What value can be found in exploring Homer’s ancient pagan imagination as it emerges in the story of The Odyssey from a modern/American
What value can be found in exploring Homer’s ancient pagan imagination as it emerges in the story of The Odyssey from a modern/American 1. This is more of a reflection paper than a book review of Art Philosophy 2. A detailed file is attached with a description of what needs to be in the reflection … Read more
How does the teacher connect to students’ prior knowledge, develop interest in the lesson and set lesson expectations?
How does the teacher connect to students’ prior knowledge, develop interest in the lesson and set lesson expectations? Answer preview for How does the teacher connect to students’ prior knowledge, develop interest in the lesson and set lesson expectations? APA 840 Words
Discussion: Ancient Minoan Civilization; The lifestyle of the Minoan people and the major principles of their art and architecture.
Discussion: Ancient Minoan Civilization; The lifestyle of the Minoan people and the major principles of their art and architecture. Discussion posts should be two paragraphs (4-6 sentences each).Discussion: Ancient Minoan Civilization; The lifestyle of the Minoan people and the major principles of their art and architecture. Due date October 9; replies by October 11.1. How … Read more
Write a short paper about a two-dimensional piece of artwork (drawing, painting, pastel, etc.) from an image from a national/international
Write a short paper about a two-dimensional piece of artwork (drawing, painting, pastel, etc.) from an image from a national/international Send paper in Word format. Click browse, find your document, and upload file. The Virtual Museum Analysis/Opinion INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE PAPER: Write a short paper about a two-dimensional piece of artwork (drawing, painting, pastel, … Read more
For the purposes of this Assignment, you must identify one product or service that this business offers. You may select any good or
For the purposes of this Assignment, you must identify one product or service that this business offers. You may select any good or You work in the marketing department of XYZ Corporation, and your director, Michael Johnson, has assigned you to work with Local Goods and Services, Inc., a small company that is struggling to … Read more
Provide a summary of the topic of your focus by identifying the purpose for choosing the topic, your reasons why this topic is an
Provide a summary of the topic of your focus by identifying the purpose for choosing the topic, your reasons why this topic is an I just need an Executive Summary of the given topic.Provide a summary of the topic of your focus by identifying the purpose for choosing the topic, your reasons why this topic … Read more
Examine the Prevalence/Incidence of COVID-19 Cases and death rates for the following populations in San Diego County and El Paso county
Examine the Prevalence/Incidence of COVID-19 Cases and death rates for the following populations in San Diego County and El Paso county Comparison of COVID-19 Between Border Counties: San Diego County vs. El Paso County Comparison of COVID-19 Between Border Counties: San Diego County vs. El Paso County Instructions: Examine the Prevalence/Incidence of COVID-19 Cases and death … Read more
Synthesise the outcomes into a comprehensive, systematic, and critical assessment, aligning the theory with practical evidence and experience
Synthesise the outcomes into a comprehensive, systematic, and critical assessment, aligning the theory with practical evidence and experience General Instruction: Synthesise the outcomes into a comprehensive, systematic, and critical assessment, aligning the theory with practical evidence and experience. Self-reflect and tailor your report in the context of your personality and the working environment. Personality Test … Read more
For the Interpersonal unit in this course, you will write an Interpersonal Theory Analysis. This writing assignment will provide
For the Interpersonal unit in this course, you will write an Interpersonal Theory Analysis. This writing assignment will provide For the Interpersonal unit in this course, you will write an Interpersonal Theory Analysis. This writingassignment will provide you with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about a single theory ofInterpersonal Communication, and also to think … Read more
Persuasive essay on “Effective communication in achieving organizational goals and objective” To write a persuasive essay, you can follow
Persuasive essay on “Effective communication in achieving organizational goals and objective” To write a persuasive essay, you can follow Persuasive essay on “Effective communication in achieving organizational goals and objective” To write a persuasive essay, you can follow this outline: Introductory ParagraphGrab the reader’s attention by using a “hook.”Give an overview of the argument.Close with … Read more
The paper is about the myth that race affects athletic ability, and I am more biased about it not being about race and more on the fact
The paper is about the myth that race affects athletic ability, and I am more biased about it not being about race and more on the fact The paper is about the myth that race affects athletic ability, and I am more biased about it not being about race and more on the fact that … Read more
How has Australia’s relationship with Asia historically reflected these two driving factors? Here Ang and Stratton reflect on the limitations
How has Australia’s relationship with Asia historically reflected these two driving factors? Here Ang and Stratton reflect on the limitations Order NO: AM100750 Deadline: 16:00 7 Oct UTC Word count: 650 words Workload/ price: 650 words Reference: accordingly Instructions: Note: Be punctual and guarantee quality. (a) Late work and no asking for extension in advance, we will give you fewer or no orders. (b) Firmly adhere to instructions … Read more
About how data tracking affects people in the U.S. politically and generally the political landscape as a whole.
