Browse Questions

Murder is considered the worst and most serious crime in the world

Murder is considered the worst and most serious crime in the world Murder is considered the worst and most serious crime in the world. Murder can involve the use of weapons such as knives and guns or the use of poison to kill another person. According to California Penal Code 187 (a), murder is an … Read more

The ecological, economic and social impacts of urban sprawl (compared to new urban denser development)

The ecological, economic and social impacts of urban sprawl (compared to new urban denser development) Urban sprawl refers to the geographical expansion of towns and cities to the suburbs. & quot;The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces," & quot ;Lions of Los Angeles" and "When Spark Meets Sprawl " are the three main sources to … Read more

Analyze the case of SeaWorld of Florida v. Perez

Analyze the case of SeaWorld of Florida v. Perez Analyze the case of SeaWorld of Florida v. Perez, 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 6660 (D.C. Cir.), including the opinion of Judge Rodgers as well as the dissenting opinion of Judge (now-Supreme Court Justice) Brett Kavanaugh. Write a case study review of the court’s opinion that answers … Read more

Domestic violence is defined as aggressive behavior involving the violent abuse of a partner or spouse.

Domestic violence is defined as aggressive behavior involving the violent abuse of a partner or spouse. Domestic violence is defined as aggressive behavior involving the violent abuse of a partner or spouse. The official definition of domestic violence may vary from state to another, and thus it is recommended to consult state definition of the … Read more

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is caused by the dengue virus 

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is caused by the dengue virus Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is caused by the dengue virus (DENV) and transmitted by female mosquitos’ species Aedes aegypti. Aedes aegypti species are also responsible for yellow fever, Zika viruses, and chikungunya viruses. Dengue is highly spread in tropical … Read more

This week’s readings are related to sodomy and same-gender couples and the law.

This week’s readings are related to sodomy and same-gender couples and the law. Arguments. First, begin with a brief paragraph that summarizes, in your own words, what you understand to be the main argument of each of the texts assigned for the week. This week’s readings are related to sodomy and same-gender couples and the … Read more

How Financial literacy is not being taught in U.S schools

How Financial literacy is not being taught in U.S schools I would like the research paper to include how Financial literacy is not being taught in U.S schools, why it is important to do so, how financial literacy can benefit someone and how not being financially literate can be damaging to someones life. Also include … Read more

Discuss whether policy changes could be made that could create a more equitable outcome

Discuss whether policy changes could be made that could create a more equitable outcome Instructions: Case: Concert Posters in a Copyright Book: Bill Graham Archives v. Dorling Kindersley, Ltd. 448 F.3d 605 -Write a 4 page essay on the case. -It is to include: • Lays out the Key parties & Relevant facts • Lays … Read more

Our journey of law comes to an interesting area that also offers a comparative look at the earlier landscape.

Our journey of law comes to an interesting area that also offers a comparative look at the earlier landscape. Our journey of law comes to an interesting area that also offers a comparative look at the earlier landscape. Recall, at the very beginning, we talked about the hierarchy of the First Amendment protection. During the … Read more

Identifying and Analyzing Vulnerabilities

Identifying and Analyzing Vulnerabilities Assess the effectiveness of offering a reward to individuals external to the organization in exchange for them to identify vulnerabilities on a new technology. Solution preview for the order on Identifying and Analyzing Vulnerabilities APA 351 words

Adaptive strategies provide a process for guiding organizations into making changes that will help to either expand

Adaptive strategies provide a process for guiding organizations into making changes that will help to either expand Adaptive strategies provide a process for guiding organizations into making changes that will help to either expand, reduce or maintain the range of the company’s vision (Ginter, Swayne, & Duncan, 2018). Expansion of a business requires research and … Read more

History of the Chinese American sub-culture in the United States

History of the Chinese American sub-culture in the United States History of the Chinese American sub-culture in the United States. Include highlights of migration, current population, and characteristics that are comprised in this group. Major events that have shaped the culture. This could include both domestic and international events, depending on the group you are … Read more

What have been the impacts on ‘democracy’ of the extraordinary changes seen in IT in our lifetimes

