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Sexually transmitted infections are venereal illnesses whose main transmission is through engaging in unprotected sexual activity

Sexually transmitted infections are venereal illnesses whose main transmission is through engaging in unprotected sexual activity Sexually transmitted infections are venereal illnesses whose main transmission is through engaging in unprotected sexual activity with an infected individual. Classification of STIs is according to viruses, bacteria, or parasites. The phrases STIs and STDs, which stands for sexually … Read more

Presidents Lincoln Jackson Washington and grant appeared on the United States Currency.

Presidents Lincoln Jackson Washington and grant appeared on the United States Currency. Presidents Lincoln, Jackson, Washington, and grant appeared on the United States Currency. But Alexander Hamilton was one of the few people in America who were featured in the United States currency without being the president. This is because, after the American Revolution war, … Read more

Michael P. Hamm and Amanda Newton PhD’s explores the effects of cyberbullying on the mental health in children

Michael P. Hamm and Amanda Newton PhD’s explores the effects of cyberbullying on the mental health in children Michael P. Hamm and Amanda Newton PhD’s explores the effects of cyberbullying on the mental health in children. Despite the many benefits resulting from the usage of social media, there are serious concerns of the potential mental … Read more

The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change, and of developing public reinforcement

The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change, and of developing public reinforcement The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change, and of developing public reinforcement for such techniques, starts in part from the intrinsic complexity of the problem. Some of this complication relates to the real science of … Read more

Dystopia is one of the most discussed concepts on the sharing of power in the society.

Dystopia is one of the most discussed concepts on the sharing of power in the society. Dystopia is one of the most discussed concepts on the sharing of power in the society. This construct involves a few individuals, “The One," and the majority "The Others” who are ruled. This paper seeks to address the prevalence … Read more

Discuss all reasons that could explain an increase or decrease in gross profit margin

Discuss all reasons that could explain an increase or decrease in gross profit margin What is the difference between a multiple-step and a single-step format of the earnings statement? Which format is the most useful for analysis? Discuss all reasons that could explain an increase or decrease in gross profit margin Solution preview for the … Read more

Identify and briefly explain three main reasons why a vacancy may occur in an organization

Identify and briefly explain three main reasons why a vacancy may occur in an organization Identify and briefly explain three main reasons why a vacancy may occur in an organization. What are the advantages of using the internet for recruitment? Identify and briefly explain any two advantages and two disadvantages. Solution preview for the order … Read more

Katsushika Hokusai’s “The Great wave off Kanagawa,” represents the artist’s view of Mt Fuji

Katsushika Hokusai’s “The Great wave off Kanagawa,” represents the artist’s view of Mt Fuji Katsushika Hokusai’s “The Great wave off Kanagawa,” represents the artist’s view of Mt Fuji as a pilgrimage identity in Japanese culture and as a constant in the lives of Japanese people whether they are fishermen, farmers, or noblemen. Solution preview for … Read more

In recent day’s sociologists have explained in different journals about the racial categories.

In recent day’s sociologists have explained in different journals about the racial categories. In recent day’s sociologists have explained in different journals about the racial categories. The biological racial nature is linked to genetic distinctions that are grouped within human interactions. Sociologists are distinguishing race to be the social tool for the categorization system that … Read more

Amazon is an international company that comes to mind when one thinks of customer relationship management

Amazon is an international company that comes to mind when one thinks of customer relationship management Amazon is an international company that comes to mind when one thinks of customer relationship management (CRM) due to the fame that the firm has gained as a result of its CRM approaches. Amazon ranks as one of the … Read more

This research paper analyzes one of the terrorist organizations maintained in the Foreign Terrorist Organizations List

This research paper analyzes one of the terrorist organizations maintained in the Foreign Terrorist Organizations List This research paper analyzes one of the terrorist organizations maintained in the Foreign Terrorist Organizations List. The organization poses security fears to the U.S. homeland and U.S. interests globally. Additionally, this paper analyzes the security policies in place to … Read more

Through the healthcare institutions, the failure to correctly identify the patient might result in medication error

Through the healthcare institutions, the failure to correctly identify the patient might result in medication error Through the healthcare institutions, the failure to correctly identify the patient might result in medication error, and at some times, adverse effects are instigated through a body reaction. Some of the points where errors can occur in the healthcare … Read more

The world has continued to experience drastic changes in almost how everything is done with the invention and innovation of new technologies.

