Postpartum depression and its influence on filicide Title: Postpartum depression and its influence on filicide Paper instructions: Must have: abstract minimum of 100 words, Introduction and research question, Literature review, research question(s) and research hypotheses, Research site and/or research subjects, research design and sample, data collections and variables, a section that describes how the investigator … Read more
Describe one of these changes and how the change succeeded in addressing this particular issue
Describe one of these changes and how the change succeeded in addressing this particular issue Paper instructions: Article: after finish reading then answer both questions. In the case study, the following statement is made: “You can’t be all things to all people, no matter how hard you try or how much money you spend.” In … Read more
Choose 3 different principles of leadership in Machiavelli’s The Prince.
Choose 3 different principles of leadership in Machiavelli’s The Prince. Paper instructions: Read the book Machiavelli: the prince The company example is Adidas. Choose 3 different principles of leadership in Machiavelli’s The Prince. Essay 4 guideline Literature focused paper • NO: Title Page, Executive Summary and Table of Contents. – Be cautious of- Margins, Font … Read more
Describe a current television example that shows conflict resolution without violence as the solution strategy
Describe a current television example that shows conflict resolution without violence as the solution strategy Paper instructions: Cultivation Analysis and theory explain that heavy TV viewing cultivates Mean World Syndrome, a sense of fear and anxiety about the world.Describe a current television example that shows conflict resolution without violence as the solution strategy, don’t cite … Read more
What is the difference between an Emergency Manager and a first responder
What is the difference between an Emergency Manager and a first responder Title: First Responder Paper instructions: What is the difference between an Emergency Manager and a first responder? Solution preview for the order on what is the difference between an Emergency Manager and a first responder APA 946 words
Research a case involving a workplace mass murder a school mass murder or a serial murder.
Research a case involving a workplace mass murder a school mass murder or a serial murder. Research a case involving a workplace mass murder, a school mass murder or a serial murder. (Cases can be currently under investigation or successfully solved.) Write at least a 3-page paper on the murders or make a presentation to … Read more
Analysis and definition of the key competitors and the competitive environment
Analysis and definition of the key competitors and the competitive environment Grades are for the Complete project posted on week 10. Marketing Strategy Project Plan (Section 1 and 2) – Grades. Out of 100 points SECTION 1. o Analysis and selection of data so as to convert it into information that is useful and serves … Read more
Your community experienced local flooding because the river was overtopping its levees
Your community experienced local flooding because the river was overtopping its levees Your community experienced local flooding because the river was overtopping its levees. Fire department responders were attempting to sandbag the levee to fill a breach and divert water flow during the late night hours. It became clear to the incident commander that the … Read more
Lee Smolin believes that theoretical physics faces five great problems.
Lee Smolin believes that theoretical physics faces five great problems. Length: 5 pages Prompt: Lee Smolin believes that theoretical physics faces five great problems. However, not all of them are necessarily problems, depending on how we look at them. | want you to argue against Smolin; that is, | want you to analyze and critique … Read more
The influence of transformational leadership on organizational change and the strategic goals of public sector organizations
The influence of transformational leadership on organizational change and the strategic goals of public sector organizations The influence of transformational leadership on organizational change and the strategic goals of public sector organizations in creating a positive and sustainable work environment. the independent variable is : Transformational leadership the dependent variable is : organizational change and … Read more
CSR cultures and the extent to which companies are willing and able to introduce a clear values based culture in their organisations
CSR cultures and the extent to which companies are willing and able to introduce a clear values based culture in their organisations Paper instructions: The work is primarily about looking at CSR cultures and the extent to which companies are willing and able to introduce a clear values based culture in their organisations that supports … Read more
Why did Bismarck believe that blood and iron would be necessary to create Germany
Why did Bismarck believe that blood and iron would be necessary to create Germany Paper instructions: OPTION 1: Bismarck’s Blood and Iron Speech (1862): Why did Bismarck believe that “blood and iron” would be necessary to create Germany? HST_103_Paper_Grading_Rubric HIST_106_World_History_1st_Primary_Source_Analysis Solution preview for the order on why did Bismarck believe that blood and iron … Read more
Choose a religious tradition as different from your first choice as possible and practical
Choose a religious tradition as different from your first choice as possible and practical Provide example the first report, from attachment document Be sure to cited sources with article from website, not the book. like example, NRA news, AP News or Al Jarezza which has a unique story Choose a religious tradition as different from … Read more
Describe in some detail Google’s advertising business model as well as its ad types
Describe in some detail Google’s advertising business model as well as its ad types Paper instructions: Facebook, Twitter, and Google all generate most of their revenue from selling advertising offerings. (1) Describe in some detail Google’s advertising business model as well as its ad types (e.g., search ads, Youtube ads) and ad targeting strategies. Be … Read more
Choose a leader who interests you. The leader can be past or present, though avoid any UAE leaders or religious leaders.
Choose a leader who interests you. The leader can be past or present, though avoid any UAE leaders or religious leaders. Corporate Leadership & HRM. Assignment 1: Case study of a leader Choose a leader who interests you. The leader can be past or present, though avoid any UAE leaders or religious leaders. Read extensively … Read more
A gap in quality related to care coordination for individuals with chronic illnesses
A gap in quality related to care coordination for individuals with chronic illnesses Title: A gap in quality related to care coordination for individuals with chronic illnesses Prompt After choosing the topic for your course project from the options provided in the overview, you will work to develop your healthcare delivery systems research paper. Within … Read more
What was the significance of Chapter One for Deqing
What was the significance of Chapter One for Deqing Paper instructions: After reading the commentary of Deqing (attached) and watching the videos provided, please answer the following question in two (double-spaced, twelve-point type) pages:”What was the significance of Chapter One for Deqing? Please provide citations from the commentary as evidence. (Hint: Remember that you are … Read more
Identify a company that is ready or planning to expand into international markets.
Identify a company that is ready or planning to expand into international markets. COMPANY ANALYSIS / COUNTRY ANALYSIS / MARKET RESEARCH PROJECT: Teams consisting of 3-5 students will be randomly formed by me at the beginning of the semester. The teams will be asked to identify a company that is ready or planning to expand … Read more
What is the motive for expanding into foreign markets and more specifically why the chosen county.
What is the motive for expanding into foreign markets and more specifically why the chosen county. COMPANY ANALYSIS / COUNTRY ANALYSIS / MARKET RESEARCH PROJECT: Teams consisting of 3-5 students will be randomly formed by me at the beginning of the semester. The teams will be asked to identify a company that is ready or … Read more