Media Writing

Media Writing

Week 1 Assignment

Hello, I need help with my Media Writing course. Media writing is different from the academic writing. It’s rather short compare to regular writing, and it has different focus on the topic.

Please see the attached file for the course syllabus. Please take a good look at it since you’re going to keep working on this course for 5 weeks.

For week1, there are several assigned readings, but they are pretty short and easy to understand. It’s mostly the instructions on how to write for this course. You can finish reading all of it in 1-2 hours. I will upload the week 1 assigned readings and writing assignments after you bid for the questions.

I’m going to copy and past some of the professor’s announcement, it might be helpful.

Hello Everyone:

I am writing today to offer another welcome and some guidance.

The course structure requires you to first complete the reading assignments and the lecture or lectures before an assignment or exam can be completed.

This requirement is for your benefit. The educational material posted is designed to help you complete the assignment or exam. Happily, the readings are short as are lectures.

Your first assignment is a bit challenging because it requires you to totally reorganize the information presented. Here is a helpful tip: the most important news is that a decision regarding dogs was postponed. That is, no immediate action was taken.

Once you have included that information in your lead, the next task is to decide what information to include int the body of the story. This demands that you leave out a lot of information that you deem unimportant.

Feel free to directly quote or paraphrase. Remember to attribute information.

Do not wait until the last minute to complete the assignment.

Thank you

Course Description

Most of us see writing as a daunting and frustrating chore. That’s because too many of us have not been taught to write effectively. So, it’s not surprising we often postpone writing assignments, just as we do any unpleasant task. It’s also unsurprising that a lot of us produce writing that is deeply flawed and, worse, ineffective. To state the obvious, we want our writing to be clear, informative and effective.

At a time when texting has become a favorite form of writing, it is also true that we need to become better and more confident writers. No matter your chosen career, you will find it necessary to write clearly and under time pressure. If you have not yet done so, you will need to write cover letters for job applications and detailed reports once you have entered your career field. Obviously, that sort of writing can’t be handled via texting!

This course aims to simplify the writing process, one step at a time. The vast majority of students who take this class steadily improve their writing. Just as important, they learn how to pinpoint what it takes to continue improving. I am sure you will learn to write succinctly, clearly, and quickly in any academic or professional environment.

What is media writing?

As you may already know, it’s concise, precise, fast-paced, and accurate writing. Rather than incorporate long introductions, media writing delivers the most important information first, followed by background. You will find examples of media writing on the homepage of many online news sites.

We will cover information and news and online writing basics–the essentials of successful writing for media. You will learn how to gather and organize information, ask effective questions, research facts, and write stories on deadline. Lectures will cover in detail the writing for media process.

Doing well in class

The lectures are essential in distilling and detailing how to write effectively. While the lectures plainly are important, your writing assignments are still more important. Resist the temptation to skip posted instructional material. Mastering this material makes it possible for you to earn your desired grade. Not reviewing and understanding the posted material, including lectures, will not permit you to successfully complete the assignments, thus resulting in a much lower grade than you would like.

Carefully reviewing posted material and lectures will help you write your best. Naturally, that’s something you all want. Writing assignments and exams are of utmost importance, obviously, because they determine your grade!

The successful completion of assignments will sharpen your writing skills and expand your knowledge of the news and information-gathering process. By the end of the course, you should have an understanding of mass media and of how to report and write media stories appropriate for publication in print, online, and for broadcast.

It is extremely important that you meet deadlines.

Doing so is good career training. Producing documents quickly and on time is increasingly valued in the professional world. Respecting deadlines is also vital to your success in this class. While you will not have long assignments, they will need to completed by the deadline. The course is fast-paced. No sooner have you completed one assignment when another is due. Also, tardiness costs you points. Extremely late submissions won’t be accepted.

A quick word about grades; you will receive the precise grade you earn. Your grade will reflect how well you have followed media writing principles. Points will be deducted for grammatical and word usage errors.


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Media Writing


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