Browse Questions

This is an English literary analysis, of the global issue that connects both extracts is “A women’s feeling of not being in control of her

This is an English literary analysis, of the global issue that connects both extracts is “A women’s feeling of not being in control of her This is an English literary analysis, of the global issue that connects both extracts is “A women’s feeling of not being in control of her life or body.”. Both extracts … Read more

In a 500-word memo to Dr. Giddens, critique the effectiveness of the assigned visual elements included in the NCA3 Southeast chapter.

In a 500-word memo to Dr. Giddens, critique the effectiveness of the assigned visual elements included in the NCA3 Southeast chapter. InstructionsIn a 500-word memo to Dr. Giddens, critique the effectiveness of the assigned visualelements included in the NCA3 Southeast chapter. Requirements Open the report above, Climate Change Impacts in the United States: Southeast andgo … Read more

Regarding your group collaboration process throughout the semester, reflect on all of the following: 1) how the collaboration among

Regarding your group collaboration process throughout the semester, reflect on all of the following: 1) how the collaboration among The writer must have a background in special education childhood grades 1-6 specifically in writing IEP reports. in 2 pages answer the following questions: • Regarding your group collaboration process throughout the semester, reflect on all … Read more

For today’s assignment, the take-away from this chapter is that the organization of the document you critique is intentional. The authors

For today’s assignment, the take-away from this chapter is that the organization of the document you critique is intentional. The authors Write a memo critiquing the following report:(critique the organization, tone, and design of one of the formal report) Instructions:For today’s assignment, the take-away from this chapter is that the organization of the document you … Read more

This is a business plan for pregnant woman creating an app. Please read through the assessment brief I am going to provide to you.

This is a business plan for pregnant woman creating an app. Please read through the assessment brief I am going to provide to you. This is a business plan for pregnant woman creating an app.Please read through the assessment brief I am going to provide to you.I am also going to provide for you the … Read more

The Paper should be about Ronald Reagan. The Paper should include how Reagan set an example to follow, benefited his country, and curbed

The Paper should be about Ronald Reagan. The Paper should include how Reagan set an example to follow, benefited his country, and curbed The Paper should be about Ronald Reagan.The Paper should include how Reagan set an example to follow, benefited his country, and curbed the spread of Communism.Should answer the question; How Reagan’s ministry … Read more

Describe your understanding of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and give a brief description of each tier of support.● Describe your

Describe your understanding of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and give a brief description of each tier of support.● Describe your Sample writing    Responsive Instructional Philosophy Final Paper Responsive Instructional Philosophy Final Paperand University Embedded Assessment DUE: TBA FinalsweekUsing your specific content area as the context, consider what you will do tomeet the holistic needs of … Read more

Tell us which of the following psychotherapies you find the most appealing, and why that particular psychotherapy appeals to you

Tell us which of the following psychotherapies you find the most appealing, and why that particular psychotherapy appeals to you Tell us which of the following psychotherapies you find the most appealing, and why that particular psychotherapy appeals to you. Specifically say what it is about your chosen psychotherapy that appeals to you. Psychotherapies (pick … Read more

Compare the ethical philosophy expressed in the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus with the ethical philosophies of two of the following

Compare the ethical philosophy expressed in the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus with the ethical philosophies of two of the following Compare the ethical philosophy expressed in the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus with the ethical philosophies of two of the following thinkers: Descartes, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas. Compare in terms of (1) purpose … Read more

I would like for you to go to YouTube, find a clip from a music video, movie, or TV show that has to do with “Money”. I like videos

I would like for you to go to YouTube, find a clip from a music video, movie, or TV show that has to do with “Money”. I like videos No academic style needed, find a clip on youtube and share the link, write 2 phrases for each economic concept. Total of 2 economic concept and … Read more

How should I live? How do historical circumstances condition and constrain the ways in which people might address this question?

How should I live? How do historical circumstances condition and constrain the ways in which people might address this question? Prompt: How should I live? How do historical circumstances condition and constrain the ways in which people might address this question? Answer with reference to Frantz Fanon and at least one of the other course … Read more

Describe the event in detail. Explain what is happening, who is involved and where it is taking place. (WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE)

Describe the event in detail. Explain what is happening, who is involved and where it is taking place. (WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE) Your group is responsible for an essay about your topic. This essay should address the following:Describe the event in detail. Explain what is happening, who is involved and where it is taking place. (WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE)Describe the history … Read more

Should the First Amendment protect hate speech like aggressive uses of strongly dehumanizing slurs? Should the First Amendment protect

Should the First Amendment protect hate speech like aggressive uses of strongly dehumanizing slurs? Should the First Amendment protect Question :Should the First Amendment protect hate speech like aggressive uses of strongly dehumanizing slurs? Should the First Amendment protect pornography that dehumanizes women? If you take the same stance on both, explain why you do … Read more

This is a research argument paper. The argument is that social media should censor certain things people post you need to argue why.

