Satire in “The Lottery” and “Harrison Berger”

Satire in “The Lottery” and “Harrison Berger”

Write a 600 word response to the following prompt:

The Hatten Hauer article discusses “Harrison Bergeron” as a satire, while the Shields article suggest “the lottery” is also a satirical parody loaded with irony. Discuss how each of the stories are satirical of society? What are they satirizing?

Your response should be an analysis that answers and discusses these questions. Use APA citations. The only resources allowed for referencing are the ones attached. Good grammar and no plagiarism. Be straightforward in your analysis and not convoluted. Thank you.


2020012118160620200121180032the_politics_of_kurt_vonneguts_harrison_bergeron 2020012118160720200121175858jackson_lottery 2020012118160720200121175956abitrary_condemnation_in_jacksons_the_lottery

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650 Words