Browse Questions

To a God Unknown by John Steinbeck Assignment: Write a book review in which you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the novel.

To a God Unknown by John Steinbeck Assignment: Write a book review in which you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the novel. Text: To a God Unknown by John Steinbeck Assignment: Write a book review in which you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the novel. Discuss specific characters, settings, and/or plot points. Give … Read more

The federal minimum wage, $7.25 hasn’t been increased since 2009. Minimum wage should cover the basic necessities of life.

The federal minimum wage, $7.25 hasn’t been increased since 2009. Minimum wage should cover the basic necessities of life. Here are some of my ideas/view on the topic.● The federal minimum wage, $7.25 hasnt been increased since 2009.● Minimum wage should cover the basic necessities of life.● Don’t have to be a drastically increase but … Read more

Why do people obey an authority even when the order requires the individual to commit grossly immoral actions? Write an argumentative

Why do people obey an authority even when the order requires the individual to commit grossly immoral actions? Write an argumentative Why do people obey an authority even when the order requires the individual to commit grossly immoral actions?Write an argumentative synthesis based on the sources listed below. Be sure to cite at least five … Read more

This project asks you to identify the impact of COVID 19 on your city. You must identify, explain, and show how the spread of this virus,

This project asks you to identify the impact of COVID 19 on your city. You must identify, explain, and show how the spread of this virus, “COVID CITY” PROJECT GUIDELINES:This project asks you to identify the impact of COVID 19 on your city. You must identify, explain, and show how the spread of this virus, … Read more

After conducting your reading for this week, discuss the rationale for punishment. Relate the rationale for punishment back to ethical

After conducting your reading for this week, discuss the rationale for punishment. Relate the rationale for punishment back to ethical After conducting your reading for this week, discuss the rationale for punishment. Relate the rationale for punishment back to ethical decision-making and discuss if you believe it is based on retribution, deterrence, or something else. … Read more

Explain the legal and ethical implications in relation to improper or erroneous tax filings. Provide one specific example of guidance that

Explain the legal and ethical implications in relation to improper or erroneous tax filings. Provide one specific example of guidance that Explain the legal and ethical implications in relation to improper or erroneous tax filings. Answer preview for Explain the legal and ethical implications in relation to improper or erroneous tax filings. Provide one specific … Read more

Select two movies from the link above, any two short movies you like. Then select two different sets of words from the list of words below

Select two movies from the link above, any two short movies you like. Then select two different sets of words from the list of words below student vids according with the words below. Select two movies from the link above, any two short movies you like. Then select two different sets of words from … Read more

Reflective writing requires you to write about your behaviour, thoughts, and actions during the relevant activity. It is designed to allow you

Reflective writing requires you to write about your behaviour, thoughts, and actions during the relevant activity. It is designed to allow you 1.     1)  ABSTRACT (150 words maximum) An abstract is a concise summary of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s purpose. An abstract must be fully … Read more

describes the importance of advocacy in cases of people who have a severe mental illness, older adults, and victims of domestic violence

describes the importance of advocacy in cases of people who have a severe mental illness, older adults, and victims of domestic violence Research local resources available to people with severe mental illness, older adults, and victims of domestic violence and abuse. slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that describes the importance of advocacy in cases of people who have a … Read more

What is your culture like?  How does it treat the extremes? Are there words that you went to in order to describe the mid-range?

What is your culture like?  How does it treat the extremes? Are there words that you went to in order to describe the mid-range? fter reading Ch. 7:   Group Discussion: Defective Group Decision Making and Problem Solving please participate in the following discussion. Why was it so hard to find a word that effective described a mid-range?  What does this say about … Read more

Select two essential psychomotor skills for a clinical course or courses in nursing. Discuss how you might collaborate with an LRC person

Select two essential psychomotor skills for a clinical course or courses in nursing. Discuss how you might collaborate with an LRC person Select two essential psychomotor skills for a clinical course or courses in nursing. Discuss how you might collaborate with an LRC person to facilitate student performance with the skills you selected. Answer preview … Read more

week 6. What are two strategies you might use to assess the student’s learning outcomes and improve learning?

week 6. What are two strategies you might use to assess the student’s learning outcomes and improve learning? Revisit the two essential psychomotor skills that you selected for your discussion posting during week 6. What are two strategies you might use to assess the student’s learning outcomes and improve learning? Chosen psychomotor skills: 1. Checking … Read more

prepare a pamphlet. As a social worker, assume you have been asked to address community leaders and members who are advocating for their

prepare a pamphlet. As a social worker, assume you have been asked to address community leaders and members who are advocating for their prepare a pamphlet. As a social worker, assume you have been asked to address community leaders and members who are advocating for their social and economic needs to be met. For this … Read more

Part 1, the section about the realism and impressionism artifacts? It is asking for a specific artifact in each section and it appears you did

Part 1, the section about the realism and impressionism artifacts? It is asking for a specific artifact in each section and it appears you did Part 1, the section about the realism and impressionism artifacts? It is asking for a specific artifact in each section and it appears you did a generalism of each artifact. … Read more

Answer this: What do you find surprising about this topic ‘Urbanization and city life’? Support your writing and cite your sources. 

