Business Tourism

Business Tourism

Business Tourism

These exercises are designed to improve your critical thinking skills and your analytical writing abilities. For each theory assigned, you must write a one-page essay, due on the day indicated on the Moodle drop box provided. This essays should have the following sections: Title: The first line should contain a brief title expressive of the main point of your essay. Summary: Very briefly summarize, in your own words, the main idea and purpose of the theory. This should be no more than a short (3 to 4 sentence) paragraph. These essays are exercises in analytical thinking and critical writing, not in creating a simple summary of the theory. Here you may use a diagram (use smart art or drawing tools in word). If you use a diagram include it as an appendix on a second page. It will not count towards the length of the essay. Analysis: Analyze how this theory can be applied in creating tourism strategy and policy. This analytical section should be the bulk of your essay. In this section you should discuss how the theory can inform decision making and the  creation sound tourism policy. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the theory and possible ways to mitigate those weaknesses. This section must include secondary research into the theory and its’ application. You must provide at least two additional outside sources of information that are properly cited and referenced in APA format. Conclusion: Very briefly conclude, in your own words, why this theory is important in studying tourism. This should be no more than a short (2 to 3 sentence) paragraph.. For this essay, it is far better to restrict yourself to a small number of important ideas (2 to 3 critical arguments) articulated clearly, than to produce a laundry list of superficially expressed issues. These essays are not meant to be definitive. Rather, I am looking for evidence that you have understood and really thought about the theory in the broader context of the course. In many instances, it is more important to recognize and articulate interesting connections rather than to come up with the right answer. These are formal writing assignments and should be treated as such. You may quote directly from your secondary research, but you to do so sparingly, and only when absolutely necessary. Instead of relying on quotation, it is better to try to accurately paraphrase, in your own words. You must use APA citation and referencing to properly cite and reference both direct quotes and paraphrasing. Failure to do so may result in a zero grade for your paper. Technical Requirements: This essay should be precisely one page, no more and no less. Essays should be written in 12 point font (Times or Times New Roman), 1.5 spaced, and with 1 inch margins all around. Your first and last names should appear, right justified, in the header. Upload your completed paper using the Moodle drop box provided. Save your word document with the following name: “BUAD 206 YourLastName,


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Business Tourism


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