In writing your journal entry for this week: Since this is the last week of this course, you are to create and share a summative reflection on
Journal Entry General Guidelines:
The journal entry should include the date of entry and response.
Each journal should be a minimum of 2 double-spaced pages formatted in APA
style. Please see the Journal Rubric for additional information guiding your
writing and subsequent grading.
In writing your journal entry for this week:
Since this is the last week of this course, you are to create and share a
summative reflection on this course.
Please describe what part(s) of this course have impacted you both
personally and professionally.
How has your thinking changed with regard to various cultures or
You can reflect on specific parts of this course or provide an overall
personal reflection.
several concepts and theories that explored culture and intercultural
the syllabus for_the_course (2)
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