Answer this: What do you find surprising about this topic ‘Urbanization and city life’? Support your writing and cite your sources.  Each week I will provide discussion prompts based on our lecture and assigned readings. The prompts are not essay questions, but they (hopefully) serve to inspire thorough and well considered posts. The key is … Read more

You will analyze a primary source that I have provided. The purpose of this assignment is to exercise your critical thinking skills, practice

You will analyze a primary source that I have provided. The purpose of this assignment is to exercise your critical thinking skills, practice You will analyze a primary source that I have provided. The purpose of this assignment is to exercise your critical thinking skills, practice concise and cogent writing, and to understand how historical … Read more

 Describe what specific approaches you would take to determine requirements of the proposed information system for the business organization

Answer preview for  Describe what specific approaches you would take to determine requirements of the proposed information system for the business organization Requirements Determination Presentation Post your PowerPoint – Project planning in Waypoint. Refer to the business information system that you proposed in Week 1 PowerPoint presentation.  Attached is the power point from week 1. … Read more

focus on leadership style, read the files carefully, and include the 5 mins outline( kind of summary) i prefer Brian Chesky leadership style.

focus on leadership style, read the files carefully, and include the 5 mins outline( kind of summary) i prefer Brian Chesky leadership style. focus on leadership style, read the files carefully, and include the 5 mins outline( kind of summary) i prefer Brian Chesky leadership style. Answer preview for focus on leadership style, read the files carefully, and include … Read more

600 word write up that meets requirements delineated in the content section (Environmental issues). Make sure you specify which goal(s)

600 word write up that meets requirements delineated in the content section (Environmental issues). Make sure you specify which goal(s) Discussion Evaluation: This discussion post is worth 20 points. To receive full points: • Environmental issues 5 points for minimum 600 word write up that meets requirements delineated in the content section. Make sure you … Read more

I have a 3-5 page paper about how COVID affected me, consider the following: Money/jobs, School, People, Restaurants, mask / social distancing

I have a 3-5 page paper about how COVID affected me, consider the following: Money/jobs, School, People, Restaurants, mask / social distancing I have a 3-5 page paper about how COVID affected me, consider the following: Money/jobs, School, People, Restaurants, mask / social distancing Answer preview for I have a 3-5 page paper about how … Read more

Develop a tracking plan for yourself, and track the behavior changes and rewards over two weeks. Write up a page summary of your plan,

Develop a tracking plan for yourself, and track the behavior changes and rewards over two weeks. Write up a page summary of your plan, Develop a tracking plan for yourself, and track the behavior changes and rewards over two weeks. Write up a page summary of your plan, what behavior you added or addressed, and … Read more

Topic: Mental health and the law. How mental disorders impact legal responsibilities. Mental health and sentencing

Topic: Mental health and the law. How mental disorders impact legal responsibilities. Mental health and sentencing Topic: Mental health and the law. How mental disorders impact legal responsibilities. Mental health and sentencing  Answer preview for Topic: Mental health and the law. How mental disorders impact legal responsibilities. Mental health and sentencing APA 1215 Words

Topic two: The development of sexual dysfunctions: the frequency in men and women plus the impact of culture and age.

Topic two: The development of sexual dysfunctions: the frequency in men and women plus the impact of culture and age. Topic two: The development of sexual dysfunctions: the frequency in men and women plus the impact of culture and age. Answer preview for Topic two: The development of sexual dysfunctions: the frequency in men and women plus the impact of … Read more

Explore Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  Some authors have written that we are becoming a culture of narcissists.  Otto Kernberg, M.D.