The world has continued to experience drastic changes in almost how everything is done with the invention and innovation of new technologies. The world has continued to experience drastic changes in almost how everything is done with the invention and innovation of new technologies. The modernization of the telephone and the invention of the internet … Read more

Sustainability risks management and practices are attributed to the effects that it impacts on the organization

Sustainability risks management and practices are attributed to the effects that it impacts on the organization Sustainability risks management and practices are attributed to the effects that it impacts on the organization's reputation in many ways. Sustainability risks can impact the organization by interfering with the organization’s sociological, economic and political fields. The risks it … Read more

Cell biology questions mostly about GPCR pathway and the MAPK pathway 

Cell biology questions mostly about GPCR pathway and the MAPK pathway The GPCR pathway begins with ligand binding to the GPCR which causes a conformational change in the receptor, allowing it to directly bind to the alpha subunit of its g- protein. This binding results in the loss of GDP and a subsequent binding of … Read more

Conducting research is one of the most efficient ways to understand dynamics in the contemporary world.

Conducting research is one of the most efficient ways to understand dynamics in the contemporary world. Conducting research is one of the most efficient ways to understand dynamics in the contemporary world. Businesses, as well as institutions, rely on research to make viable decisions that can help streamline operations. In his bid to understand customer-centered … Read more

Capital budgeting in a business is a practice employed in assessing possible expenditures or substantial investments

Capital budgeting in a business is a practice employed in assessing possible expenditures or substantial investments Capital budgeting in a business is a practice employed in assessing possible expenditures or substantial investments. It is usually undertaken to decide on how the company can invest its funds for multiplication, arrangement, or replacement of assets especially fixed … Read more

The quantity of most goods is determined by the interaction of demand and supply decisions in a given market

The quantity of most goods is determined by the interaction of demand and supply decisions in a given market The quantity of most goods is determined by the interaction of demand and supply decisions in a given market. Draw a market diagram and use it to explain how equilibrium price and quantity are determined in … Read more

The crime committed was a homicide, where a person had shot and killed his girlfriend with a Knife 

The crime committed was a homicide, where a person had shot and killed his girlfriend with a Knife The crime committed was a homicide, where a person had shot and killed his girlfriend with a Knife because of issues in a relationship. Mr. Javan argued on behalf of the defendant that the conduct was merely … Read more

Uber is a service industry-based company in the transport sector that is well known for its taxi app that people use in hailing rides

Uber is a service industry-based company in the transport sector that is well known for its taxi app that people use in hailing rides Uber is a service industry-based company in the transport sector that is well known for its taxi app that people use in hailing rides. Transportation is Uber's main line of business … Read more

Defines what online behavioral advertising (behavioral targeting) as a new emerging trend in advertisement

Defines what online behavioral advertising (behavioral targeting) as a new emerging trend in advertisement This article, Online Behavioral Advertising: A Literature Review and Research Agenda under the Journal of Advertising, was published by Sophie, Sanne, Kruikemeier & Frederik (2017). It defines what online behavioral advertising (behavioral targeting) as a new emerging trend in advertisement. The … Read more

The film selection for this discussion is Jame’s Cameron’s Avatar

The film selection for this discussion is Jame’s Cameron’s Avatar The film selection for this discussion is Jame’s Cameron’s Avatar. The film is about a group of marines and anthropologists who venture to the Planet-Moon of Pandora. To blend in the society, the anthropologists utilize genetically engineered Avatars for them to resemble the Navi who … Read more

The Euthyphro is one of Plato’s brief classical early debates between Socrates and Euthyphro.

The Euthyphro is one of Plato’s brief classical early debates between Socrates and Euthyphro. The Euthyphro is one of Plato’s brief classical early debates between Socrates and Euthyphro. It is a general examination of what the concepts piety and impiety mean. The dialogue discusses a concern that the correlation between morality and doctrine may not … Read more

National Gallery of Art is one of the art galleries in Washington, D.C. whose location is at Constitution Avenue on the National Mall

National Gallery of Art is one of the art galleries in Washington, D.C. whose location is at Constitution Avenue on the National Mall National Gallery of Art is one of the art galleries in Washington, D.C. whose location is at Constitution Avenue on the National Mall. The public has free access to the gallery that … Read more

Human beings and animals are regularly exposed to airborne pathogens, some of which might cause infectious diseases

