5 short answer questions about history specifically roman empire and punic wars

5 short answer questions about history specifically roman empire and punic wars

5 short answer questions about history specifically roman empire and punic wars
Short answer topics:

1. Discuss Roman civilization before the creation of the Roman Empire (i.e., Rome before 27 B.C.). Who were the Etruscans? What contributions did the Etruscans make to the evolution of Roman civilization? Why did the early Romans establish a republican form of government? What were the principal structures of that government?

2. What factors caused the Punic Wars? What effect did the Punic Wars have on Roman expansionism? What was the geographical extent of Roman expansion by 146 B.C.? What effects did expansion have on the evolution of Roman civilization?

3. Describe the historical importance of Julius Caesar—his accomplishments and his assassination. How did his rise to power shape Roman culture and the future of Roman control over the Mediterranean world?

4. What characterized the Roman Republic vs. the Principate? (political, geographic organization, regulation, morality, etc.) What reforms does Augustus enact? Are they effective?

5. How did Christianity develop and spread as a religious movement? How did the relationship between Christianity and the Roman state change over time? How did this movement transform the Mediterranean world? What effects did the reforms of Diocletian and then Constantine have?



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