Respond the following forum question Is it possible that telecommuting just doesn’t work for some companies? Why not?-
-Respond the following forum question:
Is it possible that telecommuting just doesn’t work for some companies? Why not?
-Then write Comments to the following 2 posts
As a result of the covid-19 outbreak, many companies in many countries have adopted
telecommuting, or telecommuting. "Telecommuting is popular with military spouses and others
who need flexibility due to deployment or relocation of a spouse."(Decenzo, Robbins &Verhulst,
2017, p.121)Telecommuting does bring a lot of convenience to employees’ work. In case of
emergency, they can communicate well without face-to-face communication. Especially with the
covid-19 outbreak, many companies are using telecommuting to solve problems and serve
customers, both for the safety of their employees and to minimize their losses.Telecommuting
also involves teachers giving lectures to students online, and many students don’t stop learning
because of it. Telecommuting does allow employees to get work done without leaving the house,
but not all jobs can be done by telecommuting. For example, tour guides, the travel industry is
most affected by covid-19 because tour guides can’t be done by telecommuting. The
characteristic of telecommuting is that it prevents us from going to other places, so the travel
industry is going to travel everywhere, so telecommuting is very little help to the travel industry.
David A. DeCenzo. Stephen P. Robbins, Susan L. Verhulst. Fundamentals of Human Resource
Management, 12th Edition eBook. (n.d.).
Telecommuting is a workplace flexibility option that allows for workers to telecommute on a part
time or full-time basis (Decenzo, Robbins, & Verhulst, 2016, p. 120). Such flexibility have come
the new normal as the world grapples with containing the novel coronavirus. There are offices
that are tending towards permanent telecommuting as they have discovered its benefit to their
operations. At the same time, there are companies where telecommuting does not work for them.
For a company that delivers services offer the internet such as a network systems firm, they may
have realized that the huge office spaces that they rent to have all their workers come into the
office is just costly and somehow affecting the flexibility and productivity of the employees.
Such a firm may need to move their operations to an online setting where they can have their
employees work different shifts at the convenience of their hotel rooms or homes to achieve
almost the same results or even more.
There are some companies however, that cannot use telecommuting to achieve their
objectives. An example is an automobile manufacturing firm. Such a company cannot have their
employees working remotely to have robots make the vehicles. There are aspects of the vehicle
assembly line that are yet to be automated and thus the need for workers to report to the factory
and do it manually. For such a firm, telecommuting does not work given that it still needs manual
input. For some companies in the service industry such as hotels and tours then they may lose the
human touch in service delivery as they telecommute.
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