Implementing a Biometrics Usage Today

Implementing a Biometrics Usage Today

Search the Internet for articles on Implementing a Biometrics Usage Today

  • Propose and discuss a possible Biometrics System Solution to implement
  • Submit at least 1.5 full pages (not including cover page, reference pages, abstract or table of contents)
  • No photos or graphs
  • Reference all sources used
  • Your paper must be APA formatted (including a separate cover page and reference page)
  • Your paper must include at least 2 references that are properly cited inside the body of your paper and listed in your reference section
  • Click the link at the top titled “Week # 2 Homework Assignment – Due 7-14-2019 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern time”
  • All assignments must be submitted in Microsoft Words

567 Words