Develop a project charter through applying concepts and techniques explored in this course. Follow this outline: Open the team essay with

Develop a project charter through applying concepts and techniques explored in this course. Follow this outline: Open the team essay with

Develop a project charter through applying concepts and techniques explored in this course.

Follow this outline:


  • Open the team essay with an introduction section describing a project charter.
  • Summarize why a project charter is critical to project management success.


  • Define Project Charter (per PMBOK 6th Edition and course text book).
  • List the various elements of a project charter and why each is used (i.e. title, scope overview, business case, background, etc.).
  • Explain in-depth the following key components of the project charter: project vision, objectives, scope, and organization and implementation plan.


  • Create each section of a charter for a sample project using given project information provided by the instructor.
  • Constructing the project charter:
    • Develop scope overview and business case: This is the “elevator speech” – a half minute summary of the project.
    • Provide a project scope statement.
    • Create detailed milestones (MS Project optional, an excel spread sheet is acceptable). Use SMART protocol. Provide a WBS with Activity List.
    • Identify risks, assumptions and constraints (as applicable, create contingency plans and assigning ownership for each major risk).
    • Provide a preliminary budget. Include justifications for the estimated costs and revenue.
    • Create a stakeholder listing (primary stakeholders and all other stakeholders). Provide a RACI chart with this list.
    • Develop the team operating principles.
    • Identify “Lessons learned”
  • Summarize the key elements used to develop the project charter.

The sponsor and project team typically work together. In practice, often the team prepares the first draft and then discusses with sponsor.


  • What critical take-aways in the development process of a project charter would your team incorporate into the role of a Project Manager?
  • Highlight specific areas of project risk planning, assumptions, and the potential constraints to the project discovered in the report.
  • Apply the required knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques of a project, as defined in the PMBOK® Guide and course text.


As your team prepare the project, please attend to the following additional guidelines:

  • This is a group project (identify each member’s role in the project development and research paper)
  • Literature Review should utilize outside sources substantially. A literature review is a comprehensive narrative on the most recent scholarly work on a certain subject. Therefore, eight (8) to ten (10) scholarly or professional journal articles should be utilized for this section. Other sources (websites, blogs, dictionaries, etc.) may be used in support but do not count toward this total. Also, the sources need to be current research which means contemporary sources (no more than ten years old).
  • Prepare your report in APA format.
  • Paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 12-15 pages. (Page count does not include title page, reference lists or Part 3 Project Charter which will be submitted as a separate assignment.)
  • Cite all sources referenced and include a reference section.
  • Proofread the document carefully before submission!
  • Project Charter will be submitted as an appendix to Research Paper.
  • Prepare and deliver a Power Point Presentation covering significant information in the project charter. This is a presentation of your project and the charter; not the research paper. Presentation should contain speaker notes and contain 10 slides of information in total (title page and reference page will not count toward total). This presentation should pertain specifically to the project and not the research paper.

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