Explore Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  Some authors have written that we are becoming a culture of narcissists.  Otto Kernberg, M.D. Topic one: Explore Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  Some authors have written that we are becoming a culture of narcissists.  Otto Kernberg, M.D. is an international expert in personality disorders, and an introductory lecture is available at the … Read more

you will examine and evaluate the various theories of child development. Write a paper (essay format, 2-page max) in which you describe the

you will examine and evaluate the various theories of child development. Write a paper (essay format, 2-page max) in which you describe the For this assignment, you will examine and evaluate the various theories of child development. Write a paper (essay format, 2-page max) in which you describe the theory that best represents your view … Read more

Complete two book review analysis: Sally g. McMillans  southern women black and white in the south should be between 600-700

Complete two book review analysis: Sally g. McMillans  southern women black and white in the south should be between 600-700 Complete two book review analysis: Sally g. McMillans  southern women black and white in the south should be between 600-700 Sally G. McMillen, Southern Women: Black and White in the Old South (Harlan Davidson, 2002). … Read more

For this assignment, you will write a 2-3 page visual analysis essay on any one artwork from the chapters we covered in class this semester

For this assignment, you will write a 2-3 page visual analysis essay on any one artwork from the chapters we covered in class this semester For this assignment, you will write a 2-3 page visual analysis essay on any one artwork from the chapters wecovered in class this semester. To start thinking about your topic, … Read more

Giving specific examples from the Kinzer reading, how did the US contribute to the rise of Al Queda and the Taliban? How did decisions made

Giving specific examples from the Kinzer reading, how did the US contribute to the rise of Al Queda and the Taliban? How did decisions made Giving specific examples from the Kinzer reading, how did the US contribute to the rise of Al Queda and the Taliban? How did decisions made in the 70s and 80s … Read more

Write an essay in which you explore a “theme” in one group’s literature that you can trace through 2 or more writers OR choose two stories

Write an essay in which you explore a “theme” in one group’s literature that you can trace through 2 or more writers OR choose two stories Choose one of the essay types below and write a thesis driven, 1000-1200+ word essay.  Theme essay Write an essay in which you explore a “theme” in one group’s literature that … Read more

The paper will answer this central question: Is the “The Plague Year” by Lawrence Wright in the New Yorker an example of good

The paper will answer this central question: Is the “The Plague Year” by Lawrence Wright in the New Yorker an example of good The paper will answer this central question: Is the “The Plague Year” by Lawrence Wright in the NewYorker an example of good journalism people can trust?The New Yorker piece aims to tell … Read more

What are some of the contemporary challenges Afro-Latinos continue to face in the US? How are these challenges gendered?

What are some of the contemporary challenges Afro-Latinos continue to face in the US? How are these challenges gendered? What are some of the contemporary challenges Afro-Latinos continue to face in theUS? How are these challenges gendered? What are some of the contributions andimpact Afro-Latinos have made? How are these contributions illustrative of theAfrican Diaspora? … Read more

Research and write a 1 page essay in which you discuss the fact that Beethoven composed this great symphony AFTER he had begun to lose his

Research and write a 1 page essay in which you discuss the fact that Beethoven composed this great symphony AFTER he had begun to lose his Research and write a 1 page essay in which you discuss the fact that Beethoven composed this great symphony AFTER he had begun to lose his hearing. Upload your … Read more

Explore the various ways in which slaves resisted slavery between 1800 and the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. Be sure to discuss slave

Explore the various ways in which slaves resisted slavery between 1800 and the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. Be sure to discuss slave Explore the various ways in which slaves resisted slavery between 1800 and the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. Be sure to discuss slave rebellions and revolts but also … Read more

Write an Argumentative Essay:  articulate a claim about a subject that you heard from the podcast Preach (Links to an external site.) 

Write an Argumentative Essay:  articulate a claim about a subject that you heard from the podcast Preach (Links to an external site.)  Write an Argumentative Essay:  articulate a claim about a subject that you heard from the podcast Preach (Links to an external site.)  with appropriate evidence to support such a claim. Upload your assignment as a MICROSOFT WORD OR PDF … Read more

In what ways did African Americans develop their own, separate culture during the 19th century? How did it help sustain them under the

In what ways did African Americans develop their own, separate culture during the 19th century? How did it help sustain them under the In what ways did African Americans develop their own, separate culture during the 19th century? How did it help sustain them under the institution of slavery (in the South) and racism (in … Read more

please review this video put on by this excellent neuroscience practitioner and researcher, Rick Hansen, Ph.D.  After reviewing this video,

please review this video put on by this excellent neuroscience practitioner and researcher, Rick Hansen, Ph.D.  After reviewing this video, Assignment 2: please review this video put on by this excellent neuroscience practitioner and researcher, Rick Hansen, Ph.D.  After reviewing this video, research the general notion of stress and the brain using two references.  Summarize Dr. … Read more

Briefly describe what Rosenhan did in the experiment: the method, the findings, and the conclusions. Research (via the web ) at least two

