Browse Questions

Explain the behavior of the World Trade Organization from critical theory and postcolonial perspectives.

Explain the behavior of the World Trade Organization from critical theory and postcolonial perspectives. The task is about answering two questions separately and clearly structured with help by the resources that I attached as much as possible. 1- Explain the behavior of the World Trade Organization from critical theory and postcolonial perspectives. 2- According to … Read more

After identifying the failures in the active shooter response, as scene commander what measures would you have employed to address the active shooter threat?

After identifying the failures in the active shooter response, as scene commander what measures would you have employed to address the active shooter threat? How could preparedness measures been improved before the shooting? Response: After identifying the failures in the active shooter response, as scene commander what measures would you have employed to address the active … Read more

Emergency response is one of the most effective activities that can help reduce the impact of disasters and catastrophes

Emergency response is one of the most effective activities that can help reduce the impact of disasters and catastrophes Emergency response is one of the most effective activities that can help reduce the impact of disasters and catastrophes. 11 September, 2001 was one of the days that will remain in the history of the US. … Read more

Discuss the access cost and quality of quality environments

Discuss the access cost and quality of quality environments discuss the access cost and quality of quality environments, as well as recent quality initiatives. Students will reflect on the relationship between quality measures and evaluation and role development. In addition, describe this relationship and note how the role of the advanced practice nurse (nurse practitioner) … Read more

The student stated that in his family the elderly are treated with respect and valued

The student stated that in his family the elderly are treated with respect and valued The student stated that in his family, the elderly are treated with respect and valued. I agree with this observation as the elderly are believed as the source of life to the family, and thus they deserve respect. If it … Read more

What was the author’s purpose for writing this book?

What was the author’s purpose for writing this book? What was the author’s purpose for writing this book? 2. Do you believe the author achieved the purpose? 3. Who is the primary audience for this book? 4. What is the central idea of the book? 5. How does the author appeal to emotion? 6. How … Read more

I am a religious person, so understanding more about God

I am a religious person, so understanding more about God After going through the chapter topics, I chose chapter 13, which talks about God. The reason why I chose the chapter is that I like to read about religions and God. I am a religious person, so understanding more about God is necessary to live … Read more

There are six pillars of character namely respect responsibility fairness caring citizenship and trustworthiness

There are six pillars of character namely respect responsibility fairness caring citizenship and trustworthiness There are six pillars of character, namely respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship, and trustworthiness. Different ways help people to adhere to the different pillars. Respect entails understanding and accepting other people's opinions, using appropriate language, being considerate with others, and adequately … Read more

Archie Rose Distilling Company is a company that distills and sells vodka gin and whiskey

Archie Rose Distilling Company is a company that distills and sells vodka gin and whiskey Archie Rose Distilling Company is a company that distills and sells vodka, gin, and whiskey. Though the company has not existed in the market for long, it is rated among the best companies in the country. Since the Covid-19 pandemic … Read more

Why you think it is important in a businesses strategically and planning process

Why you think it is important in a businesses strategically and planning process Write a reflective essay on “internalisation of a business”, and why you think it is important in a businesses strategically and planning process. write about when looking into traditional internalization vs Born global approach, argue, reason and justify which strategy will be … Read more

Dissociative fugue is a psychological condition characterized by a person losing memories 

Dissociative fugue is a psychological condition characterized by a person losing memories Dissociative fugue is a psychological condition characterized by a person losing memories of their identity and inability to remember things that happened previously. In other instance, a person is unable to remember crucial autobiographical information (Hennig-Fast, Meister, Frodl, Beraldi, Padberg, Engel, & Meindl,  … Read more

Discuss factors that affect the public’s perception of police

Discuss factors that affect the public’s perception of police Discuss factors that affect the public’s perception of police. Include in your response both positive and negative factors that influence how a community perceives law enforcement agencies. 2. According to your textbook, four categories guide police decision-making. Discuss those categories. Which category do you believe has … Read more

What is your opinion on the issues of cultural histories and gender identity expectations?

