Explain the neo Confucian renovation.
University level essay about East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective
[detail requirement and materials needed are in attachment]
Please choose one of the following questions, and write a response of 6 full pages.
We recommend you to write a paper with a well structured argument that is supported by course readings, lectures, and/or outside readings with proper citations. You have to turn in your final exam to Turnitin.comvia TritonEd. We do not accept submissions through emails or physical copies.
• Explain the problem of moral markets.
• Explain the neo Confucian renovation.
• Explain the logic of East Asian law.
• Explain the five constant virtues with a particular emphasis on Ren.
• Explain self-cultivation and its political significance.
• Explain the overall significance of the family for human flourishing.
• Is Confucianism compatible with contemporary economic concepts? Explain.
• Is Confucianism liberal or conservative?
Please include at least one quotation from the following book.
Wm. Theodore de Bary, and Irene Bloom. 1999. Sources of Chinese Tradition, Vol. I: From Earliest Times to 1600. Columbia University Press.
I expect the book I mentioned in the description.
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