This is a research argument paper. The argument is that social media should censor certain things people post you need to argue why. This is a research argument paper. The argument is that social media should censor certain things people post you need to argue why. Some of the negative things for the research argument … Read more

You are required to prepare a report of a maximum of 3,000 words which critically evaluates whether your chosen company is socially

You are required to prepare a report of a maximum of 3,000 words which critically evaluates whether your chosen company is socially Individual Coursework:You are required to write a 3,000 word board report. This coursework assignment carries 100%weighting for your overall mark in The Accountant in Business module. You will be asked to choosea listed … Read more

Literacy narratives are stories about an author’s experiences with reading, writing, or speaking. Often, these narratives focus on specific

Literacy narratives are stories about an author’s experiences with reading, writing, or speaking. Often, these narratives focus on specific Learning Objectives:Students will practice: Using narrative structure Writing rich descriptions Organizing a paper around a central theme rather than a traditional thesis statement Supporting claims with evidence, such as logic, reason, direct quotes, personalobservation, etc.The Assignment:Literacy … Read more

Write a 1,000-1,200-word analysis discussing financial risk concepts and assess the impact of the different financial risks on

Write a 1,000-1,200-word analysis discussing financial risk concepts and assess the impact of the different financial risks on Write a 1,000-1,200-word analysis discussing financial risk concepts and assess the impact of the different financial risks on an organization. For this assignment, you will structure your assignment using four research paper sections associated with corporate risk … Read more

Terms are Doris Kearns Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, Newshour with Jim LehrerYou are to research each term of your

Terms are Doris Kearns Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, Newshour with Jim LehrerYou are to research each term of your Terms are Doris Kearns GoodwinThe Fitzgeralds and the KennedysNewshour with Jim Lehrer You are to research each term of your triad and summarize what you find out about each term in a paragraph; then, … Read more

Choose a health topic that you are interested in and gather background information on the topic. Formulate a research question that

Choose a health topic that you are interested in and gather background information on the topic. Formulate a research question that Steps to Complete Your Literature Review:1. Choose a health topic that you are interested in and gather background information on the topic.2. Formulate a research question that specifically describes what you would like to … Read more

Please identify the main question or issue that the author explores. Please identify the main argument, as the answer to the main question

Please identify the main question or issue that the author explores. Please identify the main argument, as the answer to the main question Please take steps as follows to summarize the two articles. 1) Please identify the main question or issue that the author explores. 2) Please identify the main argument, as the answer to … Read more

Spend 15-20 minutes scanning and reviewing these IPCC Report resources: IPCC Press Release. Headline Statements from the Summary for

Spend 15-20 minutes scanning and reviewing these IPCC Report resources: IPCC Press Release. Headline Statements from the Summary for Spend 15-20 minutes scanning and reviewing these IPCC Report resources:IPCC Press Release (Links to an external site.)Headline Statements from the Summary for Policymakers (Links to an external site.)Summary for Policymakers (Links to an external site.)IPCC Special … Read more

Review the annual reports recently released by two corporations in the same industry. Review each report and discuss the following questions

Review the annual reports recently released by two corporations in the same industry. Review each report and discuss the following questions Review the annual reports recently released by two corporations in the same industry. Review each report and discuss the following questions: What organizational differences, if any, do you see in the way each corporation … Read more

You аrе rеquіred to write a reaction paper based on the following reading: Neufeld, Roger. 1998. “Cabals, Quarrels, Strikes and Impudence:

You аrе rеquіred to write a reaction paper based on the following reading: Neufeld, Roger. 1998. “Cabals, Quarrels, Strikes and Impudence: You аrе rеquіred to write a reaction paper based on the following reading:o Neufeld, Roger. 1998. “Cabals, Quarrels, Strikes and Impudence: Kingston Penitentiary, 1890-1914”. Social History 95-125. There are two components: a summary of … Read more

How is technology used to train students on how to play piano? How effective is the use of technology in piano lessons and training sessions?