What is your opinion on the issues of cultural histories and gender identity expectations? Write paper answering the following two questions: Issues of gender equality in the workplace are important. The IS and ICT professions have been widely criticized for imbalances and power differentials between men and women. This issue is more pronounced for the … Read more

Explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care

Explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following: 1. In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast … Read more

Eyewitness testimony is a type of evidence during court proceedings that are given by people who witnessed a crime occurs.

Eyewitness testimony is a type of evidence during court proceedings that are given by people who witnessed a crime occurs. Eyewitness testimony is a type of evidence during court proceedings that are given by people who witnessed a crime occurs. Judges highly rely on this type of evidence, especially when scientific research conclusions concur with … Read more

Global leadership refers to the leadership of persons who encourage and convey essential affirmative transformations in organizations,

Global leadership refers to the leadership of persons who encourage and convey essential affirmative transformations in organizations Explains what the research is about and who/what it involves • Discuss how the research was conducted • Write about how outcome of the research (what were the results?) • Were there any limitations to the study? • … Read more

Counterargument from debate TOPIC “Businesses should be able to employ hackers to test the security of their own systems

Counterargument from debate TOPIC “Businesses should be able to employ hackers to test the security of their own systems Businesses should be able to employ hackers to test the security of their own systems” This counterargument will demonstrate the strength of Negative Team’s argument and the weakness of AFFIRMATIVE argument. (The goal of this exercise … Read more

Climatic change has become an attraction of many politicians causing controversies in the society.

Climatic change has become an attraction of many politicians causing controversies in the society. Climatic change has become an attraction of many politicians causing controversies in the society. While some countries continue to have strict policies on greenhouse gas emissions, others continue to have loose systems which allow the emission of gases at high levels. … Read more

Quantum computers are computers that use qubits instead of bits to process data

Quantum computers are computers that use qubits instead of bits to process data Quantum computers are computers that use qubits instead of bits to process data. Though the technology is in its infancy stage, there is great hope that it will have more advantages than the traditional or classical computers. Big companies such as Google … Read more

Big data is an essential tool for students when making career decisions

Big data is an essential tool for students when making career decisions Big data is an essential tool for students when making career decisions. Though some factors such as interests, values and talents play an essential role in choosing careers, big data would help you make the rights decisions. The availability of large amount of … Read more

Will being an emotionally intelligent leader ensure that you would never be seen as an example of the Peter Principle?

Will being an emotionally intelligent leader ensure that you would never be seen as an example of the Peter Principle? Will being an emotionally intelligent leader ensure that you would never be seen as an example of the Peter Principle? To answer this question, please be sure to include your thoughts on these questions in … Read more

The Native Indians were the initial inhabitants of the United States of America

The Native Indians were the initial inhabitants of the United States of America The Native Indians were the initial inhabitants of the United States of America before the Europeans started relocating from Europe to America and mostly occupied the lands on the eastern side of the Mississippi land. After the European immigration into the US, … Read more

Based on the country of Mexico conduct research on employment law labor and regulatory standards

Based on the country of Mexico conduct research on employment law labor and regulatory standards The paper should include the following points: • Based on the country of Mexico, conduct research on employment law, labor and regulatory standards, and employment discrimination for the country you selected. • Be sure to identify key international standards the … Read more

Cigarette smoking worsens diseases caused by exposure to asbestos

Cigarette smoking worsens diseases caused by exposure to asbestos Cigarette smoking worsens diseases caused by exposure to asbestos. If a worker who smokes is exposed over many years to asbestos in the workplace and subsequently develops lung cancer, then who is responsible for his developing cancer? Is it the employer? Or does the worker bear … Read more

The analysis of Politics of Refugees and Border Security in Australia should remain focused within the realm of ‘Politics

The analysis of Politics of Refugees and Border Security in Australia should remain focused within the realm of ‘Politics After your introductory paragraph, your analysis should have one paragraph that discusses the definition of politics that you have adopted. provide a brief paragraph that discusses that particular approach to defining the political. – The analysis … Read more

Certified Public Accounting (CPA) is an accounting and tax professionals who have passed the Uniform CPA examination

Certified Public Accounting (CPA) is an accounting and tax professionals who have passed the Uniform CPA examination Certified Public Accounting (CPA) is an accounting and tax professionals who have passed the Uniform CPA examination and further met experience requirements. In this news report, the author examines the conditions of the CPA and the intended new … Read more

What are some of the main challenges when it comes to organizational change?

