Steve and Dante go to a convenience store after a tennis match, looking for something to quench their thirst. Steven chooses a national brand

Steve and Dante go to a convenience store after a tennis match, looking for something to quench their thirst. Steven chooses a national brand

Answer/Do the following questions

Question 1: Steve and Dante go to a convenience store after a tennis match, looking for something to quench their thirst. Steven chooses a national brand of pasteurized orange juice and Dante chooses locally produced, organic, unpasteurized apple juice. Steve points out to Dante that his juice isn’t pasteurized, but Dante shrugs and says “I’m more afraid of the pesticides they used on the oranges in your juice than I am of the microorganisms in mine.” Which juice would you choose and why?

Provide your reasoning and reply to at least one other student.

Question 2: Gene editing is a new, efficient and a promising technology which has unbelievable potential in the fields of medicine and agriculture. With Big Food rapidly moving to take advantage of this new tool, the concerns that surround genetically modified organisms ( ) are cropping up in new contexts and with new complexities.

  • How will we handle the technology?
  • How should we regulate it, or should we?
  • Also, what would YOU alter first in a food/animal to improve nutrition (decrease something bad or increase something good) and why?
  • Give your statement with evidence and reference

Question 3: Over the last 8 weeks, what was the most surprising/interesting topic you learned about in regards to nutrition? Why? (See picture attached for the topics)

Question 4: Find one news article about a food borne illness/recall. Write a 1-2 page paper that describes the contaminant (microorganism, virus, fungus, etc), how the contamination happened and how it could have been prevented (what step on the food chain). Make sure you reference your research.

Steve and Dante go to a convenience store after a tennis match, looking for something to quench their thirst. Steven chooses a national brand


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