Browse Questions

Following the critic of the early theories of justice, Plato developed a noticeable view of justice

Following the critic of the early theories of justice, Plato developed a noticeable view of justice Following the critic of the early theories of justice, Plato developed a noticeable view of justice. At that time, Athens was deteriorating in terms of justice, a situation which informed his development of the idea of justice in his … Read more

As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Island Ports Limited, I will suggestively recommend the company to adopt the project

As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Island Ports Limited, I will suggestively recommend the company to adopt the project As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Island Ports Limited, I will suggestively recommend the company to adopt the project because of the underlying benefits. The programme has a number of benefits which … Read more

Juvenile delinquency is a term used in describing immoral actions by a minor. 

Juvenile delinquency is a term used in describing immoral actions by a minor. Juvenile delinquency is a term used in describing immoral actions by a minor. This term is including of minor violations, for instance, skipping School to another kind of rime related activities and violent acts. Understanding why the teen is likely to commit … Read more

Proper waste disposal and management is an essential part of promoting the attainment of sustainable development

Proper waste disposal and management is an essential part of promoting the attainment of sustainable development Proper waste disposal and management is an essential part of promoting the attainment of sustainable development. Quality waste management services are critical to environmental conservation. These services are also necessary for urban management and the protection of public health. … Read more

Being of strong brand value, Gillette mix in marketing extensively covers the 4Ps important in any marketing strategy.

Being of strong brand value, Gillette mix in marketing extensively covers the 4Ps important in any marketing strategy. Being of strong brand value, Gillette mix in marketing extensively covers the 4Ps important in any marketing strategy. This includes one: Product, price, place, and promotion (Elisa, 2013). First, being a leading company in the men’s world, … Read more

In the article “Salvador Dali in America: The Rise and fall of an Arch Surrealist”, Lubar argues that Salvador Dali was a big genius

In the article “Salvador Dali in America: The Rise and fall of an Arch Surrealist”, Lubar argues that Salvador Dali was a big genius In the article “Salvador Dali in America: The Rise and fall of an Arch Surrealist”, Lubar argues that Salvador Dali was a big genius of modern times. Dali spent much of … Read more

Eateries are a big part of American culture today. In Bellingham Massachusetts Italian Pizza and Grill is a popular eatery spot

Eateries are a big part of American culture today. In Bellingham Massachusetts Italian Pizza and Grill is a popular eatery spot Eateries are a big part of American culture today. In Bellingham, Massachusetts, Italian Pizza, and Grill is a popular eatery spot for both locals and tourists. It serves Italian cuisine meals, coffee, pizzas, soups, … Read more

Managerial accounting is the process of identifying, analyzing, and interpreting recorded information about accounting

Managerial accounting is the process of identifying, analyzing, and interpreting recorded information about accounting Managerial accounting is the process of identifying, analyzing, and interpreting recorded information about accounting to improve the company’s operation for maximum productivity. The process involves analyzing balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flow together with their bank lines (Jiambalvo … Read more

The Electoral College is a structure through which the U.S president and the vice president are selected

The Electoral College is a structure through which the U.S president and the vice president are selected The Electoral College is a structure through which the U.S president and the vice president are selected. Designed by the makers of the constitution, the Electoral College aimed to ensure a feasible, consistent, and desirable elections. Besides, the … Read more

Who you are” by Jessie J. is a song that is exceptionally relevant today. It is evident in today

Who you are” by Jessie J. is a song that is exceptionally relevant today. It is evident in today “Who you are” by Jessie J. is a song that is exceptionally relevant today. It is evident in today's world that our societies are changing in the sense that people are trying to improve themselves physically … Read more

Shakespeare’s King Lear is considered one of his bests works, yet the script had to be re- written so that it could resonate for a contemporary audience

Shakespeare’s King Lear is considered one of his bests works, yet the script had to be re- written so that it could resonate for a contemporary audience Shakespeare’s King Lear is considered one of his bests works, yet the script had to be re- written so that it could resonate for a contemporary audience. There were significant … Read more

Citizen Kane is an inspiring business movie that opened in a deserted estate called Xanadu.

Citizen Kane is an inspiring business movie that opened in a deserted estate called Xanadu. Citizen Kane is an inspiring business movie that opened in a deserted estate called Xanadu. The film focused on themes that are strategic to various characters and how their strategies changed over the course of the movie. Different characters expressed … Read more

The main objective of paying taxes is often to raise the necessary revenues for national expenditures.

