Watch this video:  The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink

Watch this video:  The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink

Watch this video:  The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink

(TedTalks, 2009)

You have agreed to give a presentation to a local high school business class on whether or not you agree with this speaker’s assessment of motivating others. Discuss the importance of intrinsic motivation and the role (if any) of extrinsic motivation. What would you present to the class?

Use visual(s) in your presentation for the class so that they are not bored.

Your submission for this assignment can be (a) an essay with charts, graphs, etc., (b) PowerPoint slides, (c) video, or (d) a brochure. It is your decision how you would like to present this to the high school class of business scholars. You should capture your audience’s attention for about 10-12 minutes.

Share information with the class from at least two other sources to help substantiate your comments (be sure to include the citations). Cite sources of information in the text as well as in the reference list of your assignment. Citation and reference style instructions are available at Also see Trident University’s Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper.

Note: If you prepare a video, the video file should be uploaded to YouTube and the link shared. Set as “public” or “unlisted,” NOT PRIVATE. Unlisted means your video will not come up in search results. Only those who know the link can view it, and they do not need a YouTube account/username. The reason YouTube is suggested is that it often takes time to upload a video directly to the classroom. If you have slow Internet, you could be timed out. 
Important: Be sure to submit a Word document to the Case 2 Dropbox in which you provide your notes and cite and reference your YouTube link along with the other sources utilized to prepare the presentation. The Word document will tell your professor where to find your YouTube video to view.

Solution preview for the order on watch this video:  The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink

11 slides