What are some of the main challenges when it comes to organizational change? What is meant by organizational change? 2. What are some of the main challenges when it comes to organizational change? 3. What are some ways that organizations can improve the likelihood of success in their change efforts? 4. Do you think Ford … Read more

Hiring may be perceived as an easy task however it is among the hardest tasks

Hiring may be perceived as an easy task however it is among the hardest tasks Hiring may be perceived as an easy task; however, it is among the hardest tasks, especially when there is a dilemma. In this paper, I will analyze the case study of Lovely Canyon City job hiring and Mr. Lani Kolini. … Read more

Discuss anorexia nervosa, how it affects the person,

Discuss anorexia nervosa, how it affects the person, Discuss anorexia nervosa, how it affects the person, and write about the current treatments.. Must have a minimum of 2 scholarly articles with apa citations. minimum of 250 words. Solution preview for the order on Discuss anorexia nervosa, how it affects the person, APA 433 words

Reflect on your own beliefs about eating and body image

Reflect on your own beliefs about eating and body image Reflect on your own beliefs about eating and body image. According to our text and the research, how do these beliefs and habits originate? What insight have you gained to assist with offering parental advice on how to best approach developing a healthy belief system … Read more

Name three ways Native Americans were moved from their home place?

Name three ways Native Americans were moved from their home place? Name three ways Native Americans were moved from their home place? i. Eviction from the land by the government ii. Voluntary giving out their lands in exchange with lands in the west iii. Removal through negotiated treaties with the president 2.) What was meant … Read more

Common myths and beliefs of rape that are perceived by police officers in the UK.

Common myths and beliefs of rape that are perceived by police officers in the UK. The article examines the common myths and beliefs of rape that are perceived by police officers in the UK. The UK reports minimal cases of rape in the continent. Rape is also among the most serious crimes not only in … Read more

Discuss how class consciousness can explain wage polarization and current market distresses

  Discuss how class consciousness can explain wage polarization and current market distresses Please answer the question below and relate to the attached readings for answers. Refrain from using outside sources. Please paraphrase and properly cite. 1). Discuss how class consciousness can explain wage polarization and current market distresses. Next, discuss two signs suggestive of … Read more

Apply the chosen ethical theory to one of the scenarios below and show what choice or course of action the theory

Apply the chosen ethical theory to one of the scenarios below and show what choice or course of action the theory Choose one of the following ethical theories, clearly explain the theory’s main points, and show how the theory is supposed to enable one to make good moral decisions. a) Either Virtue Ethics 2) Apply … Read more

Many studies concern how a human being and specific critical human parts evolved.

Many studies concern how a human being and specific critical human parts evolved. Many studies concern how a human being and specific critical human parts evolved. However, most of the studies contradict themselves, and no particular research can be approved or readily accepted. For instance, the human brain is highly considered to have evolved due … Read more

Guiding change is one of the most significant challenges that many leaders face in every company.

Guiding change is one of the most significant challenges that many leaders face in every company. Guiding change is one of the most significant challenges that many leaders face in every company. Many issues arise in case of a change, but it remains the duty of leaders to make it effective. The first issue related … Read more

Affordable housing refers to housing units that can be afforded by community members with middle or lower income levels

Affordable housing refers to housing units that can be afforded by community members with middle or lower income levels Affordable housing refers to housing units that can be afforded by community members with middle or lower income levels. It is common in cities and suburbs which are invaded by the wealthy elite class who are … Read more

Texans live under the protection of the U.S. Constitution that both empowers and limits government.

