Comedy and Politics
subject Other, Politics and Comedy Topic Comedy and Politics
Paper details
I will have annotated bibliography and outline attached so u can follow and please choose one of the sources only and deeply reflect on it
Baym, Geoffrey. "The Daily Show: Discursive Integration and the Reinvention of Political
Journalism." Political Communication, 22(3) (2005): 259-276.
The article informed about disappearing boundaries between politics, pop culture and
entertainment. During earlier time programs containing political information & news
were completely different from the programs designed for entertainment. Programs
containing mix of politics and comedy are gaining popularity, and liked by the people.
The article informed about how fake news is utilized in comedy shows, and make
audience sometime confused. The multiplying technological forces, discursive integration
and economy consolidation can describe the emerging media or entertainment. Merger of
comedy and humor with the politics is creating challenges for the media focused on
serving true and serious political news to the people. The article discusses how
preferences of the people is changing, rising popularity of humorous political depicts
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