Write 4 page research about The women of Troy
Write 4 page research about The women of Troy
What picture emerges from this scene of the fate of •war captives in the
Hellenic World?
What does Andromache’s initial speech allow us to infer about the role and
place of women in Euripides’ society?
Assuming Euripides intended this play to be a commentary on the Melian
massacre and the projected expedition against Syracuse, what was his
The Iliad and the Odyssey served as Hellas’s core cultural texts, and
Achilles, Odysseus, and their comrades were regarded as great ethnic
What does Euripides’ characterization of the Achaeans at Troy
suggest about his art and message?
Were he alive, what do you think would be Pericles’ reaction to this play?
Be specific in your answer.
This is a strange tragic play. The protagonists are passive; there is no plot to
speak of and little action, and nothing is resolved. Horror simply follows
upon horror. What, if anything, is so humanistic about this nondramatic
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