The main objective of paying taxes is often to raise the necessary revenues for national expenditures. Apart from collecting revenues, taxes are an instrument for regulation and control with the goal of influencing patters of distribution, consumption and production (OECD, 2018,p. 165) The effect of taxes on the economy are quite vast and these effects … Read more

Cooperative procurement and shared services possess some reasonable pros and cons that I will utilize to affirm my position

Cooperative procurement and shared services possess some reasonable pros and cons that I will utilize to affirm my position Cooperative procurement and shared services possess some reasonable pros and cons that I will utilize to affirm my position. Collaborative purchase can be instrumental in uniting the economic world. Thus joint efforts will be realized in … Read more

After an excursion of a virtual tour through the Louvre museum, it was possible to respond to some specific queries regarding the Egyptian

After an excursion of a virtual tour through the Louvre museum, it was possible to respond to some specific queries regarding the Egyptian After an excursion of a virtual tour through the Louvre museum, it was possible to respond to some specific queries regarding the Egyptian antiquities. The Egyptian antiquities served to be the collection … Read more

Literacy is not only meant for the English language teachers only. It is a vital aspect of all disciplines

Literacy is not only meant for the English language teachers only. It is a vital aspect of all disciplines Literacy is not only meant for the English language teachers only. It is a vital aspect of all disciplines. Thus, all subject teachers have to teach their students about literacy. Secondary school students have to adopt … Read more

The technical reference model offers the basis to categorize the specifications, technologies, and standards to support the construction delivery

The technical reference model offers the basis to categorize the specifications, technologies, and standards to support the construction delivery The technical reference model offers the basis to categorize the specifications, technologies, and standards to support the construction delivery and business exchange and application components that can be leveraged and used in a service-oriented or component- … Read more

In Ireland, there is a dance called a jig. Nicknaming the girl jig may imply that the girl is from Ireland

In Ireland, there is a dance called a jig. Nicknaming the girl jig may imply that the girl is from Ireland In Ireland, there is a dance called a jig. Nicknaming the girl jig may imply that the girl is from Ireland and that the girl is spirited and has been lively because the jig … Read more

John Dewey conceptualization of a new theoretical approach to art still focuses on the prominence of contemporary discussions

John Dewey conceptualization of a new theoretical approach to art still focuses on the prominence of contemporary discussions John Dewey's conceptualization of a new theoretical approach to art still focuses on the prominence of contemporary discussions that are focused on aesthetics. It means that he differentiates a daily, continuous, and practical but frequently underdeveloped experiences … Read more

A company with any new invention is issued with legal rights to bar other people and companies from using or selling the same design

A company with any new invention is issued with legal rights to bar other people and companies from using or selling the same design A company with any new invention is issued with legal rights to bar other people and companies from using or selling the same design. Licenses are granted by the United States … Read more

This paper speaks about the life and achievements of William Grant Still who was a classical composer of compositions.

This paper speaks about the life and achievements of William Grant Still who was a classical composer of compositions. This paper speaks about the life and achievements of William Grant Still who was a classical composer of compositions. Grant was regarded as the dean of African-American composers because of his musical achievements. He was first … Read more

Companies succeed by paying critical details on the perceptions of the consumers.

Companies succeed by paying critical details on the perceptions of the consumers. Companies succeed by paying critical details on the perceptions of the consumers. Product(s) positioning is the process of identifying an ideal technique to communicate a product’s features and attributes to target customers according to available communication channels, customer needs, competition, and critical messages. … Read more

In the unnatural act of leadership, the book talks more about how to be an effective leader.

In the unnatural act of leadership, the book talks more about how to be an effective leader. In the unnatural act of leadership, the book talks more about how to be an effective leader. In the first pages of the book, different characters get developed in a manner that portrays the structure, roles, and activities … Read more

Possessing an abnormally insensitive radar can be a disability in some way, but Miller utilized literature to expound

Possessing an abnormally insensitive radar can be a disability in some way, but Miller utilized literature to expound Possessing an abnormally insensitive radar can be a disability in some way, but Miller utilized literature to expound on the concept as a blessing and a curse. In her book, The Drama of the Gifted Child procedural … Read more

Monkey is a literary work of Wu Ch, one of the most respected poets in the literature

Monkey is a literary work of Wu Ch, one of the most respected poets in the literature Monkey is a literary work of Wu Ch'eng-en, one of the most respected poets in the literature. The story was written at the time of the Ming Dynasty (Bantly, 1989). The Novel's popularity has grown over time, and … Read more

The events that caused civil rights movement in the 1950s are Montgomery bus boycott.

