Lobbying Strategy of Emplemting state policing in nigeria
The students should develop a paper that should be structured as a lobbying strategy of Implementing state Police in Nigeria , How to Convince stake holder , The upper house of assembly and the lower house of assmebly Senate Use these criteria below to develop your paper
Identify a problem that will require an exercise of influence over a decision-making institution.
Define the goals of the strategy.
Describe the institutional setting that they will operate in.
Identify the stakeholders- outline the target groups, supporters, allies or enemies.
Identify subgoals and priorities.
Outline the specific actions with regards the strategy,
I have done it before but i did not finished it so the professor ask me to compare , i will show you the first paper i did , all i want is to finished the first paper properly , i will upload my already answer question but i need to finish properly and also i will give you an example file for the strategies file the professor gave me
I have send the previous answer i did , but i want you to try and use the example and make a better one for me , , look at my previous answer
read it and you we see the professor comment at the end of the paper ,
Attached also is an example of strategies and lobbying
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