Human beings and animals are regularly exposed to airborne pathogens, some of which might cause infectious diseases Human beings and animals are regularly exposed to airborne pathogens, some of which might cause infectious diseases. With the revolution of disease research methodologies, the study of pathogens and how they are transmitted proven that fungal spores, viruses, … Read more

Customer relationship management (CRM) entails technologies approaches and activities utilized by organizations

Customer relationship management (CRM) entails technologies approaches and activities utilized by organizations Customer relationship management (CRM) entails technologies, approaches, and activities utilized by organizations to interact and manage their current and potential customers. CRM boost customer loyalty to the organization and enhances retention. These aspects translate to increased profits due to increased revenue. In the … Read more

The analysis of the microbiome of cancer is revolutionizing investigations that clinicians are conducting by providing new biomarkers

The analysis of the microbiome of cancer is revolutionizing investigations that clinicians are conducting by providing new biomarkers The analysis of the microbiome of cancer is revolutionizing investigations that clinicians are conducting by providing new biomarkers and greater stratification of the disease. The population is poised to making significant advances towards taking care of cancer … Read more

The Second Council of Lyons of 1274, was convened by the then Pope, Gregory X

The Second Council of Lyons of 1274, was convened by the then Pope, Gregory X The Second Council of Lyons of 1274, was convened by the then Pope, Gregory X. The main agenda of the Council was to examine concerns of the Holy Land, to do away with the division between East and West and … Read more

Leaders should avoid losing track of their focus when doing a project

Leaders should avoid losing track of their focus when doing a project Leaders should avoid losing track of their focus when doing a project. All mistakes should avoid ensuring goal achievements. The mistake made by Hannibal was teaching one arduous Roman rival on the brilliant tactics like mining information from the army. Little did he … Read more

In the tale “The Fair-Haired Eckbert,” Tieck uses confusion almost in all the parts so as to put his audience into a dilemma

In the tale “The Fair-Haired Eckbert,” Tieck uses confusion almost in all the parts so as to put his audience into a dilemma In the tale “The Fair-Haired Eckbert,” Tieck uses confusion almost in all the parts so as to put his audience into a dilemma state then leave them with full of questions. This … Read more

Volatility brought about by technological advancements has made companies restructure either financially or structurally

Volatility brought about by technological advancements has made companies restructure either financially or structurally In today’s world, volatility brought about by technological advancements has made companies restructure either financially or structurally. In the past, company reorganization was mainly associated with firms that underwent tough financial times. However, this process is now proactively done every 2- … Read more

China was a country that had been adopted the policy of open economy for centuries

China was a country that had been adopted the policy of open economy for centuries China was a country that had been adopted the policy of open economy for centuries, and therefore, European countries faced a lot of challenges trading with China. China is also a land that could produce most commodities on its own, … Read more

The American Revolution is one of the events that will remain in the country

The American Revolution is one of the events that will remain in the country The American Revolution is one of the events that will remain in the country's history as it led to the independence of the colonies from British rule. Various books have been written regarding the event, activity timeline, among others, regarding the … Read more

Visual attention is selectively deployed toward regions of space

Visual attention is selectively deployed toward regions of space Visual attention is selectively deployed toward regions of space” Critically evaluate this claim with reference to space- and object-based models of selective visual attention and further empirical findings. Solution preview for the order on Visual attention is selectively deployed toward regions of space APA 1251 words

The role of research in accounting is to deeply explain the occurrence of a specific practice and the situation

The role of research in accounting is to deeply explain the occurrence of a specific practice and the situation The role of research in accounting is to deeply explain the occurrence of a specific practice and the situation to have an effective change. Research also helps to evaluate the effectiveness of specific models as they … Read more

Affect on trustful and respectful relationships – mental health relating to the stolen generation in the assimilation era

Affect on trustful and respectful relationships – mental health relating to the stolen generation in the assimilation era Write a 550-600 word script about the Affect on trustful and respectful relationships In regards to mental health relating to the stolen generation in the assimilation era. Discuss the influence your chosen policy (mental health relating to … Read more

Space travel has increased in the last 50 years due to the advancement of technology and aerospace boost

Space travel has increased in the last 50 years due to the advancement of technology and aerospace boost Space travel has increased in the last 50 years due to the advancement of technology and aerospace boost. Today, robots are being used for exploration purposes, which have boosted the number of space discoveries, especially the exploration … Read more

To what extent were revolutionary ideals realized in each of the cases you are considering?

