Major events and attitudes that shape current perceptions toward welfare

Major events and attitudes that shape current perceptions toward welfare

Textbook: Human Services In Contemporary America 9th edition William R. Burger.


Read Chapter 3 of Berger’s text.

Prepare to share in discussion on the following points:

Attitudes toward helping the poor and specific groups like the mentally ill have evolved throughout history, and are often influenced by historical events and movements.Identify at least two historical periods or events and discuss their resulting effect on the public’s attitude toward providing human services.

Reflect on modern society. What are some of the major events and attitudes that shape current perceptions toward welfare? How might this affect a client’s perception of being a recipient of services?

Solution preview for the order on major events and attitudes that shape current perceptions toward welfare

Reflect on modern society. What are some of the major events and attitudes that shape current perceptions toward welfare?


358 words