Browse Questions

The world of sports is the most fascinating one in terms of sporting entertainment be it in football, tennis, rugby, volleyball and much

The world of sports is the most fascinating one in terms of sporting entertainment be it in football, tennis, rugby, volleyball and much The world of sports is the most fascinating one in terms of sporting entertainment be it in football, tennis, rugby, volleyball and much more, however, this so-good world has had its share … Read more

Langston Hughes, an African-American writer, has a collection of poems

Langston Hughes, an African-American writer, has a collection of poems Langston Hughes, an African-American writer, has a collection of poems in his” Ask Your Mama: 12 Moods for Jazz” composition. Among these is the “cultural Exchange” poem, which is being described in this narrative. Hughes uses the poem to criticize the oppression of people of … Read more

In the short story Good Country People, O’ Connor, provides a surfeit of contemplation about people

In the short story Good Country People, O’ Connor, provides a surfeit of contemplation about people In the short story Good Country People, O’ Connor, provides a surfeit of contemplation about people's genuine attitude towards the religion and the nature of how people relate with one another. The short story’s main character is a physically … Read more

In the wake of emergent and re-emergent diseases, technology has enabled the treatment of very complicated conditions

In the wake of emergent and re-emergent diseases, technology has enabled the treatment of very complicated conditions In the wake of emergent and re-emergent diseases, technology has enabled the treatment of very complicated conditions. Increased medical complications have informed the rise in the use of technology in the field of medicine and surgery. Now, a … Read more

The Tempest was William Shakespeare final sole play; written between 1610 and 1611. 

The Tempest was William Shakespeare final sole play; written between 1610 and 1611. The Tempest was William Shakespeare's final sole play; written between 1610 and 1611. The play is about a magician, Prospero, who is ageing and his young daughter who has been banished to live in isolation in a remote island for twelve years. … Read more

A dynamometer is used in measuring the engine power. It loads the engine by absorbing the torque and power

A dynamometer is used in measuring the engine power. It loads the engine by absorbing the torque and power A dynamometer is used in measuring the engine power. It loads the engine by absorbing the torque and power generated by the engine, while converting it into electrical signal which is displayed on the output screen. … Read more

In recent times the Amazon rainforest has been experiencing severe and overly destructive wildfires

In recent times the Amazon rainforest has been experiencing severe and overly destructive wildfires In recent times, the Amazon rainforest has been experiencing severe and overly destructive wildfires, and the forest coverage is, therefore, shrinking every daAy. Since the beginning of 2019, these fires have consumed approximately 4.6 million Solution preview for the order on … Read more

Emotional abuse often referred to as psychological abuse is characterized by an individual behaving

Emotional abuse often referred to as psychological abuse is characterized by an individual behaving Emotional abuse often referred to as psychological abuse is characterized by an individual behaving in a manner that subjects or exposes another person to the possibility of developing anxiety, chronic depression, Posttraumatic Solution preview for the order on Emotional abuse often … Read more

In the wake of climate change, the mining industry globally has been forced to take immediate climate actions

In the wake of climate change, the mining industry globally has been forced to take immediate climate actions In the wake of climate change, the mining industry globally has been forced to take immediate climate actions to curb and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. As stipulated in the United Nations sustainable development goal … Read more

France is a respected country in the field of clothing and apparel as the country’s designers are fashion-conscious

France is a respected country in the field of clothing and apparel as the country’s designers are fashion-conscious France is a respected country in the field of clothing and apparel as the country’s designers are fashion-conscious having mastered je ne saisquois.It is thus no wonder that the country’s apparel continue to attract casual fashionist as … Read more

Throughout his writing, Twain seems to have a cynical and resentful opinion of the Cristian faith

Throughout his writing, Twain seems to have a cynical and resentful opinion of the Cristian faith Throughout his writing, Twain seems to have a cynical and resentful opinion of the Cristian faith. He applies a lot of satire in his presentation of what he thinks about religion. He question’s man’s belief of his superiority, as … Read more

In 2003 the US military invaded Iraq and the extension was more severe to the following occupation that impacted

In 2003 the US military invaded Iraq and the extension was more severe to the following occupation that impacted In 2003 the US military invaded Iraq, and the extension was more severe to the following occupation that impacted most of the important events in the history of US relations with Iraq. In most circumstances, the … Read more

