Browse Questions

What is Apple’s growth strategy Should the company re-define its business to take advantage of new or emerging opportunities

What is Apple’s growth strategy Should the company re-define its business to take advantage of new or emerging opportunities Research Apple inc and answer: What is Apple’s growth strategy? Should the company re-define its business to take advantage of new or emerging opportunities? What are the alternatives? What do you recommend the company do to … Read more

What are the benefits to patient care achieved by this application of interoperability

What are the benefits to patient care achieved by this application of interoperability In order for us to achieve the most value from big data, we will need to have health information systems that are interoperable. This will require standardization in our health information systems. The highest level of interoperability is semantic operability. The Healthcare Information … Read more

There have been many changes in the past few years that have affected the health care arena

There have been many changes in the past few years that have affected the health care arena There have been many changes in the past few years that have affected the health care arena. Policies related to the Affordable Care Act or Meaningful Use are a few examples of policies that impact the daily delivery … Read more

Write an essay in which you assert a claim about the degree to which smartphone use may be negatively impacting our communication and relationship

Write an essay in which you assert a claim about the degree to which smartphone use may be negatively impacting our communication and relationship in the last fifteen years, the smartphone has revolutionized the way we communicate. According to the pew research center, over two thirds of american own a smartphone. the smartphone has positively … Read more

The federal government of the United States faced the difficult challenge of Reconstruction in the years before the end the American Civil War

The federal government of the United States faced the difficult challenge of Reconstruction in the years before the end the American Civil War The federal government of the United States faced the difficult challenge of Reconstruction in the years before the end the American Civil War and after its conclusion. Craft a thesis to explain … Read more

Imagine yourself raising a child

Imagine yourself raising a child In this paper respond to the questions below. All posts should include citations as you reference the course readings using correct APA format. Respond to each prompt/ question. It is recommended you follow the organization below to ensure you address all questions. 1. Imagine yourself raising a child (or, if … Read more

What is the combined impact of substance use disorders and psychiatric syndromes among adolescents

What is the combined impact of substance use disorders and psychiatric syndromes among adolescents Write a 850 word paper regarding psychiatric disorders that may occur with substance use disorders. Paper should address the following: What psychiatric syndromes that may co-occur with substance use disorders and addiction during adolescence? What is the combined impact of substance … Read more

What constitutional rights were suspended for Japanese Americans under the government’s claim of military necessity?

What constitutional rights were suspended for Japanese Americans under the government’s claim of military necessity? What is Executive Order 9066 that FDR issued? What dangers were government officials worried about when they implemented Executive Order 9066? 2) What constitutional rights were suspended for Japanese Americans under the government’s claim of military necessity? 3). Was the … Read more

Describe the health care organization or network.

Describe the health care organization or network. Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.). Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade. … Read more

Should There be Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Criminal Offenses

Should There be Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Criminal Offenses Then write a minimum 5 page argument paper taking the position either in support of or opposed to mandatory minimum sentences for criminal offenses. Use supporting arguments from your text, articles/videos I have provided and any other outside sources. Remember to cite your sources. This is an … Read more

What ae the differences between the general environment and the industry environment

What ae the differences between the general environment and the industry environment Discuss (with examples) what is an I/O and what is a resource-based business model. 2-What ae the differences between the general environment and the industry environment? Why are these differences important? 3-. What is Value Chain Analysis? How does it help companies earn … Read more

Outline the rules that govern police interrogations and confessions.

Outline the rules that govern police interrogations and confessions. Discuss the imprint terrorism has had on policing. 2. Outline the rules that govern police interrogations and confessions. Using a U.S. Supreme Court precedent that you have read or locate on your own, provide two examples of police acting improperly or infringing a suspect’s Constitutional rights … Read more

Voting is conducted on different levels. The most known elections are public elections

Voting is conducted on different levels. The most known elections are public elections Voting is conducted on different levels. The most known elections are public elections in which people vote for presidents, Senators, and other leaders. In my opinion, I believe voting and supporting a specific political candidate is a form of advocacy. There is … Read more

Definitions of key concepts such as globalization and child labor from a variety of perspectives.