About how data tracking affects people in the U.S. politically and generally the political landscape as a whole. About how data tracking affects people in the U.S. politically and generally the political landscape as a whole. Answer preview for About how data tracking affects people in the U.S. politically and generally the political landscape as … Read more
The Prewriting Process: According to J. Richard Hackman, a noted team research scholar, using a team to complete a complex project may
The Prewriting Process: According to J. Richard Hackman, a noted team research scholar, using a team to complete a complex project may Respond to the assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Support your answers with examples and research and cite your research using the APA format. Start reviewing and responding … Read more
After viewing the presentation, “The Gospel and Christian Ministry,” completing your textbook readings, and looking over your selected
After viewing the presentation, “The Gospel and Christian Ministry,” completing your textbook readings, and looking over your selected GOSPEL PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEWThe purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherenttheme of the gospel throughout the Bible. The good news of the deity, death, burial, andresurrection of Jesus Christ … Read more
In what ways can families and educators influence “good nutrition” for children? Together, research the topic by sourcing at least
In what ways can families and educators influence “good nutrition” for children? Together, research the topic by sourcing at least In what ways can families and educators influence “good nutrition” for children ? APA 7th editionTogether, research the topic by sourcing at least 4 additional relevant papers to explore this topic.Start with reading list references … Read more
You will write a Research Paper on a topic of current or historical importance to public administration. The Research Paper Assignment
You will write a Research Paper on a topic of current or historical importance to public administration. The Research Paper Assignment You will write a Research Paper on a topic of current or historical importance to publicadministration. The Research Paper Assignment will allow you to apply what you have learnedto improve the way public administration … Read more
The paper must critically analyze of the bank’s enterprise risks framework. It must address reviews of published sources
The paper must critically analyze of the bank’s enterprise risks framework. It must address reviews of published sources Risk assessment- AID BANK 1. The instructions are attached2. Risk policies – Aid Bank The paper must critically analyze of the bank’s enterprise risks framework. It must address reviews of published sources (peer review) in relation to Aid Bank’s Risk assessment … Read more
Discuss at least 3 factors that might be responsible for increased costs associated with higher education. Address how this affects parents,
Discuss at least 3 factors that might be responsible for increased costs associated with higher education.Address how this affects parents, Discuss at least 3 factors that might be responsible for increased costs associated with higher education.Address how this affects parents, students, taxpayers, and philanthropists and how they might deal with the issues.(2-peer review reference) Answer … Read more
Combating drugs and crime. The purpose of this assignment is to choose one national policy issue that is interesting to you and learn
Combating drugs and crime. The purpose of this assignment is to choose one national policy issue that is interesting to you and learn Combating drugs and crime The purpose of this assignment is to choose one national policy issue that is interesting to you and learn more about where the political parties stand on the … Read more
Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or
Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or Discussion Question:Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or future practice area, identify an issue or concern. In your initial response, please describe … Read more
Your research paper should be an argumentative essay that makes a specific claim about two or more of the course
Your research paper should be an argumentative essay that makes a specific claim about two or more of the course Your research paper should be an argumentative essay that makes a specific claim about two or more of the course readings. The claim should incorporate some specific school of literary theory discussed in class. Support … Read more
This week’s assigned reading in Learning to Read and Write is jammed with really great information! Please read these
This week’s assigned reading in Learning to Read and Write is jammed with really great information! Please read these This week’s assigned reading in Learning to Read and Write is jammed with really great information! Please read these 20+ pages and really let it sink in. Take notes on some of the important elements of … Read more
Please create a speech manuscript based on the below information. The person I will talk to has very high status so I want you to make sure
Please create a speech manuscript based on the below information. The person I will talk to has very high status so I want you to make sure I need someone to write a manuscript speech for me. As the title says, I need someone to write a manuscript Speech for me.I will have to talk … Read more
Motivating Voters—Examine strategies for motivating voters. Discuss at least three strategies that special interest
Motivating Voters—Examine strategies for motivating voters. Discuss at least three strategies that special interest MOTIVATING VOTERS IN THE US Motivating Voters—Examine strategies for motivating voters. Discuss at least three strategies that special interest groups or political candidates can use to motivate their voters and get them to the polls. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of … Read more
In his book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that formal marketing research,
In his book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that formal marketing research, In his book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that formal marketing research, including focus groups, is not very valuable and effective because the people being asked to evaluate the product do not take … Read more
Discussion Response to Berry (Network Organizations and the Environmental Process) Please read the attached discussion post.