Impact of poor infrastructure on transportation in Sub-saharan Africa Transport and logistics go hand in hand

Impact of poor infrastructure on transportation in Sub-saharan Africa Transport and logistics go hand in hand Impact of poor infrastructure on transportation in Sub-saharan Africa Transport and logistics go hand in hand. Without proper transportation, it becomes hard to have a high logistics performance. Thus, good transportation is crucial in logistics. However, in Sub-Saharan countries, … Read more

The descent represented by the above diagram is Patrinelial

The descent represented by the above diagram is Patrinelial The descent represented by the above diagram is Patrinelial. Both males and females are associated with the father's kin group. The mother kin group tends to be inexistent, thus contributing to the limitation of its replication. The family has some tendency of male Solution preview for … Read more

I believe the reason why George message was not successful was that he was not clear and precise in what he was seeking from Mr. Smith

I believe the reason why George message was not successful was that he was not clear and precise in what he was seeking from Mr. Smith I believe the reason why George's message was not successful was that he was not clear and precise in what he was seeking from Mr. Smith. His message left … Read more

Healthcare safety is a very fundamental issue since most of the significant improvements done within organizations

Healthcare safety is a very fundamental issue since most of the significant improvements done within organizations Healthcare safety is a very fundamental issue since most of the significant improvements done within organizations aim at protecting the patients. Safety culture is a universal situation that encapsulates the values, underlying assumptions, and the norms found within a … Read more

Undoubtedly, the success of a student is established from a student-oriented culture.

Undoubtedly, the success of a student is established from a student-oriented culture. Undoubtedly, the success of a student is established from a student-oriented culture. Credible sources indicate that the primary determinant of the success of a student is the institutional culture rather than administrative structure. Now, it is our shared belief that there is no … Read more

A concept album is considered as one when all the tracks tend to be tied together using one theme and similar lyrics all through

A concept album is considered as one when all the tracks tend to be tied together using one theme and similar lyrics all through A concept album is considered as one when all the tracks tend to be tied together using one theme and similar lyrics all through. The concept album deviates its characteristics from … Read more

On Being a Therapist” is a book that I believe that Jeffrey Kottler wrote to sprinkle seeds of wisdom

On Being a Therapist” is a book that I believe that Jeffrey Kottler wrote to sprinkle seeds of wisdom “On Being a Therapist” is a book that I believe that Jeffrey Kottler wrote to sprinkle seeds of wisdom. Reading this book, I have realized that it does only prove to beneficial to the inexperienced wannabe … Read more

The Great Recession was experienced in America between November 2007 and June 2009

The Great Recession was experienced in America between November 2007 and June 2009 The Great Recession was experienced in America between November 2007 and June 2009. This is considered to be the worst recession since the depression in the 1930s. Unemployment rose to 9.5 per cent coming close to 10.8 per cent experienced during the … Read more

Public diplomacy is related to people diplomacy and any other government effort that is aiming at communicating directly to foreign publics.

Public diplomacy is related to people diplomacy and any other government effort that is aiming at communicating directly to foreign publics. Public diplomacy is related to people diplomacy and any other government effort that is aiming at communicating directly to foreign publics. Public diplomacy is including all the efforts used by various officials or leaders … Read more

Values are the established principles that guide the actions of nurses

Values are the established principles that guide the actions of nurses Values are the established principles that guide the actions of nurses. Professional and personal values guide how professionals do their practice. What a person value determines his or her behavior. People always get motivated to do what they value most. Competent and compassionate nursing … Read more

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease where there are abnormal electric signals in the brain

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease where there are abnormal electric signals in the brain Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease where there are abnormal electric signals in the brain and the signals general recurrent seizures. It is the most common brain disorder. Epilepsy characteristic by seizures. It is associated with stigma, and it affects … Read more

Amnesia is a condition that occurs due to loss of memory for example information experiences and facts.

