Says! and Does! Activity

Says! and Does! Activity

What to do:

Choose one of the sources in this module.
Create a document that outlines the meaning (says) and function (does) of each paragraph and submit to turnitin below.
Your task is to write a says sentence and a few does sentences for each paragraph or section of the essay and then for the whole essay.
Why are we doing this?Crying
This is a FANTASTIC strategy for annotation (taking notes as you read). It is also helpful in identifying the thesis, or MAIN CLAIM. Basically, it makes you smarter which helps you get better grades.
What is says and does again?
Says is the main idea or main point of the paragraph. A says sentence summa­rizes the meaning or message
Does explain what the paragraph is trying to accomplish. A does sentence describes the function – what the paragraph or piece is trying to do or accomplish with readers
(For exam­ple: “This paragraph introduces the topic of the essay by means of a humor­ous anecdote” or “This paragraph brings up an objection that some readers might feel, and then tries to answer that objection”).

The “Does” part will include phrases like:
introduces by…

presents the thesis

lays out the history of…

sets the scene by…

sets up the argument by…

convinces the reader of the arguments worth by…

elaborates on…

presents an opposing view to…

narrows the focus

presents an example of…

gives data in support of the point that…

sums up the perspectives presented…

uses a chain of logic…

changes the tone from… to… in order to…

summarizes the view of others…

contrasts the views of others…

convinces the reader of the arguments validity/importance by…

contrasts the previous paragraph’s view that…. by now saying….

prepares the reader for the idea that…. by doing…

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