What have been the impacts on ‘democracy’ of the extraordinary changes seen in IT in our lifetimes I have included all details in the uploaded file. This essay should refer to topics based on the basis of this study module: Professional Issues, Ethics and Computer Law in cyber security / IT environment Solution preview for … Read more

Is prejudice still widespread in American society? Is it stronger among certain groups as compared to others

Is prejudice still widespread in American society? Is it stronger among certain groups as compared to others Write a short research paper (about 5 pages) examining whether various American racial/ethnic groups have different levels of prejudice and whether prejudice has been weakening over time. Your paper must be structured as follows: Abstract (problem statement, methods … Read more

What do you think of the soft drink industry’s stance or position?

What do you think of the soft drink industry’s stance or position? What do you think of the soft drink industry’s stance or position?  If you were public relations counsel for Pepsi or Coca-Cola, what would you recommend regarding this conflict?    Solution preview for the order on What do you think of the soft … Read more

Describe the organizational structures standards and processes that corporations adopt to implement sustainability initiatives within the supply chain.

Describe the organizational structures standards and processes that corporations adopt to implement sustainability initiatives within the supply chain. Read the article Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in Canada, paying particular attention to the basic understanding of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) as well as its use in integrating efforts with supply chain partners. Answer the … Read more

Boycotting is the act of refusing to cooperate in an event or buying a product as a way of punishment

Boycotting is the act of refusing to cooperate in an event or buying a product as a way of punishment Boycotting is the act of refusing to cooperate in an event or buying a product as a way of punishment. Boycotting is one of the best ways to initiate a change in society. It was … Read more

Spanish Violence Against Amerindian Women;“Sexual Violence as a Tool in the Conquest of California

Spanish Violence Against Amerindian Women ;“Sexual Violence as a Tool in the Conquest of California I would like to explore how Sexual Violence was used in conquest against the Amerindian women, and how they were used and colonized by the Spanish soldiers. IF you could include how they held Indian women accountable as hostiles that … Read more

Discuss the Future Directions in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research

Discuss the Future Directions in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Discuss the Future Directions in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research and Practice. Your initial post must be 2 – 3 paragraphs in length. First person is suitable for discussion boards. It is expected that each student researches a minimum of two articles in … Read more

There is a saying in intelligence work that “if you don’t play the game, you lose the game

There is a saying in intelligence work that “if you don’t play the game, you lose the game There is a saying in intelligence work that “if you don’t play the game, you lose the game.” How does this saying help to validate practices like covert action that might cause discomfort in a democratic society? … Read more

The socio emotional and psychosocial issues of adolescence and strategies to help them cope

The socio emotional and psychosocial issues of adolescence and strategies to help them cope SUBJECT AREA part2: *Human development(psychology)* The paper should: (1) adequately explore the chosen topic; (2) provide a comprehensive theoretical understanding; and, (3) offer recommendations for practice or further research. The paper should be written in APA format and be 5-7 pages … Read more

What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. Supreme Court in influencing social policies in the United States?

What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. Supreme Court in influencing social policies in the United States? Should the judicial branch have the ability to develop and implement public policy, or should that power belong exclusively to the executive and legislative branches? Explain your answer, including the reasons behind your rejection of … Read more

Government Role in Hospital Growth and Decline

Government Role in Hospital Growth and Decline Submit a paper that explains the role of government in the growth, as well as the decline, of hospitals in the United States. Be sure to discuss major legislation and reimbursement factors. Solution preview for the order on Government Role in Hospital Growth and Decline APA 1101 words

For the last 30 years the world has been experiencing a climatic change that could lead to harm in the future

For the last 30 years the world has been experiencing a climatic change that could lead to harm in the future For the last 30 years, the world has been experiencing a climatic change that could lead to harm in the future. Global warming is the primary environmental challenge that environmentalists are trying to fight. … Read more

How has the demand of seafood affected the ocean

How has the demand of seafood affected the ocean This is a broad subject that can include the biodiversity decrease in the ocean as well as other topics that specifically relate to the topic. Please use journal articles, books, etc. as references, however, only 1 internet site may be used. Thank you! Solution preview for … Read more

juveniles should they be tried as a adult to be 5 pages with MLA citing my thesis statement is juveniles brain development juvenile circumstances of living and if juveniles if they’re made of examples it has to have four direct quotes no more than four lines. it has to be double spaced 12 point font … Read more

Black women in childbirth (and how they are treated should be improved and how

Black women in childbirth (and how they are treated should be improved and how PLEASE FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS IN PICTURES I ATTACHED (should be first 4 pictures, the rest are pictures from the book) – audience must be state or local (cannot be national or outside of the US – only use .org, .gov, or … Read more

Covid19 has adverse effects on the economy in the world.