Amnesia is a condition that occurs due to loss of memory for example information experiences and facts. Amnesia is a condition that occurs due to loss of memory, for example, information, experiences, and facts. Amnesia is a general term for referring to the conditions where memory is lost or disturbed to a significant extent more … Read more

Edwidge Danticat uses various symbols in her book A Wall of Fire Rising thereby helping in the development of the intended meaning of the book

Edwidge Danticat uses various symbols in her book A Wall of Fire Rising thereby helping in the development of the intended meaning of the book Edwidge Danticat uses various symbols in her book, A Wall of Fire Rising, thereby helping in the development of the intended meaning of the book. The first symbolism used in … Read more

The Larceny act replaced the criminal offense regarding theft after consideration of a wider offense

The Larceny act replaced the criminal offense regarding theft after consideration of a wider offense The Larceny act replaced the criminal offense regarding theft after consideration of a wider offense related to the protecting property rather than possession. Although it led to the creation of an offense crime that had a higher severity, several issues … Read more

I would like to recommend Francis Smith to you for the position of a line cook in New York- Presbyterian Queens

I would like to recommend Francis Smith to you for the position of a line cook in New York- Presbyterian Queens I would like to recommend Francis Smith to you for the position of a line cook in New York- Presbyterian Queens. Francis has served in my restaurant for the last five years and has … Read more

Vietnamese economics history and future economic prediction for one decade

Vietnamese economics history and future economic prediction for one decade Vietnam is one of the countries in the Asian continent that covers an area of land and water of up to 310,070 square kilometers and 21,140 square kilometers, respectively (Vuong, Semerák & Vuong, 2019). The total area that Vietnam covers is 331,210 square kilometers, which … Read more

He is embodied with the unconventional approach in leadership and he uniquely approaches his duties

He is embodied with the unconventional approach in leadership and he uniquely approaches his duties Yes, Elon Musk qualifies to be the kind of leader I would like to work directly under and with. He is embodied with the unconventional approach in leadership, and he uniquely approaches his duties. When all individuals are executing the … Read more

Sparta also known as Lacedaemon was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece. 

Sparta also known as Lacedaemon was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece. Sparta, also known as Lacedaemon, was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece. It was situated on the banks of the Eurotas River in the southeastern Peloponnese around the seventh to first century BC. Being part of the more significant Greece, the Spartans employed … Read more

Judaism is one of the oldest monolithic religions of the world and is practiced by the Jewish people

Judaism is one of the oldest monolithic religions of the world and is practiced by the Jewish people Judaism is one of the oldest monolithic religions of the world and is practiced by the Jewish people. The fundamental doctrines, norms, and practices of the religion originate from the Torah, which is the first five books … Read more

Encompassed in the currency market are the Foreign Currency and the Euro-Currency.

Encompassed in the currency market are the Foreign Currency and the Euro-Currency. Encompassed in the currency market are the Foreign Currency and the Euro-Currency. However, Foreign Currency Markets are virtual in the sense that it lacks a single central physical location. Consequently, Foreign Currency Markets exist in dealing rooms of several central banks, international banks, … Read more

Many people are suffering from both mental and physical diseases because of a lack of general body exercises.

Many people are suffering from both mental and physical diseases because of a lack of general body exercises. As we all know, many people are suffering from both mental and physical diseases because of a lack of general body exercises. So, in order to avoid their diseases, we have to use bicycles when moving in … Read more

Simulation is an agent-based perspective whereby economically relevant based systems are imitated and agent groups are made

Simulation is an agent-based perspective whereby economically relevant based systems are imitated and agent groups are made Simulation is an agent-based perspective whereby economically relevant based systems are imitated and agent groups are made in such a way that important characteristics of the computer models depend on this imitation relation. The topic discussed in the … Read more

Marketing Science is one of the fields that is evolving and changing by taking up challenges

Marketing Science is one of the fields that is evolving and changing by taking up challenges Marketing Science is one of the fields that is evolving and changing by taking up challenges, incorporating the latest methods and modern disciplines to tackle marketing problems. Researchers have come up with new solutions to problems that are prevalent … Read more

Branding is a tool used where one product is differentiated from another product. 

