Describing the relationship between critical thinking and ethic
Write a paper of 700 words describing the relationship between critical thinking and ethics.(APA Style, No Grammar errors No Plagiarism)
Include the following in your paper:
- A definition of critical thinking
- A description of the steps in the critical-thinking process
- An explanation of how you can use critical-thinking when solving problems and the benefits of doing so
- A summary of your blind spot and preferred ethical lens from the Ethical Lens Inventory
- An explanation of how your personal ethics influences your decision making
An explanation of how ethics apply to professional and societal responsibilities
Solution Preview
Critical thinking generally refers to an individual’s ability to access all the material facts surrounding a case or an issue before she or he confers judgment on the case or the issue at hand. In order to come up with a well-reasoned judgment, the individual will have to undertake a…………………………….
738 Words