IN YOUR GROUP YOU WILL DISCUSS: the reasons why income is distributed unequally. what can be done to reduce the inequality or what are the

IN YOUR GROUP YOU WILL DISCUSS: the reasons why income is distributed unequally. what can be done to reduce the inequality or what are the

Income distribution is a micro economics topic but it has macro economic impact and consequences.


  • the reasons why income is distributed unequally
  • what can be done to reduce the inequality or
  • what are the benefits of an unequal income distribution

The discussion will be based on the material in chapter 30 as well as your research and the articles that you will be linking for the benefit of your colleagues. You should pick one of the options above and present what you feel is the most important argument for this topic. You will read what your colleagues have posted to avoid repetition, so if what you wanted to discuss has already been posted, then you will need to move on to the next point you feel is very important. It is therefore to your benefit to post early and that will also allow you to engage your colleagues in a discussion of what you or they have posted.

Your post will be limited to 250 words, so make sure that you use your words wisely.


  • how well you have organized your post? Avoid fragmented posts or posts that sound like they are a cut and paste presentation.
  • how applicable is the article that you are linking for your colleagues to read? These articles should be from current events media and not academic thesis material.
  • your link should be live – a hyper link for easy access by your colleagues
  • how late in the time frame (when the assignment was made available to the deadline for posting) did you post your first contribution ?
  • how well did you engage your colleagues to join the discussion (you could ask a question of your colleagues, make a strong statement and ask feedback….)?
  • how well did you answer or comment on posts made by your colleague/colleagues?

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