From the Syllabus: “A paper is a deeper exploration of a class’s primary source(s): 2-3 double-
spaced pages in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font. They are submitted via Canvas, anytime before
finals week, as well as submitted in-person with a hard copy. A Paper should feature strong
spaced pages in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font. They are submitted via Canvas, anytime before
finals week, as well as submitted in-person with a hard copy. A Paper should feature strong
From the Syllabus: “A paper is a deeper exploration of a class’s primary source(s): 2-3 double-
spaced pages in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font. They are submitted via Canvas, anytime before
finals week, as well as submitted in-person with a hard copy. A Paper should feature strong
analysis of the source(s), answering the sorts of questions outlined in the “Analyzing Primary
Sources” tip sheet and asked by presenters. Strong citations, and their evaluation, is a necessity;
style does not matter, as long as line numbers are noted.”
Essentially, this is a sustained exegetical treatment of one or two primary sources from a class. I
suggest you focus on one source even if there were two sources assigned that day. This means
you should:
Briefly describe the perspective of the source: its authorship, the type of source it is, the
historical context.
Analyze, as you would during class, the message(s) of the source and why it is
historically significant.
Identify lacunae or biases in the source: what is being left out? what is being selectively
interpreted? etc.
Apply the source: what does it tell us about that specific historical era? what does it fail
to tell us? how does it still affect our present day?
Also, if you do decide to explore two sources, discuss whether the authors agree or disagree, and
the reasons for their agreement or disagreement.
Style is informal:
For instance: Many formerly-enslaved persons believed that “the reign of terror [was] set up in this
county” (Easley 17). “I am aiming to send this letter to Dallas, to have it mailed,” Easley wrote. “It is
impossible to have anything of the kind sent from this county by mail. The postmasters
are all Ku Klux” (82-83).
In particular, your grade will be composed as follows:
60 pts: your engagement with the text(s), quoting effectively (with line numbers).
15 pts: your identification of the important historical issues engaged by the source(s).
15 pts: your application of these historical issues; i.e., what the source(s) tell us about
their period as well as ours.
10 pts: your organization of the paper: brief intro, body paragraphs, and a conclusion that
expands the paper’s findings.
my two sources will be provided below. Please use basically only these two as the sources.
if there are any questions please message me!
Requirements: 2-3 pages, informal
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