Discussion Response to Berry (Network Organizations and the Environmental Process) Please read the attached discussion post. Discussion Response to Berry (Network Organizations and the Environmental Process) Please read the attached discussion post.Reply incorporating at least 3 scholarly citations in the current APA format with a reference pageAny sources cited must have been published within the … Read more
In this paper, students are asked to explore what the ideal healthcare system would look like and support why the student
In this paper, students are asked to explore what the ideal healthcare system would look like and support why the student The final paper will be a non-traditional synthesis of the information that has been covered in this course. This paper should be between 8-10 pages long. In this paper, students are asked to explore … Read more
For this assignment you will isolate a film that speaks to you as an individual. You will write a review about the said medium while writing
For this assignment you will isolate a film that speaks to you as an individual. You will write a review about the said medium while writing Army of the Dead movie review (has to look like reading an article online.) MOVIE ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW For this assignment you will isolate a film that speaks to you … Read more
working on a case study about a non-profit community hospital looking to be more profitable and avoid bankruptcy. The improvement
working on a case study about a non-profit community hospital looking to be more profitable and avoid bankruptcy. The improvement I am working on a case study about a non-profit community hospital looking to be more profitable and avoid bankruptcy. The improvement options are recruiting physicians, expanding diagnostics/labs, expanding hospital services, and facility improvement. Below … Read more
Musical analysis. A biographical piece on any artist, band, or genre, written as an examination of the origins and defining
Musical analysis. A biographical piece on any artist, band, or genre, written as an examination of the origins and defining Musical analysis. A biographical piece on any artist, band, or genre, written as an examination of the origins and defining purpose of your chosen subject(s). The challenge here will be in reaching a more complex … Read more
Choose a target behavior that you will be comfortable to share with your instructor and your classmates. Some examples of target behaviors
Choose a target behavior that you will be comfortable to share with your instructor and your classmates. Some examples of target behaviors Choose a Target Behaviour Describe Your Target Behaviour Answer preview for Choose a target behavior that you will be comfortable to share with your instructor and your classmates. Some examples of target behaviors … Read more
The housekeeper communicates continuously with all hotel departments throughout the day, oversees staff, and ensures the safe and smooth
The housekeeper communicates continuously with all hotel departments throughout the day, oversees staff, and ensures the safe and smooth NO PLAGIARISM. Please Answer all the questions. Use at least 2 number of sources preferably from google scholar.QUESTION 11. The housekeeper communicates continuously with all hotel departments throughout the day, oversees staff, and ensures the safe … Read more
College Students and the Student Debt Crisis. Description: Provide annotations for the 5 credible sources you’ve found on your topic. Each
College Students and the Student Debt Crisis. Description: Provide annotations for the 5 credible sources you’ve found on your topic. Each Due Date: Length: 750 words. 5 sources with approximately 150 words per annotation Format: MLATopic Choices: Description: Provide annotations for the 5 credible sources you’ve found on your topic. Eachannotation should consist of … Read more
This course is Earth Science and Society. Please respond to the following statement regarding air pollution in the United
This course is Earth Science and Society. Please respond to the following statement regarding air pollution in the United This course is Earth Science and Society. Please respond to the following statement regarding air pollution in the United States; “prescribed burns conducted annually have a lot of benefits and provide a protection blanket, so we … Read more
Describes the purpose of the article-objectives, study 1 questions, or hypotheses.2.Describes the methods used.
Describes the purpose of the article-objectives, study 1 questions, or hypotheses.2.Describes the methods used. 1.Describes the purpose of the article-objectives, study 1 questions, or hypotheses. 2.Describes the methods used. 3.Review the articles definition of theoretical constructs and operationalization.Example(-How do the authors define each construct?-How is each construct operationalized, in other words, how do the authors … Read more
Read the case first (as attached)- Case file name: CASE- Better World Books- Social Entrepreneurship and the Triple Bottom Line.
