Compare of evaluation methods between Danielson in USA and the evaluation methods of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Compare of evaluation methods between Danielson in USA and the evaluation methods of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (Domain 1 planning and preparation)

A teacher is expected to demonstrate extensive knowledge of content and pedagogy in his/ her preparedness for teaching. The teacher is, hence expected to show evidence of continuing search of improved learning practices. The teacher should actively construct the knowledge of prerequisites and misconceptions while trying to find reasons for students’ inability to understand concepts (Danielson, 2011). According to this domain, the teacher is also expected to demonstrate a vast knowledge of students’ backgrounds, interests, and abilities and utilize this knowledge in planning individual learning engagements.

This domain demands a teacher to select instructional goals that reflect an advanced level of learning associated with the curriculum standards and frameworks. The goals should exhibit the needs of individual students and valid welcome methods of assessment. While doing this, a teacher should be very much aware of the resources for available in his/her professionalism and the community (Danielson, 2011). She/he should be fully aware of the students in need of specific resources and know how to outsource them in the school or the community so that they can be utilized for the demonstration of resource availability.

A teacher should design coherent instruction where all of the components of design correspond to the stated instructional goals. The components should also be in a position to engage students in reasonable learning and illustrate proof of student’s input showing a highly coherent input with an elaborate structure. The teacher should finally assess the learning of the student which should coincide with instructional goals with comprehensive assessment criteria understood by students and also exhibit evidence of the participation in development. The teacher should monitor the progress and achievement of the goals students in achieving their goals.

Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (Domain 2 classroom environment )

The teacher should create an environment of respect and support. This is to mean that the classroom environment should be of high respect showing authentic warmth and care for the learners. This atmosphere can be seen when students when students themselves maintain a high level of engagement with each other in the class. The teacher should also establish a culture of learning where students should assume a culture of classroom learning by being proud of their work. They should also be made to achieve this goal through improvements and upholding to the highest standards of work (Alvarez & Anderson-Ketchmark, 2011). A passionate commitment to this issue by the teacher is an important element of its success.

A teacher is expected to be the manager of classroom procedures where students should be seen performing classroom routines and assume the required level of responsibility for enabling them to function smoothly. The teacher should manage students’ behaviour in the class and ensure that the behaviour is entirely appropriate with evidence of students participating and monitoring of the behaviour. The classroom experience should show an effective teacher’s response to student misbehaviour and should be sensitive to individual needs of the students (Danielson, 2011).

The teacher should demonstrate his/her ability to organize physical space. Organizing physical space involves issues such as safety of the learning students by making the environment supportive in the learning of the students. The teacher should be in a position to prove that the learning environment is free from destruction and obstruction from the surrounding (Danielson, 2011). Organization of the learning environment in a conglomeration of essential physical elements and the needs of the learners which should be properly assessed before the beginning of the learning practices.

Evaluation of preparation and planning in Saudi Arabia(Domain 1)

Formulation of Objectives: The lesson plan is based on the objectives that a teacher aims at meeting at the end of the teaching activity. The objectives aim at illustrating the abilities that learners will be able to demonstrate after going through the reaching process. The objectives are structured in the form of questions that require solution after the learning process. The teacher should be able to create activities that will reveal the degree of understanding of the learners by conducting a student self-assessment and finding out the forms of assessments and goal setting that will be utilized in determining the students’ ability to grasp learning concepts. The objective section of the lesson plan attempts to come up with activities that will help the teacher prove whether the student understood the objectives and sub-objectives of the lesson. The concept on to which the activities for achieving the lesson comes out clearly at this point to widen the ideas for involving learners in the lesson and make it not just a lecture but an interactive session.

Probing Questions for Differentiation, the teacher identifies the students instructional that will be targeted to assess proficiency development during the lesson. These tools are identified as CCSS practices and comprise of single elements that a teacher should frame and use them as tools to ensure that the learners are getting the concepts rights to meet the designed objectives. These practices should build the active content of knowledge comprehensive and subject to criticism. The critiques should be viable and evidence-based through properly constructed explanations. The explanations should contain solutions, and the information should be well communicated. Technology and digital media are one of the tools that the teacher intends to build his message upon and test whether the learners have attained the intended purpose of the teacher

Under this element, the teacher will also test the literacy of the learner by giving the students the chance to read through the text and get the challenge that is in the words and the concepts. The students who will encounter difficulties in reading through the texts or understanding the concepts will be helped to pronounce words and interpret the concepts in the subject of learning. The teacher plans his lesson by noting down the academic vocabularies that she/he should introduce at that level of learning and pans out how that will happen during the lesson. The teacher plans how she/he will assist learners to translate the concept in class to the concepts in the real-life experience. The teacher, in this planning, also aims at structuring how the students can apply the concepts of the particular discipline in other disciplines. The teacher also pre-examines the misconceptions that may happen at that stage of learning and the means to deal with the issue and help the students get the concepts right.

Technology and appropriate media to enhance the learning and stress important concept are one of the important aims for the teacher at this juncture. Visual aids are important elements of giving evidence about the concepts, and the teacher feels it appropriate to incorporate the element at this point so that she/he can reduce the expected misconceptions about the subject and if the misconceptions will arise then they will not be as many as they could be without the media representation. The teacher evaluates on how technology can be incorporated brainstorm the learners who might have understood some concepts in the wrong direction.