Covid19 has adverse effects on the economy in the world. Address the following questions: 1: As per the interview with Darianne Hudson, CEO of the united way of southeastern Michigan, please address the following questions: “What was Ms. Hudson’s greatest concerns relative to the clients she serves ” 2 What transcultural perspective(s ) apply to … Read more

What are your thoughts on the architectural priorities of our current moment?

What are your thoughts on the architectural priorities of our current moment? What are your thoughts on the architectural priorities of our current moment? What kind of roles can (and should) architecture fulfill in society? What are the types of issues contemporary architecture must address? And what are the historical precedents we may point to … Read more

Describe how a leader within an organization can introduce change and get the desired effects

Describe how a leader within an organization can introduce change and get the desired effects Describe how a leader within an organization can introduce change and get the desired effects? Do you think a leader or set of leaders at one organization can replicate another organization’s procedures and get the same results? Explain. Solution preview … Read more

There are six essential planning considerations for Defense Support of Civil Authorities missions

There are six essential planning considerations for Defense Support of Civil Authorities missions There are six essential planning considerations for Defense Support of Civil Authorities missions addressed in JT Pub 3-28 in chapter II. The factors include mission assurance, environmental concerns, communication synchronization, operations, force protection (FP), and facility requirements. Planning well for military operations … Read more

 Are all health programs important?

 Are all health programs important? • Are all health programs important? • Why are health programs important? • Background/Overview (i.e. if your paper is on mental health, research mental health statistics and explain why mental health programs are needed) • What is the title of the article? • What are the researchers’ names who completed … Read more

 Clearly identify and evaluate the stakeholders that were impacted by the ethical issue.

 Clearly identify and evaluate the stakeholders that were impacted by the ethical issue. research internet, newspapers, and business magazines for a corporate case that has attracted media attention due to ethical issues. Write an ESSAY to address the following points using the case you chose. 1. Provide an overview of the company’s background, i.e. its … Read more

Birth defects in the United States are a result of major causes such as exposure to medications during pregnancy

Birth defects in the United States are a result of major causes such as exposure to medications during pregnancy Include Thesis statement : Birth defects in the United States are a result of major causes such as exposure to medications during pregnancy, alcohol consumption , and genetic predisposition Solution preview for the order on Birth … Read more

Research the psychology of children and teens accused of murder rape kidnapping and school violence

Research the psychology of children and teens accused of murder rape kidnapping and school violence Research the psychology of children and teens accused of murder, rape, kidnapping and school violence. Investigate a possible link with untreated mental disorders. Analyze the causes of antisocial behavior and predictors of youth violence, such as early substance use, aggression … Read more

Which source about Veteran Struggle gave the most insight into the way the problem could be resolved? Why?

Which source about Veteran Struggle gave the most insight into the way the problem could be resolved? Why? What prior knowledge and preconceptions did you have about Veterans struggle before you began researching it? 2. Discuss what you found confusing, inspiring, difficult, and/or interesting about Veterans Struggle.. 3. How did you reach a conclusion about … Read more

Analysis on the effects of the courtroom work group on the criminal justice system

Analysis on the effects of the courtroom work group on the criminal justice system Court workgroups can be defined as an informal arrangement between the members involved in criminal defense, criminal prosecutors, and the judicial officer discuss the prosecution process. The adversarial nature of the courtroom is replaced with collaborations of the essential courtroom officials … Read more

What are some of the obstacles to maintaining a secure courtroom?