Definitions of key concepts such as globalization and child labor from a variety of perspectives. Definitions of key concepts such as globalization and child labor from a variety of perspectives.  Examples of constructions of childhood and their impact on policy and practices.  Internationally and nationally recognised Children’s Rights.  Examples of policies and … Read more

Case Study of Robert Latimer vs Supreme Court of Canada

Case Study of Robert Latimer vs Supreme Court of Canada R vs. Supreme Court of Canada was a case presented to the Supreme Court of Canada on January 18, 2001. The Appellant, Robert Latimer, had been sentenced for life imprisonment without parole eligibility for ten years after he was found guilty of second-degree murder of … Read more

Different themes are identified throughout chapter one

Different themes are identified throughout chapter one Different themes are identified throughout chapter one. The first theme is Confucianism. Confucianism is a doctrine that defines how people should relate to one another, especially subordinate, to superiors. Confucianism teachings focus more on three essential values. They include filial piety, ritual, and humaneness (Moise 11). Filial piety … Read more

Baidu Inc. is a giant Chinese search engine company that first operated locally

Baidu Inc. is a giant Chinese search engine company that first operated locally Baidu Inc. is a giant Chinese search engine company that first operated locally, but with time it started to work internationally. Currently, Baidu is the fourth most used search engine for the desktop in the world after Google, Bing, and Yahoo, respectively. … Read more

Human capital and rational choice

Human capital and rational choice Compare and contrast any two of explanations (human capital & rational choice, patriarchy for example) in the Blackburn et al (2002) reading. Which of the two you are comparing seems most persuasive to you? Explain why. 2. After watching the video {youtube link} ( ) on the experiences of black … Read more

Discuss King Leopold’s Ghost in terms of the following

Discuss King Leopold’s Ghost in terms of the following Discussion is based on the following movie: King Leopold’s Ghost. Discuss “King Leopold’s Ghost” in terms of the following: the construction of the culture of capitalism/society of perpetual growth in Western Europe and the U.S. during the late 1800s and early 1900s; the global commodification of … Read more

How have these changes in supply and demand affected the equilibrium price of this product

How have these changes in supply and demand affected the equilibrium price of this product For Term Paper #1 you are required to pick a product or service you use in your everyday life and describe the market for this product. Please make sure to address the following questions: What factors influence the demand for … Read more

Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family

Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000-word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion … Read more

Syria gained its independence from the French colonizers on October 24, 1945. 

Syria gained its independence from the French colonizers on October 24, 1945. Syria gained its independence from the French colonizers on October 24, 1945. However, the French soldiers did not move out of the country. However, since it got independence, Syria was under continuous instabilities and government coups. In 1963, the Arab Socialist Baath Party … Read more

Why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy

Why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy Why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy? Do you think the government should control the level of prices for products that are really important, ie. gasoline? Solution preview for the order on Why is it important that prices are flexible … Read more

What are the responsibilities of the administrator and department director in this situation?

What are the responsibilities of the administrator and department director in this situation? Betty learned about the position change from a coworker who called to ask about the baby. Betty then called Joanne, cursed at her, and accused her of stealing her job. She called the hospital administrator and requested an appointment to talk to … Read more

Propose solutions to address the low motivation by using the motivation theories 

Propose solutions to address the low motivation by using the motivation theories Employee motivation is an essential aspect in every company as it boosts employee performance, creativity, and commitment leading to the overall improvement of profits in a company. In the case study, it is clear that the employees are demotivated, which is contributing to … Read more

Female roles in The Odyssey Part 1 2 3

Female roles in The Odyssey Part 1 2 3 Choose 2 female characters from the Odyssey Part 1,2,3 and determine the role that each female character played in the story. What traits did the character have? Locate specific direct quotes from the story to tell what that character was like. Integrate the specific direct quotes … Read more

Female roles in The Odyssey Part 1,2,3

Female roles in The Odyssey Part 1,2,3 Circe is a sorcerer goddess living on an island surrounded by animals, including lions, wolves. Circe plays a vital role in the book of Odyssey. She is used in the text to show some powers overdo the unholy forces. Also, Odysseys are used to show that even sorcerers … Read more

Locate specific direct quotes from the story to tell what that character was like.

