How Realistic Are Your Expectations for Toddlers
The expanding world of the toddler is filled with wonder and exploration. Early childhood professionals play an important role in the successful evolution of learning appropriate behaviors.
In this unit, you will share some of the behaviors of infants and toddlers and the challenges they present to early childhood professionals. You will also discuss age appropriate behavioral expectations and intervention strategies for the toddler.
To prepare for Discussion, be sure to read “Discipling Your Child” and “Aggressive Behaviors in Toddlers.”
Case Scenario
You are inside an ideal child care facility. You hear a commotion. Turning, you witness two toddlers, a boy and a girl, fighting over a shopping cart. The girl does not want to give the boy a turn. She bites him.
How Realistic Are Your Expectations for Toddlers?
Considering what you have learned about the behaviors of toddlers, what is an appropriate way for the teacher to handle this situation? Share specific developmentally appropriate behavioral expectations, appropriate discipline strategies, and strategies to promote pro-social behavior in the context of diverse families. Be sure to include a discussion of how early childhood theory informs your Discussion.
Think about at what age toddlers are expected to have the psychosocial and developmental the skills to share. With this in mind, how can appropriate developmental behavioral expectations guide your response to this situation?
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