You need to use these keywords in the text: (keywords should be highlighted

You need to use these keywords in the text: (keywords should be highlighted!):● wordpress ideas● plugin ideas● coolest wordpress plugins

● Word count: 1000 words.
● Uniqueness: 100% (It must be a unique article!)
● The article should be 100% free of spelling/grammar mistakes
● Try to use the active voice while writing and do not write too long
sentences. Up to 4-5 sentences per paragraph!
● Find relevant and eloquent subheadings for each thematic chapter (for
each tip) of the body.
You need to use these keywords in the text: (keywords should be
● wordpress ideas
● plugin ideas
● coolest wordpress plugins
● wordpress plugin example
● wordpress plugins development
Our link should be inserted as a brand. Here are anchor details:
First anchor: “ProEssay”
Insert it not in the end. Implement it in the ways like:
According to brandname… / Experts from brandname… / Essay writing services
(e.g brandname) are of
the opinion that … / We, along with a team from brandname, prepared you a list


● Introduction (one paragraph)

General information….( up to 75 words)

● Body(up to 850 words)
Heading(you should change them)
Think About What You’d Like to Achieve and Set Goals to Get There(up to 200

Research Current Trends to Help you Generate New Plugin Ideas(up to 200
There Are Many Great Plugin Ideas Just Waiting to Be Developed (up to 200
● Conclusion (one brief paragraph)

Some up the article(up to 75 words)

Check this articles source:

How to Get Great WordPress Plugins Ideas

Try to minimize sentences so that they contain no more than 20 words.
Avoid using adverbs and passive voice. Use the
to find:
● Excessively long sentences.
● Adverbs.
● Passive voice.
Use Sub-Headings, But NOT as "Introduction", "Body", "Conclusion". Use
Sub-Headings According Content Only
Include at least 2 links to credibly sourced websites. Preferably, these website
links should end with: .com, .gov, .org, .edu, etc.
Include 2, 3 GOOD QUALITY IMAGES (no watermarks, at least
1024x678px), and put them as DIRECT-URL links.


Please read your text aloud to ensure:
– you have not overused the same words
– that it is grammatically correct
– that it flows well
Please list at least 5 sources on which your article is based.

Answer review


850 words