Performance Indicators and Measurement

Performance Indicators and Measurement


In this unit, you will further refine performance measurements for the performance indicators you are examining. Reasons for possible adjustments might include limited data as one factor and incomplete entries or lack of consistent coding of data, or mismatched data sets from which a meaningful summary has to be generated as other factors. In this unit, you will enhance the client-approved data review project proposal by adding very specific explanations about how you will further refine performance measurements. For example, your client may have made a few suggestions to enhance the data analysis, such as:

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Adding a performance indicator.

Using a specific benchmark.

Using an existing assessment tool.

You will gain feedback from your instructor and colleagues before submitting the performance measurement units and data display for your final data review project report. The goal of this unit is to demonstrate accountability via outcomes data for the proposed project, which will enable a more accurate assessment of your performance as a leader in the workplace.

You will indicate what type of data will be collected and what method will be used to analyze the data. You should integrate concepts from your research to substantiate your selection of the data type and performance metrics.

You may wish to consider the following:

Define units of service that relate to your problem statement.

Consider the types of measurement units that are applicable to your project (for example, percentage, days, and dollars.)

Select both factors and units of outcome measures that will facilitate benchmark comparisons.

Note the quality dimensions mentioned in the review of current literature.

Provide a rationale for your selected outcome measures. (For example, this is the established industry benchmark.)

Unit 6 2 DQs

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Performance Indicators and Measurement


805 words

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