The Activity/task outline the specific tasks that she/he would wish to engage the learners from the beginning to the end of the lesson. The section of activity identifies the activity that the teacher will be participating in and also the teacher. At this section also, the teacher should be in a position to differentiate what the learner is engaged in and what is expected of them in the lesson and discover whether they are on the right track. The teacher can best correct mistakes at this level because it is possible to compare the written activity to the actual activity that the students are doing.

For every task, the teacher will be in a position to identify how students will be engaged in understanding and applying the learning targets in the classroom and real life. For every activity, the teacher asks questions that will help in the assessment of whether the students have grasped complicated concepts in the learning experience. The tasks will end with students-led closure where the teacher further tests the understanding of the learning target. The teacher engages the students in the final questions and makes it open for the learners to ask questions as she/he asks questions/a question that feels will sum up everything taught in the class. After arriving at this juncture, the teacher goes to the final level of gathering the relevant materials needed for enhancing the learning experience and ensure that the materials are available at the time of undertaking the lesson.

Evaluation of Classroom Environment in Saudi Arabia(Domain 2)

· Visual Organizational support should properly exhibit classroom arrangement and daily schedules procedures that are comprehensive, consistent, predictable and incorporate both independent and interactive activities. This element should be able to predict student’s ability to exercise their preferred activities and follow the schedules from the beginning of the day to the end of the learning period. Changes in learning schedules should be well highlighted and students trained to adapt to any changes in the learning environment since this reduces the anxiety that could come as a result of the changes. A change card or claim card can be used to achieve this factor. Transition and wait time for classroom activities should exhibit the ability to show signals and cues with the teacher having their material ready for the impending lesson. Individual visual aid tools should be used to enhance student’s interpretation of concepts and improve their memory. Visual support is put in place to improve the independence of the students and also change their behaviour to that of a typical learning atmosphere.

· Positive Behavior Interventions and Support in the classroom should show a high-level improvement in the behaviour of learners in the classroom where positive feedback for acceptable behaviour is the target of the classroom manager. A certain degree of reinforcement should be felt driving routines and activities in the classroom. Proactive and preventive techniques are important elements of this goal because they prevent negative feedback and enhance decision making in dilemma situations. Taking a break is evident while evaluating good classroom experience, the teacher ensures this key element by engaging students at the right time while ensuring that intervals are obeyed in the classroom experience.

· Educational Strategies and Support should have quality indicators that exhibit students with the content of academic opportunities in their area of study. The evaluation should show students with the ability to participate in the general classroom activities. They should be able to engage in active learning through multiple activities, and they should achieve this factor through meaningful instructional activities. The materials used in classroom activities should be appropriate for the age of learners in the classroom and be in a position to impact their understanding of concepts and translating the concepts to real life. The evaluation of a classroom environment should be in a position to prove regular monitoring of the classroom programs and progress through the use of data. Learning opportunities should be well integrated in such a way that they properly utilize the time frame provided and meet their designated goals.

· Functional Communication Systems and Support should show that students have access to functional communication systems and be in a position to utilize the system in communication among their colleagues and seniors in the learning environment. The communication should exhibit a high level of interaction amongst the peers through conversations in all the activities. The communication between learners should portray good behaviour that is both conventional and unconventional to enhance effectiveness for all participants in the classroom experience. Communication should incorporate the various forms of engagement and allow for the asking of questions by the learners and the teacher because it enhances the concepts being taught in the class (Dorman, 2001).

· Peer to Peer and Social Interactions is another element that justifies a good classroom experience. It encompasses peer training and interactions where the peers are supported to adopt respectful interactions with their classmates. These interactions could be group activities and class discussion among the classmates. The activities can also involve case conferences where the peers organize weekly assessments of their activities to enable them to improve their learning experience. Medium exchange and social skills instructions should also be evident to prove a health classroom experience amongst the learners (Danielson, 2011).

· Adult/student Interaction is another important aspect of evaluating classroom experience where adults interact concerning their fellow adults and students. This is well achieved through a private conversation with students when the matter is sensitive. Adults focus on students and support independent engagement by teaching and promoting independence in most of their activities. Adults are responsible for the responsibility of the adults to communicate the highest levels of respectable behaviour within the learning environment to foster the learning activities to meet the required learning goals.The adults support participation in learning activities to ensure that the learning environment assumes the order that is required.

· Data Collection is a significant element of evaluating learning experience. There should be evidence of systematic collection of data regarding the activities taking place in the learning environment. This data collection serves to indicate the progress of IEP goals and staff members are trained on how to gather data and carry out an analysis regarding the goals and behaviours of the learning environment. This data is applied in making changes in the classroom and complements the principle of data-based decision making in meeting instructional goals of the teacher and the student. This data is properly analyzed for ensuring that the changes being made are going to bear positive results to the teaching exercise.

Read the above and then answer the next three questions?

*Can you writ introduction?1 page

* Can you Compare of evaluation methods between Danielson in USA and the evaluation methods of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(Domain 1&2)2 pages.

*Can you Writ recommendations can be added to evaluation methods both in the United States and Saudi Arabia.(2 pages)


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The Danielson framework for teaching is a framework that identifies teacher responsibilities in improving student learning. The framework outlines an evaluation system as the main framework for teaching, which consists of four domains. Let’s consider the first two domains; planning and preparation and classroom environment………………………..


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