Select a leader to profile in your written report.

Select a leader to profile in your written report.

Select a leader to profile in your written report. You may select one you admire, or a “good example of a bad example.” There are numerous websites naming leaders to get you started. A quick search on “famous contemporary leaders” will reveal hundreds of possibilities.

Research your chosen leader, identifying evidence of his/her traits, styles, and leadership situations. Relate your analysis to the textbook concepts. For example, when you examine your leader’s drive, describe what the term means in the context of leadership and how your leader demonstrates it (this does not mean regurgitate the textbook’s definition of the term). Include examples (and direct quotes from the leader where applicable).

Write an essay profiling your chosen leader. Your paper must include all three of the parts below.

First, introduce your leader, and state why you selected him/her. Was their leadership effective or not effective?

Next, discuss your leader’s 1) traits, 2) motives, and 3) characteristics as well as his/her 4) behaviors, 5) attitudes, and 6) leadership style(s). Provide examples (and direct quotes from your leader where applicable)


• APA citations: Please use your APA manual to support your choices for citing references and professional writing style. Title page and Reference page required. • Style and Format (including grammar, mechanics and style): Writing is coherent and logically organized, using a format suitable for the material presented. Transitions between ideas and paragraphs create coherence. Overall unity of ideas is supported by the format and organization of the material presented. Synthesis-Critical Thinking: All required questions are addressed with thoughtful consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought. Content indicates original thinking, cohesive conclusions, and developed ideas with sufficient and firm evidence. Clearly addresses all of the questions or requirements asked. The evidence presented in parts 1-2 supports the conclusions drawn in par

Requirements: Essay | 8 pages, Double spaced

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Select a leader to profile in your written report.


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