Develop strategies for becoming a more effective leader, creating preliminary plans for professional and personal growth
Assignment: Individual Reflection: Creating Goals for the Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth
Paper instructions:
As you recall from the Course Outcomes listed in your syllabus, this course requires you to develop strategies for becoming a more effective leader, creating preliminary plans for professional and personal growth, and integrating your personal values, ethics, experience, and goals into leadership decisions. The Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth (BPPG) is designed to assist you in meeting those outcomes and has three components you need to complete:
• An Executive Summary of the course and
• Your Passion and Purpose Story
• A goal statement and action plans to achieve your Passion and Purpose
The first component of the BPPG is an executive summary of the course to date. The ability to write an executive summary is a valuable business skill. To get the in right frame of mind for writing an executive summary, imagine that an executive from a company for which you have always wanted to work has called you and told you the following:
Hello, I hear you are getting your Master’s program. Well, we would like to hire you and reimburse to you the costs of your course. But before I bring you on board and pay for the course, I need to know two things. First, how have the content and assignments in this course helped you understand the roles of leadership and followership within business organization? Second, how do you intend to apply the content, theories, and topics addressed in this course to your career? Oh, and if I like what you are learning in this course and how you intend to apply what you have learned here at our organization, I will contact you and ask you when you would be able to start and what you would like your salary to be.
Ok. No pressure, right? While it is unlikely the above scenario will happen to you soon, the above scenario is a useful framework for writing your executive summary. It lets people who are important to an organization, such as executives and investors; know the central ideas of the topic you are discussing and convince them why they should pay attention to them. Your executive summary of this course will help you organize the resources and learning experiences from this course that you have found most meaningful for your professional and personal growth. As you progress through the program, the executive summary you write this week will help you recall important concepts and help you reflect on the goals you have created for yourself.
As you begin this component of this assignment, review the broad range of topics presented throughout the course related to leadership and followership. For this Individual Reflection, select concepts or topics that resonated with you during this course and commit to learning more about them. Consider the following:
• What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you had in this course?
• What are the most important things you are taking from this course that will shape your future and enable you to make a positive difference?
For the second component of your BPPG, you will tell your Passion and Purpose story (similar to the stories you read in Passion and Purpose: Stories From the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders”).
For the third component of your BPPG, you will also develop a corresponding goal along with an accompanying action plan for realizing your passion and purpose.
As you think about your story and your goal, reflect on the reasons you decided to pursue your degree and what you hope to do with the knowledge and skills you will gain.
The Assignment:
All of the components of the assignment should be turned in as one document:
Component 1: The Executive Summary:
• Write an Executive Summary of the course to date (2–3 paragraphs) that addresses the following questions:
o Which content and assignments in this course most helped you better understand the roles of leadership and followership within your organization (or one with which you are familiar), and what impact have they had, or do you anticipate they will have, on the value you will bring to your role within an organization?
o How have the content and assignments changed the way you think about leadership and followership and the way you will practice these skills?
o How have the content and assignments shaped your goals?
o How has the content help you appreciate the role leaders and followers have in achieving positive social change within an organization, a community, or on a larger scale?
For additional guidance on preparing your executive summary, please review the document How to Write an Executive Summary.
Component 2: Tell Your Passion and Purpose Story
• Provide a brief narrative describing your passion and the purpose you see for yourself.
• Describe why you think obtaining your degree will better equip you to pursue your passion and fulfill your purpose.
• Assess the extent to which you think your passion and purpose aligns to my life’smission of positive social change, and how my life’s mission impacts your experience as you study here, including lessons you will take from the course and how those will shape your future and support you to make a positive difference. Be sure to provide examples illustrating how what you learned will support you in your journey to be an effective agent for positive social change.
As you prepare to share your Passion and Purpose story, recall the stories you read in Passion and Purpose: Stories From the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders”.
Component 3: Identify your First Goal and Accompanying Action Plan to Pursue your Passion and Purpose
• Identify a goal for how you will use the knowledge and skills you gain from your degree to promote positive change.
o Describe why you selected the goal and how this goal derives from your passion and aligns with what you see as your purpose.
o Be sure to provide concrete and specific examples of why the goal is important along with the extent to which your goal enables you to be an agent for positive social change; the personal or professional value you expect from achieving your goal, and how the goal relates to the resources you reviewed in the course until now.
• Then, write a detailed action plan for your goal. The action plan should include the following:
o At least two objectives for the goal you have identified. Provide a rationale that explains how your objectives support the goal.
o At least two measurable milestones for each objective you identified as well as the time lines for ensuring progress for each milestone.
o A reasonable time line for ensuring progress toward your stated goal, with an explanation as to why your time line is reasonable.
Guidance on Assignment Length: Your BPPG, including the Executive Summary (which should be 2–3 paragraphs in length and no more than one page single spaced), your action plan should be 3–6 pages total (1.5–3 pages total if single spaced).
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