Locate specific direct quotes from the story to tell what that character was like. Choose 2 female characters from the Odyssey Part 1,2,3 and determine the role that each female character played in the story. What traits did the character have? Locate specific direct quotes from the story to tell what that character was like. … Read more

The Nurse’s Role with the Family as Client

The Nurse’s Role with the Family as Client st question- Based on the reading for this week and on class discussion, choose one of the following topics. Write a two paragraph summary of your viewpoint on the topic. Provide scholarly citation as appropriate. The Nurse’s Role with the Family as Client The Definition of Family in 21st … Read more

What is one lingering question you still have or issue you would like clarified

What is one lingering question you still have or issue you would like clarified In your post, respond to the questions below. All posts should include citations as you reference the course readings using correct APA format. Answer question 1 and 2 down below. For question one you can do the empiricist approach. The reading … Read more

The American Revolution was a colonial war fought between colonists

The American Revolution was a colonial war fought between colonists The American Revolution was a colonial war fought between colonists, the British, and the American revolutionists, mostly referred to as the American Patriots in the Thirteen Colonies. The war was marked gunshots in Lexington and Concord in 1775 and ended in 1781 when the British … Read more

Gandhi and Frantz Fanon both make arguments that the deployment of violence is deeply related to the character of the anti-colonial resister

Gandhi and Frantz Fanon both make arguments that the deployment of violence is deeply related to the character of the anti-colonial resister Gandhi and Frantz Fanon both make arguments that the deployment of violence is deeply related to the character of the anti-colonial resister. First, briefly summarize their arguments about this aspect of violence. Second, … Read more

Do you agree that parents and teachers should challenge rather than uphold prevailing gender norms

Do you agree that parents and teachers should challenge rather than uphold prevailing gender norms After reading the Hesse-Biber & Carter excerpt, examine and discuss the impact of family, school, peers and media on your understanding of the gender-based expectations on you. 2. Are the gender-based socialization messages (from family and peers) in the BBC … Read more

What options might governments in the Boston area have for financing of their objective

What options might governments in the Boston area have for financing of their objective Provide a comprehensive response to the following questions from Case 1-1 (page 42-43), using at least the sources provided, with a new paragraph for each bulleted section of the response: • Identify the various types of goods (private, public, and in … Read more

Explain the difference between bride wealth and dowry 

Explain the difference between bride wealth and dowry o why these practices occur o the impact of these practices on gender relations • Use anthropological texts as your sources: these may be whole books, chapters of books, or journal articles. Minimum 8 texts. • Your essay should include critical evaluation of the sources you use … Read more

The Evolution and Expansion of East Asian Societies, 220–1240 C.E.

The Evolution and Expansion of East Asian Societies, 220–1240 C.E. The Evolution of China between 220 and 1240 C.E Ancient China, commonly referred to as East Asian societies, went through many dynasties and changes from 220 to 1240 C.E (Ebrey, 2013). In general, during this period, the nation expanded, occupying and colonizing such areas as … Read more

Research real information regarding Ethic, Culture, and Diversity of Apple Company’s

Research real information regarding Ethic, Culture, and Diversity of Apple Company’s Apple Inc. is a technology company based in California, USA. Today, the company is internationally selling its products almost in every continent. This makes the company have employees and branches in different parts of the world. In the 1990s and 2000s, the company had … Read more

Philosophy and Theory in Professional Nursing Practice

Philosophy and Theory in Professional Nursing Practice Provide a brief, general discussion of your personal philosophy of nursing (such as its purpose, relevance and/or importance) and the purpose of the paper. Content must be paraphrased. Never copy/paste from a source even if you give credit. Personal Philosophy Thoroughly describe each major concept in the metaparadigm … Read more

Discuss the major battles of World War I that occurred prior to America’s entry into the war in Europe

Discuss the major battles of World War I that occurred prior to America’s entry into the war in Europe Discuss the major battles of World War I that occurred prior to America’s entry into the war in Europe. Summarize and analyze the significance of at least one of the major battles. Be sure to discuss … Read more

Alexander the Great and analyze the legacy of his empire.