How is technology used to train students on how to play piano? How effective is the use of technology in piano lessons and training sessions? Research questionsHow is technology used to train students on how to play piano?How effective is the use of technology in piano lessons and training sessions?How has the use of technology … Read more

To what extent does the digital era provide opportunities for the global marketer to deliver their brand to Gen Y. Consider theories of

To what extent does the digital era provide opportunities for the global marketer to deliver their brand to Gen Y. Consider theories of To what extent does the digital era provide opportunities for the global marketer to deliver their brand to Gen Y. Consider theories of consumer behavior and include examples relevant to aviation industry. … Read more

This paper will be required to submit an analysis of a movie of their choice (i.e. a feature film, Hollywood musical, or feature-length

This paper will be required to submit an analysis of a movie of their choice (i.e. a feature film, Hollywood musical, or feature-length The sourсe one іs from а movie and another is with sрeсific reference to the reading bу Helen Mitchell (‘Against All Odds: The Decline and Resurgence of the Symphonic Film Score in … Read more

what constitutes effective law and order in the society that created the document. What constitutes criminal behavior? How do its legal codes

what constitutes effective law and order in the society that created the document. What constitutes criminal behavior? How do its legal codes Here are the official instructions for the shortessay.The topic for this paper can be any of thematerials we have read up through week 5 thisincludes the following: “The Lottery,” “TheOnes Who Walk Away … Read more

Thіs is а nutrition tеaching рroject for people in my community who are at risk for diabetes and heart disease.

Thіs is а nutrition tеaching рroject for people in my community who are at risk for diabetes and heart disease. Thіs is а nutrition tеaching рroject for people in my community who are at risk for diabetes and heart disease. There is a rubric to follow which I will upload. Answer preview for Thіs is … Read more

Usіng the U.S free histоrу text book on https://с (openstаx) we need to answer each and every1) Americana Sections (indicated by a

Usіng the U.S free histоrу text book on https://с (openstаx) we need to answer each and every1) Americana Sections (indicated by a Usіng the U.S free histоrу text book on https://с (openstаx) we need to answer each and every 1) Americana Sections (indicated by a Red Bar)2) Defining America (Orange Bar)3) My Story (Blue Bar) for chapters 3 through 8 using these guidelines … Read more

How has the use of technology affected people’s ability to communicate face to face? • Do you think that the mere presence of technology,

How has the use of technology affected people’s ability to communicate face to face? • Do you think that the mere presence of technology, Topic: Assignment: • How has the use of technology affected people’s ability to communicate face to face? • Do you think that the mere presence of technology, such as in the form … Read more

Choose one documented example of a foodborne illness outbreak that was tracked to ONE restaurant. (not multiple restaurants, not a chain,

Choose one documented example of a foodborne illness outbreak that was tracked to ONE restaurant. (not multiple restaurants, not a chain, Topic: you will be taking on the role of General Manager in a foodservice facility. Research Government or other valid websites for real world cases of foodborne illness outbreaks. Some suggestions for research include: The … Read more

Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data. Describe the ways in which the outcome measures evaluate the

Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data. Describe the ways in which the outcome measures evaluate the Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data. Describe the ways in which the outcome measures evaluate the extent to which the project objectives are achieved. Describe how the … Read more

The question is are there any qualitative differences in the ways that developed and developing countries respond to refugee flows? Explain.

The question is are there any qualitative differences in the ways that developed and developing countries respond to refugee flows? Explain.  The question is are there any qualitative differences in the ways that developed and developing countries respond to refugee flows? Explain. The paper should be 7-8 pages, with 12 point times new roman … Read more

For the final essay, you will write an analysis of the last literary text we will study together, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet

For the final essay, you will write an analysis of the last literary text we will study together, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Primary Texts (Sources) and Topic: For the final essay, you will write an analysis of the last literary text we will study together, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter. Focus your analysis on one theme of the text; choose a theme pertinent to … Read more

Focusing on the policy issue you have chosen to analyze, consider how policymakers planned to enforce the policy change and what the response

Focusing on the policy issue you have chosen to analyze, consider how policymakers planned to enforce the policy change and what the response Directions:Focusing on the policy issue you have chosen to analyze, consider how policymakers planned to enforcethe policy change and what the response of key stakeholders has been. Write a brief essay (no … Read more

prepare a 5-7 page analytical paper selecting a contemporary figure, celebrity, story, film, music video, television program, novel, etc.

prepare a 5-7 page analytical paper selecting a contemporary figure, celebrity, story, film, music video, television program, novel, etc. Students will prepare a 5-7 page analytical paper selecting a contemporary figure, celebrity, story, film, music video, television program, novel, etc. and make an argument that this figure IS or IS NOT feminist or empowering for … Read more

In a desperate effort to keep his doors open, the owner of a New York cupcake shop has burned through his wife’s retirement fund. If Marcus

