Select one article from an academic journal, such as the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

Select one article from an academic journal, such as the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Jo

Select one article from an academic journal, such as the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, and International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Then discuss and evaluate the article.

Suggested outline:
-Introduce the topic (immigration or racism).
-Explain why the topic is important.
-Introduce your research article(s).

All papers should be written in APA-format and include a title page and reference page.
Select one article from an academic journal, such as the Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, and International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Then discuss
and evaluate the article.
Include: A reference for the article, such as title of the academic journal, title of the
article, author(s)’ name(s), and year of publication.
Questions you MAY want to consider when thinking critically about the study. (Note:
Some of the questions may not be relevant to the study you selected):
Describe why the researchers conducted the study and explain the theory and
Consider whether the theory “makes sense.” If not, describe why not.
What are the hypotheses and why are they important?
Is the design appropriate for the question being addressed?
*If not, describe your solution:
Are the subjects adequate representatives of their culture?
*If not, describe your solution:
Is culture operationalized according to socio-psychological constructs?
*If not, how is it operationalized?

Are the subjects equivalent for comparison purposes—no other characteristics or
demographic confounds?
*If not, describe your solution:
Are the concepts being measured equivalent in all cultures in the study?
*If not, describe your solution:
Do the scales, subscales, and items being used have the same reliability and validity
characteristics in all cultures in the study?
*If not, describe your solution:
Are the scales/constructs contextualized meaningfully for all subjects?
*If not, describe your solution:
Do subjects come to the laboratory or complete testing procedures with equivalent
*If not, describe your solution:
Is procedural equivalence established across nuisance parameters of the study?
*If not, describe your solution:
Did the researchers establish linguistic equivalence in their methods and research
protocols by using back-translation procedures?
*If not, describe your solution:
Data and Analyses
Do subjects provide data on a level of measurement that is meaningful to them while at
the same time equivalent across cultures?
*If not, describe your solution:
Interpretations and Conclusions
Are the interpretations of the findings bound by the cultural filters and biases of the
researcher or of the theories?
*If so, describe your solution:
Do the researchers make value judgments based on the findings?
*If so, describe your solution:

Are the interpretations sufficiently tempered by awareness of the unconscious cultural
processes that may have affected the research or theory?
*If not, describe your solution:
Do the researchers make unwarranted cause-effect interpretations of the relationship
between culture and their target variables?
*If so, describe your solution:
Are the interpretations of cultural mediators justified in relation to how culture was
operationalized in the study?
*If not, describe your solution:
Are there sufficient methodological concerns to preclude any meaningful conclusions
based on the data presented?
*If not, describe your solution:
Other Questions about the Study
1. How do the findings contribute to our knowledge with regard to cultural influences
on the target variables of interest?
2. How would changes in any aspect of the methodology affect the outcomes of the
study (for example, cultural or demographic backgrounds of the participants, or
methods of measuring key variables)?
3. Can the findings be used by some to foster stereotypes of members of the cultures
represented in the study?
4. Can the findings be used by some to foster prejudice or discrimination against
members of the cultures represented in the study?

Immigration or Racism

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