Be sure to read Lessons 10 and 11 before reading this discussion board.

Be sure to read Lessons 10 and 11 before reading this discussion board. Since each group will be participating in only one discussion board, every

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Be sure to read Lessons 10 and 11 before reading this discussion board. Since each group will be participating in only one discussion board, every participant will have time to craft a thoughtful initial post of about 300 to 350 words in length. Think of the discussion board as an opportunity to write a mini-essay. We recommend that you prepare your post as a Word document, so that you can polish your writing before posting it. (You can then copy and paste your text into the discussion board.) These discussion boards are more about quality than quantity. Discussion Board #4: Selected Fantasy/Adventure Series Posting and Responding Group: Group Sci-Fi While Group Sci-Fi members will be the only ones posting and responding on this discussion board, everyone is expected to review the clips under consideration, and to read all the posts and responses on this discussion board. Select one of the eight film clips below as the topic for your initial post: Identify a portion of the clip that you want to discuss, addressing in particular the various functions of the music within the clip. Keep in mind the relevance of the techniques of narrative film, and their interaction with the music, sound effects and dialogue. (Use parenthetic times to clarify points in the clip.) IMPORTANT: In your post, as well as in your responses, use the appropriate terminology that you are acquiring from the lessons. Think of this as an opportunity to utilize the O.A.R.S. model in examining the material. Before making your own initial post, be sure to read any posts on the discussion board that your groupmates have already made. When possible, select a topic that has not yet been addressed, so that all eight topics are addressed. With approximately twenty members on each group, there should be no more than three group members addressing the same topic. Try, also, to examine a portion of the clip that has not yet been addressed. In all cases, strive not to repeat those things that have already been stated in others’ posts; strive to offer fresh observations. There is an abundance of material to allow this! Use the clip as the header of your post (e.g., The Empire Strikes Back: A Look in the Mirror). Here are the eight clips: The Empire Strikes Back: A Look in the Mirror (Links to an external site.) Harry Potter: By the Sea (Links to an external site.) Harry Potter: Diagon Alley (Links to an external site.) Harry Potter: Prelude to Quidditch (Links to an external site.) Fellowship: Before the Party (Links to an external site.) Fellowship: Fireworks (Links to an external site.) Fellowship: Bilbo’s Farewell (Links to an external site.) Fellowship: Before the Journey (Links to an external site.) Group Sci-Fi members: Make your initial post on your selected topic by 11:59 p.m. Thursday. After that, identify at least two other topics of interest and contribute to those topics’ conversations by posting a reply on each topic thread. These responses (“replies”) to group mates’ initial posts are due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday. Regarding your initial post: As a matter of disciplined practice, begin your examination of the clip with the following: –Select a start time and a stop time for your analysis. It doesn’t have to be the complete length of the “topic” you have selected. You may want to focus on only a portion of the selected clip, and that’s a great way to delve into the finer details. –Always count the shots in your selected clip. We are so familiar with the conventions of the techniques of narrative film that we are often not aware of the techniques themselves. By counting the individual shots, you will see things you had not previously noticed. –Identify any implied temporal ellipses, and observe which techniques of narrative film have contributed to conveying the passage of a period of time, from one shot to the next. Begin your initial post with a header identifying the start and stop times you have selected (e.g., 0:00 to 1:11) and the number of shots contained in your selected clip (e.g., 17 shots). Also, identify temporal ellipses, if any (e.g., no temporal ellipses). Such an example of a header would look like this: “The Empire Strikes Back: A Look in the Mirror; Selected clip: 0:00 to 1:11; 17 shots; no discernible temporal ellipses.” Also, within your post, identify any music present in the selected clip as either diegetic or nondiegetic. –Re diegetic music: identify the implied source of the music within the world of the film (either on-screen or off-screen); identify start and stop times (e.g., “diegetic music starts at 1:13 with the cut to the beach scene, stops at 2:42 when it can no longer be heard”). –Re nondiegetic music: identify by time any cue-ins or cue-outs of the nondiegetic music (e.g., “nondiegetic music cues in at 0:29 and cues out at 1:12”). Identifying specifically the presence of both diegetic music and/or nondiegetic music within the selected clip will facilitate addressing the purposes and functions of the music in relation to the techniques of narrative film. Details–such as the cue-ins and cue-outs of nondiegetic music, or the presence of diegetic music in a scene–are well planned, and they acquire significance when considered in relationship to techniques of narrative film. Regarding your responses: Offer substantive responses that address the thoughts and observations of your groupmate who has made the initial post. (Avoid general “value” statements, such as “nice job,” which contribute nothing substantive to the conversation.) All group members are invited to contribute additional replies on topics that interest you. And, sooner is better. That way, thefstre is more opportunity for discussion.

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Discussion board as an opportunity to write a mini-essay


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