Briefly describe what Rosenhan did in the experiment: the method, the findings, and the conclusions. Research (via the web ) at least two Below are 2 links:  one to a video of an experiment conducted by David Rosenhan Ph.D. of Stanford University, and the 2nd to a written description of this experience.  Watch the video … Read more

Your manager explained that all of the emergency (enter nurses at RGH will be educated in small groups through a short in-service training

Your manager explained that all of the emergency (enter nurses at RGH will be educated in small groups through a short in-service training Your manager explained that all of the emergency (enter nurses at RGH will be educated in small groups through a short in-service training session. You have been asked to develop a professional-looking … Read more

How do we determine the value of a human life? You will use the test of Shakespeare’s Hamlet to support your argument discussing how we value

How do we determine the value of a human life? You will use the test of Shakespeare’s Hamlet to support your argument discussing how we value How do we determine the value of a human life? You will use the test of Shakespeare’s Hamlet to support your argument discussing how we value a human life, … Read more

Choose a topic that describes any type of injustice that you feel affects the youth (ages 17 and under) of today. It can range from bullying

Choose a topic that describes any type of injustice that you feel affects the youth (ages 17 and under) of today. It can range from bullying Choose a topic that describes any type of injustice that you feel affects the youth (ages 17 and under) of today. It can range from bullying to discrimination of … Read more

Using various internet websites and the Career Center, research information related to the one occupation that you are the

Using various internet websites and the Career Center, research information related to the one occupation that you are the Using various internet websites and the Career Center, researchinformation related to the one occupation that you are the MOSTinterested in at this time. This summary report will be graded according to accuracy andthoroughness of your answers. … Read more

You will select a career field(s) to research and will participate with at least one informational interview with two professionals in your

You will select a career field(s) to research and will participate with at least one informational interview with two professionals in your Professional Summary Report: 100 pointsThis assignment is a term project. You will select a career field(s) to research and will participate with at least one informational interview with two professionals in your desired … Read more

Choose a particular herb or spice constituent (other than devil’s claw) that was noted in this week’s readings as a potential therapy for an

Choose a particular herb or spice constituent (other than devil’s claw) that was noted in this week’s readings as a potential therapy for an Choose a particular herb or spice constituent (other than devil’s claw) that was noted in this week’s readings as a potential therapy for an inflammatory or autoimmune condition. This essay will … Read more

How have African Americans and Chicanx/Latinx communities been racialized? What specific elements of the groups’ physicality, intelligence

How have African Americans and Chicanx/Latinx communities been racialized? What specific elements of the groups’ physicality, intelligence Reading Reaction 2-Meets SLO 2Thus far, we have covered the ways that African American and Latinx/Chicanx Communitieshave face discrimination and marginalization historically in the U.S. The mistreatment thesecommunities have faced has been due to the way American Society … Read more

The topic is open to any sport and level of sport and can included: • Personal Profile • Sports Issue • Trend Story Find a subject that is

The topic is open to any sport and level of sport and can included: • Personal Profile • Sports Issue • Trend Story Find a subject that is The topic is open to any sport and level of sport and can included: Answer preview for The topic is open to any sport and level of … Read more

During the Great Depression (1929-1939) there were a series of famous gangsters such as John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde,

During the Great Depression (1929-1939) there were a series of famous gangsters such as John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde, During the Great Depression (1929-1939) there were a series of famous gangsters such as John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, Machine Gun Kelly, John Ashley and Al Capone, … Read more

What can water, in the ways that we recreate or participate in water’s sporting practices, tell us about change?

What can water, in the ways that we recreate or participate in water’s sporting practices, tell us about change? Part One | On WaterWorking with your choice of text arguments and specific selections that most stir you, you areto create an analysis that might answer the following questions:● What can water, in the ways that … Read more

How is the information in the article fit with the information from the textbook? In other words, how does Carlyle go about influencing

How is the information in the article fit with the information from the textbook? In other words, how does Carlyle go about influencing 1. How is the information in the article fit with the information from the textbook? Inother words, how does Carlyle go about influencing public policy in the US andabroad? 2. What is … Read more

SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone). A general description of the disease and statistics for how many people in the

SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone). A general description of the disease and statistics for how many people in the Topic: SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone)This assignment needs to contain the following content.A general description of the disease and statistics for how many people in the US get thedisease each year.A description of the … Read more

Write one succinct essay that will demonstrate your understanding of the novel “The Alchemist” by addressing the following

Write one succinct essay that will demonstrate your understanding of the novel “The Alchemist” by addressing the following Performance Task Essay for The AlchemistWrite one succinct essay that will demonstrate your understanding of the novel “The Alchemist” by addressing the following:Identify key characters and explain how they assisted the main character (Santiago) in fulfilling his … Read more

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