To what extent were revolutionary ideals realized in each of the cases you are considering? The social and political movements in the Atlantic World during the Age of Revolution had a common thread of liberal ideology centered on the concepts of liberty and equality. The American, Dutch, and French Revolutions shared an emphasis on the … Read more

Time constraints profoundly challenge school counsellors as students spent the most time in learning processes.

Time constraints profoundly challenge school counsellors as students spent the most time in learning processes. School counselors are generally drawn to Reality, Solution-Focused, Rational Emotive, or Cognitive Behavior Therapy theories due to time constraints in the school setting. For your initial post, select one of these four theories and explain how using the particular theory … Read more

2020 was a tough year for police force in the US due to protests against the police 

2020 was a tough year for police force in the US due to protests against the police 2020 was a tough year for police force in the US due to protests against the police after police officers were alleged to kill George Floyd, a black American was killed. This is not the first time there … Read more

The limitations on the power of appeal courts to overrule decisions of first instance courts and tribunals.

The limitations on the power of appeal courts to overrule decisions of first instance courts and tribunals. The judicial system's role is mandated to ensure that there is fair and effective justice through the application of common law. The criminal justice system works in a hierarchical system whereby the higher courts can overrule the ruling … Read more

Religion plays an important role in instilling and promoting morals in society. 

Religion plays an important role in instilling and promoting morals in society. Religion plays an important role in instilling and promoting morals in society. All religions' teachings advocate for peaceful actions in society. For instance, both Christianity and Islam do not encourage people to take revenge on the belief that God will punish wrongdoers. In … Read more

Explain how you will update your organization’s CSR policy to avoid similar ethics breaches going forward and regain public trust.

Explain how you will update your organization’s CSR policy to avoid similar ethics breaches going forward and regain public trust. Assume that you work for the organization that was the subject of the ethics complaint. You will describe the ethics scandal and stakeholders. Then, using at least two of the articles below, explain how you … Read more

The impact of crises and trauma and how this impact influences the populations you will work with in your professional counseling future

The impact of crises and trauma and how this impact influences the populations you will work with in your professional counseling future the impact of crises and trauma and how this impact influences the populations you will work with in your professional counseling future (developmentally and across the lifespan, based upon counseling youth) – what … Read more

A social technology refers to any technology that facilitates social interactions and is facilitated by a communication

A social technology refers to any technology that facilitates social interactions and is facilitated by a communication A social technology refers to any technology that facilitates social interactions and is facilitated by a communication capability like a mobile phone and internet. Facebook is one of the widely used social technologies in the global context (Brügger, … Read more

The goal of nursing is to ensure to provide maximum healthcare to patients and members in society

The goal of nursing is to ensure to provide maximum healthcare to patients and members in society The goal of nursing is to ensure to provide maximum healthcare to patients and members in society. In nursing, a conceptual framework acts as a guide for selecting nursing content and meaningful career experiences. The conceptual framework helps … Read more

Examine intelligence issues related to domestic terrorism and what advancements in technology can assist in the fight against terrorism.

Examine intelligence issues related to domestic terrorism and what advancements in technology can assist in the fight against terrorism. Description 500 words minimum, 2 peer reviewed journal articles.Examine intelligence issues related to domestic terrorism and what advancements in technology can assist in the fight against terrorism. Solution preview for the order on Examine intelligence issues … Read more

Assess the continuing challenges for law enforcement related to intelligence gathering and use

Assess the continuing challenges for law enforcement related to intelligence gathering and use The Intelligence Community (IC) in the US performs crucial tasks of gathering and analyzing information relating to crime commission and prevention. The intelligence community in the US comprises various police departments investigating specified or general crimes such as Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) … Read more

Identify the technology used in businesses and describe the types of technology used to support general business functions

Identify the technology used in businesses and describe the types of technology used to support general business functions Identify the technology used in businesses and describe the types of technology used to support general business functions. Discuss challenges presented to management due to managing existing technology. How does technology impact the sales, marketing, finance, and … Read more

What are the foreseen consequences of the CARE ACT and how will this impact the foreseen future for American citizens.

What are the foreseen consequences of the CARE ACT and how will this impact the foreseen future for American citizens. The Affordable Health Care Act, which was passed by Congress into law on March 23, 2010, became the most influential and important health care act since the 1960s. ACA intended to boost health care by … Read more