Texans live under the protection of the U.S. Constitution that both empowers and limits government. As do residents of all states, Texans live under the protection of the U.S. Constitution that both empowers and limits government. Texas also has a state constitution that defines and limits government powers. Does the State of Texas actually need … Read more

The article aims to show the influence of government and media myths on drug abuse and the formulation of drug laws and policies.

The article aims to show the influence of government and media myths on drug abuse and the formulation of drug laws and policies. The article aims to show the influence of government and media myths on drug abuse and the formulation of drug laws and policies. According to Reinarman and Levine (2004), the myths helped … Read more

What is the best way to roll out a change management initiative?

What is the best way to roll out a change management initiative? Please address the two questions by referencing the articles provided. 1. How do you get employees engaged in a change management initiative? What role do HR, managers, and C-Suite play? 2. What is the best way to roll out a change management initiative? … Read more

Plastic pollution in the ocean is one of the greatest environmental threats of our time

Plastic pollution in the ocean is one of the greatest environmental threats of our time Plastic pollution in the ocean is one of the greatest environmental threats of our time! In response, many coastal communities including some in Orange County, have started to ban certain types of single use plastics such as straws and bags. … Read more

Argue every point from both sides about animal rights

Argue every point from both sides about animal rights Should include references with inter-textual documentation and a works cited page. Argue every point from both sides about animal rights. Tiger king may also be brought up as that is extremely controversial. Solution preview for the order on Argue every point from both sides about animal … Read more

The essential duties of managers include planning leading organizing and controlling.

The essential duties of managers include planning leading organizing and controlling. The essential duties of managers include planning, leading, organizing, and controlling. Traditionally, the jobs of managing were given to men over women because they were thought to be good managers. Women are stereotyped to be weak and less powerful than men, which was the … Read more

The role of the federal government in U.S. society change during the 1850s and the Civil War

The role of the federal government in U.S. society change during the 1850s and the Civil War This essay should answer the following questions: How and why did the role of the federal government in U.S. society change during the 1850s and the Civil War? What changes emerged, what were their root causes, and how … Read more

Has income inequality increased in the US over the past 50 years and if so, is increasing income inequality a problem for the country?

Has income inequality increased in the US over the past 50 years and if so, is increasing income inequality a problem for the country? Hello, I have added the details pertaining to the paper below as well the rubric and other materials/articles to use for the paper……… Case Study Assignment: Submit a paper which discusses … Read more

Does Kant or Aristotle offer the more compelling answer to Korsgaard’s “the normative question”? Explain.

Does Kant or Aristotle offer the more compelling answer to Korsgaard’s “the normative question”? Explain. The central question of normative ethics is determining how basic morals standards are arrived at and justified. Different philosophers have tried to explain what causes something to be seen as right, while others are unacceptable and illegal in society. Korsgaard … Read more

At what point does such strategic and tactical management of information become deception

At what point does such strategic and tactical management of information become deception negotiation, by its very nature, often involves holding information from the other party in order to achieve your own best result. At what point does such strategic and tactical management of information become deception? Lying? Do the ends justify the means? When … Read more

The American constitution prohibits the police from using excessive force in the course of duty

The American constitution prohibits the police from using excessive force in the course of duty The American constitution prohibits the police from using excessive force in the course of duty. However, nearly every day, there are cases in which the police are accused of using excessive force during arrests and stops. Excessive use of force … Read more

Why does rapid population growth take place in developing countries rather than in developed countries?

Why does rapid population growth take place in developing countries rather than in developed countries? Describe the main differences between developed and developing societies. What are some of the main reasons for the divergence? 2. Why does rapid population growth take place in developing countries rather than in developed countries? 3. Karl Marx, Max Weber … Read more

McKeiver v. Pennsylvania was a landmark case argued on

McKeiver v. Pennsylvania was a landmark case argued on McKeiver v. Pennsylvania was a landmark case argued on December 10, 1970, and decided on Kune 21, 1971. The case involved two juveniles who were charged with different crimes at various times. Joseph McKeiver, a 16-year-old, was charged with robbery, receiving stolen goods and theft in … Read more