Explain the judicial process you’ll experience for the crime you committed

Explain the judicial process you’ll experience for the crime you committed

Scenario Research Paper Project Instructions

In this assignment you will find yourself in various countries as a criminal!  In the scenario and analysis you create you will truly be an international criminal.  The “crime” committed can be of your choosing is long as it is illegal in the country we are studying. You will find that this very deep dive into the criminal justice systems of each country we study will help you become a world criminal justice system expert.

The following is your prompt for the setting of your paper:

You are a US Citizen that is travelling to the country we are studying

You arrive at the country

You commit a crime

Make the crime interesting enough to write about

Make the crime of a nature that you will work through the country’s criminal justice system

Do not get caught up in the detail of the crime at the expense of the analysis – this will lead to failure of the assignment!

You are caught by the country’s law enforcement officers

You do not have diplomatic immunity and the country is balking at any means of negotiation with the US for your release from the crime and subsequent punishment


The following is an outline of what you should cover in your paper:

Begin your paper with a brief analysis of the following elements:

Country analysis

Introduction to the country

People and society of the country


Transnational issues (if applicable) that may impact law enforcement

Relations with the United States

What is the basic government structure and its relationship to the criminal justice system

What is the “legal family” or basis of law in the country

What are the major components of the criminal justice system in the country

Please explain the following elements:

What crime did you commit? How were you caught? In other words, briefly set up the scenario.

Explain the country specific law

Explain from first contact through arrest and questioning your experience with the country’s law enforcement officials

Explain the detention process you will experience as a foreign national for the crime you committed

Explain the judicial process you’ll experience for the crime you committed

Explain the detention, corrections, and/or incarceration process you’ll experience for the crime you committed

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