Branding is a tool used where one product is differentiated from another product. Branding is a tool used where one product is differentiated from another product. This is done to obtain a competitive advantage over another similar or different product. In the recent past, global companies have made efforts to improve their products. Brand value, … Read more

Competitive intelligence is the methodological procedure of making observations collections analyzing the applicable data

Competitive intelligence is the methodological procedure of making observations collections analyzing the applicable data Competitive intelligence is the methodological procedure of making observations, collections, analyzing the applicable data concerning the organizational environment (El Akrouchi n.p.). Afterwards, the obtained information gets distributed for profitable decisions. The criterion focuses all business stakeholders such as the products and … Read more

Oil is one of the most crucial resources in the world. The global oil and gas drilling sector is worth 3.8 %

Oil is one of the most crucial resources in the world. The global oil and gas drilling sector is worth 3.8 % Oil is one of the most crucial resources in the world. The global oil and gas drilling sector is worth 3.8 % of the worldwide economy and includes companies specializing in crude petroleum … Read more

Transitional Research according to Steven Woolf defined as total different perception of people

Transitional Research according to Steven Woolf defined as total different perception of people Transitional Research according to Steven Woolf, defined as total different perception of people to different things that is how people perceive things differently. It can also be seen as a scenario in which researcher’s results and findings are taken from him or … Read more

Behaviorism is the process of learning a person & observable changes in their behavior.

Behaviorism is the process of learning a person & observable changes in their behavior. Behaviorism is the process of learning a person's observable changes in their behavior. This theory can be applied in classes and classrooms when teaching students (McKenna (1995). Behaviourism is used in classrooms to determine the relationship between the actual deeds of … Read more

The purpose of this essay is to discuss how the high incarceration rates have low impact in reducing the crime 

The purpose of this essay is to discuss how the high incarceration rates have low impact in reducing the crime The purpose of this essay is to discuss how the high incarceration rates have low impact in reducing the crime rates across the world. Most people globally have a high expectation of prisons reducing crime … Read more

The movie is opening with information about the happenings of World War II and the effects it caused in Australia

The movie is opening with information about the happenings of World War II and the effects it caused in Australia The movie is opening with information about the happenings of World War II and the effects it caused in Australia. It then focuses on the issues of stolen generations where whites are attempting to take … Read more

The past decade has shown considerable efforts by psychologists and scholars to come up with a consensus

The past decade has shown considerable efforts by psychologists and scholars to come up with a consensus The past decade has shown considerable efforts by psychologists and scholars to come up with a consensus over the cognitive aspect of intelligence. To this effect, there has been continuous development and disregarding of various theories that seek … Read more

The research process evidence-based practice and nursing process are similar in some ways and different in others.

The research process evidence-based practice and nursing process are similar in some ways and different in others. The research process, evidence-based practice, and nursing process are similar in some ways and different in others. This paper will explore the similarities and differences between these concepts and further explain the reasons for such similarities and differences. … Read more

The journal talks about the Israeli Palestinian war. The journal argues that although it is not clear when the war began

The journal talks about the Israeli Palestinian war. The journal argues that although it is not clear when the war began The journal talks about the Israeli Palestinian war. The journal argues that although it is not clear when the war began, it gets believed that the conflict dates back thousands of years ago when … Read more

Maps are defined as a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea that is drawn to scale to serve a particular purpose.

Maps are defined as a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea that is drawn to scale to serve a particular purpose. Maps are defined as a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea that is drawn to scale to serve a particular purpose. Different maps are meant to relay diverse … Read more

In the list provided of people to choose in case of a nuclear attack I would select the following

In the list provided of people to choose in case of a nuclear attack I would select the following In the list provided of people to choose in case of a nuclear attack, I would select the following to access the fallout shelter. The 70-year-old rabbi, the unbeaten 34-year-old retired prostitute, the 12-year-old girl with … Read more

Effective leadership entails having the required skills or ability to transform goals and visions into reality

Effective leadership entails having the required skills or ability to transform goals and visions into reality Effective leadership entails having the required skills or ability to transform goals and visions into reality. A good leader needs to be fair in his dealings with his team mates. Being decisive, enthusiastic, responsible, motivating and creative are also … Read more

Communication is built in the heart of human interactions and this can make or break the business

Communication is built in the heart of human interactions and this can make or break the business Communication is built in the heart of human interactions, and this can make or break the business; hence in the ability to manage to talk to the customer effectively can help in the increment of sales and repeat … Read more

Central Bank is an essential part of any county that functions independently to check the monetary and economic system

Central Bank is an essential part of any county that functions independently to check the monetary and economic system A Central Bank is an essential part of any county that functions independently to check the monetary and economic system. They are usually governed and controlled by the government. Examples of Central Banks include the United … Read more