I think that sexism has not declined over the past few years in the US.
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I think that sexism has not declined over the past few years in the US. Regularly, women have come out to share their painful gender harassment stories. Taking into consideration social movements like #me, too, where women decided to tell their sexual harassment experiences clearly shows that women are still receiving all forms of gender violations. Thousands of women came out to say their sexual harassment story, and the number that opened up about harassment was surprisingly huge. The question of whether women have the potential to become good political and financial leaders has been continuously asked. Women who have got the opportunity to participate in politics have proven that women can be good leaders. However, most prominent positions in parliament are still offered to men because people believe that men are the better political leaders (pg. 41).
The issue of “school existence and culture sexism” shows that many girls in schools still experience sexism (pg. 41. Chapter 10). For example, they continuously have the sexist language used on them. The worst part is that sexism in schools is ignored and not taken seriously, compared to boys’ sexism claims. Steps should be taken to educate the youth on sex education. Students should know gender equality, and girls should be trained on how to deal with experienced sexism. The attributional gender bias is also a clear indication of unending sexism in schools (pg. 41. Chapter 10). You mostly find that boys’ high performance in Mathematics is directly attributed to ability while girls’ excellent performance is attributed to the effort. On the other hand, boys’ poor performance in math is attributed to the absence of effort, while girls’ poor performance is attributed to lack of ability. The bias is performed by both teachers and students, where female students believe that they cannot get good grades in Mathematics since they do not have the ability.
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