In a desperate effort to keep his doors open, the owner of a New York cupcake shop has burned through his wife’s retirement fund. If Marcus In a desperate effort to keep his doors open, the owner of a New York cupcake shop has burned throughhis wife’s retirement fund. If Marcus Lemonis can’t turn the … Read more

You have a guest speaker for today (and a break from Dr. Grant’s narration).The module for today has been prepared and is presented by

You have a guest speaker for today (and a break from Dr. Grant’s narration).The module for today has been prepared and is presented by Module 7 OverviewHello again! You have a guest speaker for today (and a break from Dr. Grant’s narration).The module for today has been prepared and is presented by Dr. Timothy Martin, … Read more

Behavior modification: READ CHAPTER 9 and write 2pg essay on the most salient points of the chapter *note choose more than 1 possibly up

Behavior modification: READ CHAPTER 9 and write 2pg essay on the most salient points of the chapter *note choose more than 1 possibly up Behavior modification: READ CHAPTER 9 and write 2pg essay on the most salient points of the chapter *note choose more than 1 possibly up to 3 or 4 points and why … Read more

We will be screening the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013). You will submit a 1 page written paper identifying and analyzing

We will be screening the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013). You will submit a 1 page written paper identifying and analyzing We will be screening the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013). You will submit a 1 pagewritten paper identifying and analyzing 1 political conflict that you observed in the film. You … Read more

Housing Assistance Program; you must support your argument in this paper, so broad arguments will not be well supported.

Housing Assistance Program; you must support your argument in this paper, so broad arguments will not be well supported. Your thesis should make a specific and interesting argument. Housing Assistance Program Specific: 1. you must support your argument in this paper, so broad arguments will not be well supported. 2. Broad arguments (policy x decreases … Read more

This paper did a good job explaining the degree of support to parents affect the marital satisfaction of middle-aged couples. One of the

This paper did a good job explaining the degree of support to parents affect the marital satisfaction of middle-aged couples. One of the Please read the paper I upload, and post one comment relevant to the reading and one response to my classmates’ post. Use half page to post the comment. Then use half page … Read more

This brief will summarize basic scholarly findings about the theoretical foundation that systems theory provides to explain and manage

This brief will summarize basic scholarly findings about the theoretical foundation that systems theory provides to explain and manage Review your choice of case study and focus subject from Week 4 ( Elizabeth Smart Case.Review the Learning Resources from the Cornell University Library and the University of Illinois Library regarding the use of scholarly resources. … Read more

Write an assignment about the Police notice from 1909 warning people warning people about the terms of the new Children Act

Write an assignment about the Police notice from 1909 warning people warning people about the terms of the new Children Act Write an assignment about the Police notice from 1909 warning people warning people about the terms of the new Children Act Answer preview for Write an assignment about the Police notice from 1909 warning … Read more

The question requires you to find an article ‘Social justice and occupational therapy’, give a 1-2 pages summary of it, compare the

The question requires you to find an article ‘Social justice and occupational therapy’, give a 1-2 pages summary of it, compare the The question requires you to find an article ‘Social justice and occupational therapy‘, give a 1-2 pages summary of it, compare the information from the article with one class article (is there similarities, … Read more

What should classroom teachers know about assessment? Select four of the seven proficiencies and explain why each is important and how

What should classroom teachers know about assessment? Select four of the seven proficiencies and explain why each is important and how Assessment is an essential aspect of the instructional cycle. Classroom teachers are responsible for the majority of the assessments created and administered within the public school setting. It has been proposed that classroom teachers … Read more

The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop your career planning and management skills and knowledge. You will: think about

The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop your career planning and management skills and knowledge. You will: think about The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop your career planning and management skills and knowledge. You will: think about your career ambitions reflect on what brought you to this pointdefine … Read more

After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the following: Prepare a summary of all your findings in a Microsoft Word

After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the following: Prepare a summary of all your findings in a Microsoft Word After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the following:1. Prepare a summary of all your findings in a Microsoft Word document (Font: Arial, 10; Line … Read more

Creating a strong resume is a crucial component in any successful job search. Your resume serves as your personal marketing document

Creating a strong resume is a crucial component in any successful job search. Your resume serves as your personal marketing document Creating a strong resume is a crucial component in any successful job search. Your resume serves as your personal marketing document and your first impression to prospective employers. To create a strong resume, you … Read more

A synopsis of the assignment of this organizing question “Was John Brown a hero or a villain?” The assignment must have at least TWO

A synopsis of the assignment of this organizing question “Was John Brown a hero or a villain?” The assignment must have at least TWO A synopsis of the assignment is the teacher has given the class an organizing question and from that question the answer should be 2-3 typed, double-spaced pages of text. The organizing … Read more

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