The events that caused civil rights movement in the 1950s are Montgomery bus boycott. The events that caused civil rights movement in the 1950s are Montgomery bus boycott. After the arrest of Rose Park for not giving a seat to a white man in a bus, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr planned a boycott against … Read more

We made two teams of the same number of people. At the first round, each of us is told to flip over all of the coins

We made two teams of the same number of people. At the first round, each of us is told to flip over all of the coins We made two teams of the same number of people. At the first round, each of us is told to flip over all of the coins. The next thing … Read more

Debt bondage refers to the pledge of an individual’s services as security for the repayment for a debt.

Debt bondage refers to the pledge of an individual’s services as security for the repayment for a debt. Debt bondage refers to the pledge of an individual’s services as security for the repayment for a debt. Usually, the terms of the compensation are not reasonably indicated, thus allowing the individual allegedly owed the debt to … Read more

Forest and vegetation cover 30 percent of our planet’s land surface (Song et al. 2018). 

Forest and vegetation cover 30 percent of our planet’s land surface (Song et al. 2018). Forest and vegetation cover 30 percent of our planet’s land surface (Song et al. 2018). In recent decades, the world has experienced significant adverse climatic changes. Many factors, including deforestation, have caused this. The permanent cutting and clearing of forests … Read more

An environmental analysis of a company is essential to realize the effect that several factors might have on the company

An environmental analysis of a company is essential to realize the effect that several factors might have on the company An environmental analysis of a company is essential to realize the effect that several factors might have on the company. This analysis enables the company to identify the opportunities and threats to take effective measures … Read more

Fight club is by far one of the most successful actin movies in the American cinema landscape

Fight club is by far one of the most successful actin movies in the American cinema landscape Fight club is by far one of the most successful actin movies in the American cinema landscape. The film was first premiered back in 1999 and was directed by one of the most prominent directors in Hollywood. Primarily, … Read more

Technological advancement has significantly contributed to technical learning.

Technological advancement has significantly contributed to technical learning. Technological advancement has significantly contributed to technical learning. Learning in higher education has been stimulated by various technological (Carayannis, 2018). It involves video conferencing, e-learning, electronic whiteboards, use of computer literature applications, etc. choosing on what type of technology to use has been a challenging decision for … Read more

Nowadays, some directors are focusing on modernizing the stage and the costumes in their plays.

Nowadays, some directors are focusing on modernizing the stage and the costumes in their plays. Nowadays, some directors are focusing on modernizing the stage and the costumes in their plays. They try to adapt to modern society. Now, on the contrary, Uncle Vanya is an old- school play which has maintained an ordinary setting. The … Read more

Gender theory sensitizes studying context related to peculiar masculine or feminine behaviors in any given context

Gender theory sensitizes studying context related to peculiar masculine or feminine behaviors in any given context Gender theory sensitizes studying context related to peculiar masculine or feminine behaviors in any given context, be it community, society, or study field. In most cases, the reactions are divided into categories, and it requires particular qualifications for one … Read more

Toyota is one of the leading manufacturers in the automobile industry. 

Toyota is one of the leading manufacturers in the automobile industry. Toyota is one of the leading manufacturers in the automobile industry. The company has been in operation since 1933. Over the years, it has experienced tremendous growth. Toyota motor corporation is an automobile company that became the biggest manufacturer in 2008. Most of the … Read more

COVID-19 has led to the evolution of crisis within public health, thereby increasing the clarity of the possible macroeconomic implications

COVID-19 has led to the evolution of crisis within public health, thereby increasing the clarity of the possible macroeconomic implications COVID-19 has led to the evolution of crisis within public health, thereby increasing the clarity of the possible macroeconomic implications that may arise. Efforts of halting the spread of the ailment have led to the … Read more

In the care of patients and their families proper coordination duty is essential as many integrated healthcare systems

In the care of patients and their families proper coordination duty is essential as many integrated healthcare systems In the care of patients and their families, proper coordination duty is essential, as many integrated healthcare systems and physicians are facing multiple challenges in ensuring there is an adequate care coordination program. Reducing unnecessary utilization, such … Read more

Today, companies and sponsors make pledges to various charity or donor organizations.