Alexander the Great and analyze the legacy of his empire. Alexander the Great was indeed one of the greatest kings in the world. He was the son of King Philip the II and Queen Olympias. His father had a dream of invading the Persian Empire, but unfortunately, he died before achieving the same. Alexander started … Read more

Compare restrictions placed on inmates versus offenders on community supervision.

Compare restrictions placed on inmates versus offenders on community supervision. In a 2–3-page paper, identify and discuss some of the legal rights that most affect the prison population. What limitations are placed on officers, and how do correctional facilities balance inmates’ rights with safety? Compare restrictions placed on inmates versus offenders on community supervision. Solution … Read more

Describe the different perspective of liability that officers may have from correctional leaders.

Describe the different perspective of liability that officers may have from correctional leaders. In a 3–4-page paper, discuss the following: Describe the different perspective of liability that officers may have from correctional leaders. Discuss why leadership styles may need to be adjusted in different prison environments. Finally, discuss how you, as a correctional leader, would … Read more

Identify common physical and cognitive changes of aging in older adults.

Identify common physical and cognitive changes of aging in older adults. Identify common physical and cognitive changes of aging in older adults. Compare and contrast clinical depression with the sadness that may be associated with the normal losses of aging. Explain the roles social, spiritual, work, and family factors play in late life. Instructions Write … Read more

How would you approach facilitating a group for children or adolescents?

How would you approach facilitating a group for children or adolescents? If you are creating a manual for a child or adolescent group, please do use this assignment and feedback to inform your manual. Imagine you are the leader of a therapeutic group for children and/or adolescents. Answer the following questions about your group. 1-How … Read more

A supply chain includes all the activities that are involved in getting a final product 

A supply chain includes all the activities that are involved in getting a final product A supply chain includes all the activities that are involved in getting a final product from raw material to the end-user customer. Supply chain takes place in different stages, which can either be upstream or downstream. Upstream are operations which … Read more

Research and explain the concepts of supervision and the challenges faced by supervisors

Research and explain the concepts of supervision and the challenges faced by supervisors Research and explain the concepts of supervision and the challenges faced by supervisors today. Minimum of 3 citations. No plagiarism. Cover and reference page. 3-5 pages. MLA format. Solution  preview for the order on Research and explain the concepts of supervision and … Read more

Evaluate historical voter turnout data in the state of Texas.

Evaluate historical voter turnout data in the state of Texas. Texas has an issue with low voter turnout. There are many identified and perceived reasons that people do not register to vote and/or turn out to vote. For this paper you will provide a discussion that addresses each of the following: 1. Evaluate historical voter … Read more

Story you can write About my being the only girl in my family with 4 older brothers growing up

Story you can write About my being the only girl in my family with 4 older brothers growing up The first Story you can write About my being the only girl in my family with 4 older brothers growing up. it was different and fun sad I did not have a sister I always wondered … Read more

The thing I value most are respect honesty great sense of humor empathy and someone who have an open mind

The thing I value most are respect honesty great sense of humor empathy and someone who have an open mind The thing I value most are respect, honesty, great sense of humor, empathy, and someone who have an open mind. please give details and examples and use regular English There are many values that I … Read more

How politicians received the Common Core education system in 2009 by president Obama.

How politicians received the Common Core education system in 2009 by president Obama. Your first paragraph should provide a comprehensive summary of one of the optional readings from this weeks overview page. Your second paragraph should compare the information in the textbook with the information from the corresponding article. What similarities are there? What aspects … Read more