What are some of the obstacles to maintaining a secure courtroom? There are courtroom crises in this country every day and each one has the potential to turn deadly in a matter of seconds. Courtroom officials are threatened or attacked, the victim’s family attack the offenders and the defendants attempt to escape or attack the … Read more

What are some of the challenges that an ex-convict face after their release from incarceration

What are some of the challenges that an ex-convict face after their release from incarceration Description Part I: Define intermediate sanctions and briefly discuss the effectiveness of each sanction listed below. Intensive probation supervision, house arrest, electronic monitoring, Restitution orders, fines, and community service.Part II: Define probation and parole separately. How do probation and parole … Read more

The article “Responsibility Unincorporated: Corporate Agency and Moral Responsibility”

The article “Responsibility Unincorporated: Corporate Agency and Moral Responsibility” The article “Responsibility Unincorporated: Corporate Agency and Moral Responsibility” is authored by Luis Cheng-Guajardo. The article explains why there is an argument of whether corporate agents are morally responsible for their actions. The author does not take a side on the issue but instead explains both … Read more

Identify the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams’ actions

Identify the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams’ actions Officer Williams is an officer with the Richmond police department and has been with the department for five years. He received information that a citizen living in the local housing project was selling drugs. This information was conveyed to Officer Williams by an anonymous caller … Read more

Disputes between departments and state or local authorities are common when there is an item each party has an interest in

Disputes between departments and state or local authorities are common when there is an item each party has an interest in Disputes between departments and state or local authorities are common when there is an item each party has an interest in. As the chief officer of a local fire department, I believe my advice … Read more

This is based on the novel “half of a yellow sun”

This is based on the novel “half of a yellow sun” This is based on the novel “half of a yellow sun” by Chimamanda Adichie, please do not write a summary. Focus on how this text helped you understand the conditions post colonialism names and have not been achieved Solution preview for the order on … Read more

The COVID-19 virus pandemic is a current issue affecting almost every country in the world

The COVID-19 virus pandemic is a current issue affecting almost every country in the world The COVID-19 virus pandemic is a current issue affecting almost every country in the world. The virus was reported first in China in December 2019, but early January started spreading to the other parts of the world. It has caused … Read more

Overview of grand nursing theories; introduction to middle range theories; overview of selected middle range theories

Overview of grand nursing theories; introduction to middle range theories; overview of selected middle range theories identify a theory that uses a concept of interest to you that can be applied in research and nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration). This is a professional paper in which headings, full sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar and punctuation, … Read more

The role of the public health nurse

The role of the public health nurse Week 1 Discussion Board on the history, practice and educational requirements of public health nursing. Also explain the nurse’s role in cOVID 19 at this time. Rubric attached Solution preview for the order on The role of the public health nurse APA 422 words

Managerial leaders are expected to supply bold vision leadership and direction that will help lift others 

Managerial leaders are expected to supply bold vision leadership and direction that will help lift others prepare a reaction paper of approximately 1500 words on Chapter 6. Managerial leaders are expected to supply bold vision, leadership, and direction that will help lift others and bear them through the turbulent and frustrating currents of white water. … Read more

Give an example of 2 major criminal cases where these exclusions have changed the outcome of the case.

Give an example of 2 major criminal cases where these exclusions have changed the outcome of the case. List and discuss a minimum of 5 reasons why evidence in a trial might be excluded. Give an example of 2 major criminal cases where these exclusions have changed the outcome of the case. Do you believe … Read more

As a nurse leader, describe how you can facilitate change by taking advantage of this overlap.

As a nurse leader, describe how you can facilitate change by taking advantage of this overlap. Describe the difference in roles between leadership and management. Explain how the goals of management and leadership overlap and provide one example. As a nurse leader, describe how you can facilitate change by taking advantage of this overlap.  Solution … Read more

Research and locate a recent case involving an ETHICS VIOLATION in: Law Enforcement in the State of Texas

Research and locate a recent case involving an ETHICS VIOLATION in: Law Enforcement in the State of Texas Briefly explain the case, Identify and briefly explain the Ethical Issue, Identify and briefly explain the Ethical Dilemma and with SUBSTANTIVE commentary, answer the following question: What should be done to resolve the ethical dilemma? Essentials of … Read more