Read the book architecture’s odd couple by Hugh Howard Then to discuss how

Read the book architecture’s odd couple by Hugh Howard Then to discuss how and why individuals became successful an

Read the book architecture’s odd couple by Hugh Howard Then to discuss how and why individuals became successful and the writer ‘s voice in evidence.. Make sure follow the essay rubric . All the work should be original. At least 2 page

In a celebrity-obsessed culture, architects
Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson
may be perfect subjects for a dual biography.
Both used their own residences as laboratories
for experimentation, had brushes with
anti-Semitism, and in their savvy pursuit
of publicity, appeared on the cover of Time
magazine (Wright in 1938 gazing upward
before a rendering of Fallingwater; Johnson
in 1979 cradling in his arms a model
of the AT&T Building). Yet with over 66
Wright biographies and Franz Schulze’s definitive
Philip Johnson: Life and Work, what
does pairing an exceptional innovator with a
clever adapter add to our design knowledge?
Here Howard (Mr. and Mrs. Madison’s War)
begins with Schulze’s claim that the two
distrusted each other, but with a full generation
separating them, were they really competitors?
Both “placed architecture at the
center of culture,” but are there any noted
architects who would claim less? Unlike
Leonard K. Eaton’s Two Chicago Architects
and Their Clients, an astute comparison of
the clients of Wright and one of his contemporaries,
Howard’s account reads more like
well- researched historical fiction than architectural
history, and with the paucity of illustrations,
readers must rely on the author’s
competent verbal descriptions for a sense of
the buildings. VERDICT For public library
collections with sizable biography sections.—
Paul Glassman, Yeshiva Univ. Libs., New York
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