Read the case first (as attached)- Case file name: CASE- Better World Books- Social Entrepreneurship and the Triple Bottom Line. REASONS:* body paragraphs exceeded the word limit* contents need to be improved. it could be better 1.) Read the case first (as attached)- Case file name: CASE- Better World Books- Social Entrepreneurship and the Triple … Read more
As you reflect on your readings, particularly from Chapter 7, and as you reflect on your personal work experiences,
As you reflect on your readings, particularly from Chapter 7, and as you reflect on your personal work experiences, As you reflect on your readings, particularly from Chapter 7, and as you reflect on your personal work experiences, which of the following steps of the Strategic Model for Training & Development: Strategic Training Model-1.pdf Download … Read more
Compare and contrast the stages of economic development among developed economies, emerging markets, and newly
Compare and contrast the stages of economic development among developed economies, emerging markets, and newly Social and Cultural Dynamics: Compare and contrast the stages of economic development among developed economies, emerging markets, and newly industrialized economies.Analyze current trends in the cultural diversity of domestic and foreign markets.Based on your analysis of global economic development and … Read more
Reflecting on a difficult case or a situation related to privilege and oppression that you have experienced throughout
Reflecting on a difficult case or a situation related to privilege and oppression that you have experienced throughout please refer to the assignment requirement word file, and 3 pdf sources Reflective Essay requirement Read the following three articles and further research the subject of privilege and oppression (at least two more articles and/or TED presentations):• … Read more
Managing the Public Sector: A Casebook in Ethics / Edition 1, by Brett Sharpe, Grant Aguirre, and Kenneth Kickham. and
Managing the Public Sector: A Casebook in Ethics / Edition 1, by Brett Sharpe, Grant Aguirre, and Kenneth Kickham. and Managing the Public Sector: A Casebook in Ethics / Edition 1, by Brett Sharpe, Grant Aguirre, and Kenneth Kickham.and write a two-page essay for each of those cases chosen. The Professor wants me to be … Read more
Final: Pick 3 of the 7 HR functions you did not write on midterm, Define, and describe how they interaction with each Other?
Final: Pick 3 of the 7 HR functions you did not write on midterm, Define, and describe how they interaction with each Other? Final: Pick 3 of the 7 HR functions you did not write on midterm, Define, and describe how theyinteraction with each Other? Who do they work with the military? Compliance (Equal Employment … Read more
Think about a type of crime that interests you such as homicide, robbery, and so forth. Which theory covered the best
Think about a type of crime that interests you such as homicide, robbery, and so forth. Which theory covered the best Think about a type of crime that interests you such as homicide, robbery, and so forth. Which theory covered the best explanation and the most effective crime prevention strategy? Why do you think so?What … Read more
You try to live strictly by the moral rules contained in your religion’s moral code. The two most important rules are “Be merciful”
You try to live strictly by the moral rules contained in your religion’s moral code. The two most important rules are “Be merciful” to all parts of the question. A complete thoughtful answer is more important than word count. Topics for your Essay, Topic A: You try to live strictly by the moral rules contained … Read more
Check out the list of questions in Further Questions for Investigation, and address one of the questions related to the
Check out the list of questions in Further Questions for Investigation, and address one of the questions related to the Check out the list of questions in Further Questions for Investigation, and address one of the questions related to the lecture! When addressing these questions, use terminology from the lecture. By the way, you won’t … Read more
I need a research topic (thesis) where the research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the
I need a research topic (thesis) where the research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the I need a research topic (thesis) where the research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of the student’s field of study. 4 to make each paragraph about … Read more
After listening to 3 of the recommended Nursing Economics podcasts, please explain why you chose to listen to the topic and summarize
After listening to 3 of the recommended Nursing Economics podcasts, please explain why you chose to listen to the topic and summarize http://www.nursingeconomics.netpodcast 1: 007. Interview with Senator Eduardo Bhatia, Minority Leader of the Puerto Rico SenateNursing Economic$ Podcast Seriespodcast 2: 003. An Interview with School Nurse Activist Robin Coganpodcast 3: 010. Being a Leader … Read more
Has to be an informative essay about “The Army Values”. HAS to be in active voice. 5 paragraph format, double spacing, Ariel 12pt Font,
Has to be an informative essay about “The Army Values”. HAS to be in active voice. 5 paragraph format, double spacing, Ariel 12pt Font, Has to be an informative essay about “The Army Values”. HAS to be in active voice. 5 paragraph format, double spacing, Ariel 12pt Font, 1INCH Margins all around. Answer preview for … Read more
The explanation of the importance of the nursing service line identifies an appropriate population to be served, logically addresses
The explanation of the importance of the nursing service line identifies an appropriate population to be served, logically addresses To be competent in each section, they broke it down. see below. The length has to include all below. I am not sure how many pages it will take to do this:A1: The submission describes an … Read more
Thesis should answer this question: how does your personal identity reflect a larger cultural/historical aspect of our society?
Thesis should answer this question: how does your personal identity reflect a larger cultural/historical aspect of our society? Paper is an Autoethnography, I am from Texas and am Italian AmericanThesis should answer this question: how does your personal identity reflect a larger cultural/historical aspect of our society?Then, in an essay of at least 1,000 words, … Read more