Today, companies and sponsors make pledges to various charity or donor organizations. Today, companies and sponsors make pledges to various charity or donor organizations. From the legal perspective, a charitable pledge is a contract between a donor and charity, where the donor promises to make a specific contribution in the future. The pledge can be … Read more

The prescription drug can be sold to individuals with allergic disorders. 

The prescription drug can be sold to individuals with allergic disorders. The prescription drug can be sold to individuals with allergic disorders. This drug is suitable for individuals living in the community. For that reason, the organization should reach out to ethnic communities to advertise the drug. Many individuals in rural areas find it hard … Read more

Nuclear power uses nuclear energy to produce electricity. The process involves nuclear reactors reacting to release nuclear energy

Nuclear power uses nuclear energy to produce electricity. The process involves nuclear reactors reacting to release nuclear energy Nuclear power uses nuclear energy to produce electricity. The process involves nuclear reactors reacting to release nuclear energy which generates heat energy that is responsible for turning the steam turbines to give rise to electricity in a … Read more

In recent times anti-globalization protests in various International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

In recent times anti-globalization protests in various International Monetary Fund and the World Bank In recent times, anti-globalization protests in various International Monetary Fund and the World Bank meetings have puzzled many Americans. Moreover, there are questions around free trade, the global economy, and the possible reasons for the fight against globalization. The documentary "Life … Read more

In order to create a sustainable recycling service, factors affecting its implementation are key elements

In order to create a sustainable recycling service, factors affecting its implementation are key elements In order to create a sustainable recycling service, factors affecting its implementation are key elements. These factors include; the sustainability goals of the organization, the volume and the capacity of waist produced at the facility, the facilities indoor and outdoor … Read more

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by insidious reduction of the density and quality of bone mass.

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by insidious reduction of the density and quality of bone mass. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by insidious reduction of the density and quality of bone mass. A bone progressively becomes more porous, thus increasing the risk of fragility. “Osteoporosis affects an enormous number of people, of both sexes and … Read more

The state of Arizona has experienced drying up of water sources over recent years. 

The state of Arizona has experienced drying up of water sources over recent years. The state of Arizona has experienced drying up of water sources over recent years. There is an alarming future demand and supply gap currently in the state. The increase in population has made the demand to increase, making Colorado River almost … Read more

Revenue leakage in both the hotel and accommodation industry is a crucial concern for the management.

Revenue leakage in both the hotel and accommodation industry is a crucial concern for the management. Revenue leakage in both the hotel and accommodation industry is a crucial concern for the management. The leakage often occurs in various departments of the hotel operations. For that reason, if left unchecked, the revenue leakage can result in … Read more

Amnesty International (A.I.) is a human rights worldwide movement that campaigns to promote human rights

Amnesty International (A.I.) is a human rights worldwide movement that campaigns to promote human rights Amnesty International (A.I.) is a human rights worldwide movement that campaigns to promote human rights, as stated in the universal declaration of human rights. Particularly the campaigns held by are focused on ensuring a prompt and fair trial for political … Read more

Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising has grown of the years, and currently, it represents one of the common forms of communication

Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising has grown of the years, and currently, it represents one of the common forms of communication Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising has grown of the years, and currently, it represents one of the common forms of communication in the health sector. It refers to the effort which a pharmaceutical company makes mostly via popular … Read more

The dragon brings joy, especially. I am expecting a wonderfully made creature with bewitching beauty

The dragon brings joy, especially. I am expecting a wonderfully made creature with bewitching beauty The dragon brings joy, especially. I am expecting a wonderfully made creature with bewitching beauty. He dragon is superior to breath aflame. The dragon is very friendly and welcoming, and it will greet me with submission and love. I expect … Read more

Consider the Lobster is an essay by Wallace that demonstrates a social controversy over the morality and ethics of the killing and consumption of Lobsters

Consider the Lobster is an essay by Wallace that demonstrates a social controversy over the morality and ethics of the killing and consumption of Lobsters "Consider the Lobster" is an essay by Wallace that demonstrates a social controversy over the morality and ethics of the killing and consumption of Lobsters. David Foster Wallace brings to … Read more

Radius of any hollow object determines its cross-sectional area, and together with length, they determine the volume.

Radius of any hollow object determines its cross-sectional area, and together with length, they determine the volume. Radius of any hollow object determines its cross-sectional area, and together with length, they determine the volume. However, with a constant length, change in radius affects the volume of any hollow object. This is the same with blood … Read more